The First and Second Epistles of Peter: Ministry Pertaining to the Care of Jewish Converts [Paperback]

The First and Second Epistles of Peter: Ministry Pertaining to the Care of Jewish Converts by Stanley Bruce Anstey
Tract back page
Paperback, 10.5-Point Type
Page Size:
5.25" x 7.7" x .3
150 pages
Price Each
Note: The minimum quantity for this product with a custom imprint is 100.

About This Product

From the earliest days of Christianity when things in the ways of God were in transition (dispensationally) from Judaism to Christianity, there has been a need for Jewish believers in Christ to be instructed in this new departure of God. It is why the Hebrew-Christian epistles (Hebrews, James, 1 & 2 Peter) were written and included in the canon of Scripture.

Many things in Judaism had formed the consciences of those raised in that God-given religion which were not easy for them to let go of, having become Christians. These scruples clung to those dear believers (understandably so) and tended to hinder them from walking in the liberty of Christianity. Hence, there was a real need for the truth in the Hebrew-Christian epistles in the early days of Christianity when most of the saints in the Church were from a Jewish background. Since Jews have been steadily coming to Christ for salvation from those days until now, these epistles are an important part of the truth that was once delivered to the saints (Jude 3).

In Peter’s two epistles, he labors to establish Jewish believers in the new way of life in Christianity and in the exercises that are proper to Christians walking in the path of faith. For this reason, his ministry has a practical application to Gentile believers, too, for all Christians can profit from his practical exhortations regarding Christian living.

Table of Contents

1. Introduction

2. New Christian Blessings

3. New Christian Relationships

4. Natural Relationships

5. Various Aspects of Suffering in the Path of Faith
