The Twenty-Third Psalm [Pamphlet]

The Twenty-Third Psalm by Clifford Henry Brown
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16 pages
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About This Product

Someone has called our attention to the fact that in the 22nd Psalm, 23rd Psalm and 24th Psalm we have what might be called, "The cross and the crook and the crown." So, our Lord has passed through the horrible experience of the 22nd Psalm; He has borne our sins in His own body on the tree. By and by He is going to come forth in glory clouds to take over this scene, to reign, to rule, and to set everything right that is wrong in this present world. God has promised it, and in no detail can it fail! But, in the meantime, here we are a company of believers gathered from various walks of life, various backgrounds; all sharing in common the wilderness experience. We're not in heaven. We are going to be, but we're not there yet. So, the Word of God has provided for us—God has given us a chart and a compass. We have the Word of God, we have the Spirit of God, and we have the shepherd care of Christ as we go on our way.

We know not whether this way may be long or short. There is nothing more fragile than the thread of life. We have been reminded of it in a very startling way this past week (the assassination of the President of the United States). So, you and I cannot say we will be here a week from today-none of us! We know the Lord's coming is imminent; it may happen today. And, if not there may be that experience that the Psalmist here alludes to when he speaks of, "the valley of the shadow of death." How uncertain is life!

Let us seek with renewed confidence to let Him have our life altogether, and not try to divide it, part with the world, and part for Him. Let Him have it all!
