What Meanest Thou, O Sleeper?

IT is a fearful thing to be an infidel, denying the God who gave him breath. It is a terrible thing to be a blasphemer, taking in vain the holy name of the One who has power in a moment to hurl him into eternity―to be a drunkard, sinking himself to a lower level than the very beast―to be a self-righteous person, fancying that the religiousness which satisfies himself will satisfy God: all these characters are terrible enough; but to me not one of them is so inexplicable as the indifferent man or woman. O indifferent soul! you who read your Bible and say your prayers, you who go to hear the gospel preached, and perhaps come away saying, “What a nice sermon we had tonight,” you who give a ready assent to what is said to you about God and eternity, and yet—and yet―have never come to Christ for salvation, what do you mean? What can you be thinking of? You believe there is a God; then how dare you remain unprepared to meet Him? You believe there is a Saviour; then how can you slight His love which is yearning to bless you? You believe there is a heaven; then how can you rest without knowing that you are bound for it? You believe there is a hell; then how dare you float easily, carelessly, on towards its eternal woe?
The infidel, in his fatal blindness, refuses to believe these things; but you believe them with your head, you take them for granted, and yet your heart and conscience are unreached by them.
O indifferent soul awake! AWAKE! you are being lulled to sleep in the arms of Satan on the very brink of hell.
Those devouring flames―those unending woes are just ahead of you: you know it, you own it, and you care not. “What meanest thou, O sleeper? Arise, call upon Thy God.” Yes, cry out to God; tell Him of your sin and your danger; stretch out the hand of faith to Christ, and He will, yes, He will, snatch you from the grasp of your cruel foe―take you to the shelter of His Almighty arms, to the embrace of His loving heart.
O indifferent soul! Satan is, triumphing over you―triumphing in the thought that soon your careless slumbers will end in eternal unrest, that forever and forever―and forever you will share his doom―you will partake of his torments.
Jesus is yearning over you with love and pity inexpressible; His voice is calling you; His arms are outstretched to receive you.
God is offering a Father’s welcome―a Father’s home for all eternity. You know all this? Then why not come to the point now? Is it so hard to decide between heaven and hell, so hard to decide between Christ and Satan? Is it too much trouble to repent, too much trouble to believe? Too hard? Too much trouble? God did not think it too hard to give up His only Son for you; the Lord Jesus Christ did not think it too much trouble to die for you, and yet you cannot take the trouble to turn to Him and live?
O precious soul, immortal soul! for whose sake His life’s blood was shed, trifle no longer—slumber no longer! awake! awake!
C. H. P.