depart, froward, perverse(-ness) (Hebrew #3868)

2:15   Whose ways
'orach (Hebrew #734)
a well-trodden road (literally or figuratively); also a caravan
KJV usage: manner, path, race, rank, traveller, troop, (by-, high-)way.
Pronounce: o'-rakh
Origin: from 732
are crooked
`iqqesh (Hebrew #6141)
distorted; hence, false
KJV usage: crooked, froward, perverse.
Pronounce: ik-kashe'
Origin: from 6140
, and they froward
luwz (Hebrew #3868)
to turn aside (compare 3867, 3874 and 3885), i.e. (literally) to depart, (figuratively) be perverse
KJV usage: depart, froward, perverse(-ness).
Pronounce: looz
Origin: a primitive root
in their paths
ma`gal (Hebrew #4570)
from the same as 5696; a track (literally or figuratively); also a rampart (as circular)
KJV usage: going, path, trench, way((-side)).
Pronounce: mah-gawl'
Origin: or feminine mapgalah {mah-gaw-law'}
3:21  My son
ben (Hebrew #1121)
a son (as a builder of the family name), in the widest sense (of literal and figurative relationship, including grandson, subject, nation, quality or condition, etc., (like 1, 251, etc.))
KJV usage: + afflicted, age, (Ahoh-) (Ammon-) (Hachmon-) (Lev-)ite, (anoint-)ed one, appointed to, (+) arrow, (Assyr-) (Babylon-) (Egypt-) (Grec-)ian, one born, bough, branch, breed, + (young) bullock, + (young) calf, X came up in, child, colt, X common, X corn, daughter, X of first, + firstborn, foal, + very fruitful, + postage, X in, + kid, + lamb, (+) man, meet, + mighty, + nephew, old, (+) people, + rebel, + robber, X servant born, X soldier, son, + spark, + steward, + stranger, X surely, them of, + tumultuous one, + valiant(-est), whelp, worthy, young (one), youth.
Pronounce: bane
Origin: from {SI 11129}1129{/SI}
, let not them depart
luwz (Hebrew #3868)
to turn aside (compare 3867, 3874 and 3885), i.e. (literally) to depart, (figuratively) be perverse
KJV usage: depart, froward, perverse(-ness).
Pronounce: looz
Origin: a primitive root
from thine eyes
`ayin (Hebrew #5869)
an eye (literally or figuratively); by analogy, a fountain (as the eye of the landscape)
KJV usage: affliction, outward appearance, + before, + think best, colour, conceit, + be content, countenance, + displease, eye((-brow), (-d), -sight), face, + favour, fountain, furrow (from the margin), X him, + humble, knowledge, look, (+ well), X me, open(-ly), + (not) please, presence, + regard, resemblance, sight, X thee, X them, + think, X us, well, X you(-rselves).
Pronounce: ah'-yin
Origin: probably a primitive word
: keep
natsar (Hebrew #5341)
to guard, in a good sense (to protect, maintain, obey, etc.) or a bad one (to conceal, etc.)
KJV usage: besieged, hidden thing, keep(-er, -ing), monument, observe, preserve(-r), subtil, watcher(-man).
Pronounce: naw-tsar'
Origin: a primitive root
sound wisdom
tuwshiyah (Hebrew #8454)
from an unused root probably meaning to substantiate; support or (by implication) ability, i.e. (direct) help, (in purpose) an undertaking, (intellectual) understanding
KJV usage: enterprise, that which (thing as it) is, substance, (sound) wisdom, working.
Pronounce: too-shee-yaw'
Origin: or tushiyah { too-shee-yaw'}
and discretion
mzimmah (Hebrew #4209)
a plan, usually evil (machination), sometimes good (sagacity)
KJV usage: (wicked) device, discretion, intent, witty invention, lewdness, mischievous (device), thought, wickedly.
Pronounce: mez-im-maw'
Origin: from 2161
3:32   For the froward
luwz (Hebrew #3868)
to turn aside (compare 3867, 3874 and 3885), i.e. (literally) to depart, (figuratively) be perverse
KJV usage: depart, froward, perverse(-ness).
Pronounce: looz
Origin: a primitive root
is abomination
tow`ebah (Hebrew #8441)
feminine active participle of 8581; properly, something disgusting (morally), i.e. (as noun) an abhorrence; especially idolatry or (concretely) an idol
KJV usage: abominable (custom, thing), abomination.
Pronounce: to-ay-baw'
Origin: or tonebah {to-ay-baw'}
to the Lord
Yhovah (Hebrew #3068)
(the) self-Existent or Eternal; Jehovah, Jewish national name of God
KJV usage: Jehovah, the Lord. Compare 3050, 3069.
Pronounce: yeh-ho-vaw'
Origin: from 1961
: but his secret
cowd (Hebrew #5475)
a session, i.e. company of persons (in close deliberation); by implication, intimacy, consultation, a secret
KJV usage: assembly, consel, inward, secret (counsel).
Pronounce: sode
Origin: from 3245
is with the righteous
yashar (Hebrew #3477)
straight (literally or figuratively)
KJV usage: convenient, equity, Jasher, just, meet(-est), + pleased well right(-eous), straight, (most) upright(-ly, -ness).
Pronounce: yaw-shawr'
Origin: from 3474
4:21  Let them not depart
luwz (Hebrew #3868)
to turn aside (compare 3867, 3874 and 3885), i.e. (literally) to depart, (figuratively) be perverse
KJV usage: depart, froward, perverse(-ness).
Pronounce: looz
Origin: a primitive root
from thine eyes
`ayin (Hebrew #5869)
an eye (literally or figuratively); by analogy, a fountain (as the eye of the landscape)
KJV usage: affliction, outward appearance, + before, + think best, colour, conceit, + be content, countenance, + displease, eye((-brow), (-d), -sight), face, + favour, fountain, furrow (from the margin), X him, + humble, knowledge, look, (+ well), X me, open(-ly), + (not) please, presence, + regard, resemblance, sight, X thee, X them, + think, X us, well, X you(-rselves).
Pronounce: ah'-yin
Origin: probably a primitive word
; keep
shamar (Hebrew #8104)
properly, to hedge about (as with thorns), i.e. guard; generally, to protect, attend to, etc.
KJV usage: beward, be circumspect, take heed (to self), keep(-er, self), mark, look narrowly, observe, preserve, regard, reserve, save (self), sure, (that lay) wait (for), watch(-man).
Pronounce: shaw-mar'
Origin: a primitive root
them in the midst
tavek (Hebrew #8432)
a bisection, i.e. (by implication) the centre
KJV usage: among(-st), X between, half, X (there- ,where-), in(-to), middle, mid(-night), midst (among), X out (of), X through, X with(-in).
Pronounce: taw'-vek
Origin: from an unused root meaning to sever
of thine heart
lebab (Hebrew #3824)
the heart (as the most interior organ); used also like 3820
KJV usage: + bethink themselves, breast, comfortably, courage, ((faint), (tender-)heart((-ed)), midst, mind, X unawares, understanding.
Pronounce: lay-bawb'
Origin: from 3823
14:2   He that walketh
halak (Hebrew #1980)
a primitive root; to walk (in a great variety of applications, literally and figuratively)
KJV usage: (all) along, apace, behave (self), come, (on) continually, be conversant, depart, + be eased, enter, exercise (self), + follow, forth, forward, get, go (about, abroad, along, away, forward, on, out, up and down), + greater, grow, be wont to haunt, lead, march, X more and more, move (self), needs, on, pass (away), be at the point, quite, run (along), + send, speedily, spread, still, surely, + tale-bearer, + travel(-ler), walk (abroad, on, to and fro, up and down, to places), wander, wax, (way-)faring man, X be weak, whirl.
Pronounce: haw-lak'
Origin: akin to 3212
in his uprightness
yosher (Hebrew #3476)
the right
KJV usage: equity, meet, right, upright(-ness).
Pronounce: yo'-sher
Origin: from 3474
yare' (Hebrew #3373)
fearing; morally, reverent
KJV usage: afraid, fear (-ful).
Pronounce: yaw-ray'
Origin: from 3372
the Lord
Yhovah (Hebrew #3068)
(the) self-Existent or Eternal; Jehovah, Jewish national name of God
KJV usage: Jehovah, the Lord. Compare 3050, 3069.
Pronounce: yeh-ho-vaw'
Origin: from 1961
: but he that is perverse
luwz (Hebrew #3868)
to turn aside (compare 3867, 3874 and 3885), i.e. (literally) to depart, (figuratively) be perverse
KJV usage: depart, froward, perverse(-ness).
Pronounce: looz
Origin: a primitive root
in his ways
derek (Hebrew #1870)
a road (as trodden); figuratively, a course of life or mode of action, often adverb
KJV usage: along, away, because of, + by, conversation, custom, (east-)ward, journey, manner, passenger, through, toward, (high-) (path-)way(-side), whither(-soever).
Pronounce: deh'-rek
Origin: from 1869
bazah (Hebrew #959)
to disesteem
KJV usage: despise, disdain, contemn(-ptible), + think to scorn, vile person.
Pronounce: baw-zaw'
Origin: a primitive root
30:12   Wherefore thus saith
'amar (Hebrew #559)
to say (used with great latitude)
KJV usage: answer, appoint, avouch, bid, boast self, call, certify, challenge, charge, + (at the, give) command(-ment), commune, consider, declare, demand, X desire, determine, X expressly, X indeed, X intend, name, X plainly, promise, publish, report, require, say, speak (against, of), X still, X suppose, talk, tell, term, X that is, X think, use (speech), utter, X verily, X yet.
Pronounce: aw-mar'
Origin: a primitive root
the Holy One
qadowsh (Hebrew #6918)
from 6942; sacred (ceremonially or morally); (as noun) God (by eminence), an angel, a saint, a sanctuary
KJV usage: holy (One), saint.
Pronounce: kaw-doshe'
Origin: or qadosh {kaw-doshe'}
of Israel
Yisra'el (Hebrew #3478)
from 8280 and 410; he will rule as God; Jisrael, a symbolical name of Jacob; also (typically) of his posterity: --Israel.
Pronounce: yis-raw-ale'
, Because ye despise
ma'ac (Hebrew #3988)
to spurn; also (intransitively) to disappear
KJV usage: abhor, cast away (off), contemn, despise, disdain, (become) loathe(some), melt away, refuse, reject, reprobate, X utterly, vile person.
Pronounce: maw-as'
Origin: a primitive root
this word
dabar (Hebrew #1697)
a word; by implication, a matter (as spoken of) or thing; adverbially, a cause
KJV usage: act, advice, affair, answer, X any such (thing), because of, book, business, care, case, cause, certain rate, + chronicles, commandment, X commune(-ication), + concern(-ing), + confer, counsel, + dearth, decree, deed, X disease, due, duty, effect, + eloquent, errand, (evil favoured-)ness, + glory, + harm, hurt, + iniquity, + judgment, language, + lying, manner, matter, message, (no) thing, oracle, X ought, X parts, + pertaining, + please, portion, + power, promise, provision, purpose, question, rate, reason, report, request, X (as hast) said, sake, saying, sentence, + sign, + so, some (uncleanness), somewhat to say, + song, speech, X spoken, talk, task, + that, X there done, thing (concerning), thought, + thus, tidings, what(-soever), + wherewith, which, word, work.
Pronounce: daw-baw'
Origin: from 1696
, and trust
batach (Hebrew #982)
properly, to hie for refuge (but not so precipitately as 2620); figuratively, to trust, be confident or sure
KJV usage: be bold (confident, secure, sure), careless (one, woman), put confidence, (make to) hope, (put, make to) trust.
Pronounce: baw-takh'
Origin: a primitive root
in oppression
`osheq (Hebrew #6233)
injury, fraud, (subjectively) distress, (concretely) unjust gain
KJV usage: cruelly, extortion, oppression, thing (deceitfully gotten).
Pronounce: o'-shek
Origin: from 6231
and perverseness
luwz (Hebrew #3868)
to turn aside (compare 3867, 3874 and 3885), i.e. (literally) to depart, (figuratively) be perverse
KJV usage: depart, froward, perverse(-ness).
Pronounce: looz
Origin: a primitive root
, and stay
sha`an (Hebrew #8172)
to support one's self
KJV usage: lean, lie, rely, rest (on, self), stay.
Pronounce: shaw-an'
Origin: a primitive root