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Ezekiel 8

Ez. 8:16 KJV (With Strong’s)

And he brought
bow' (Hebrew #935)
to go or come (in a wide variety of applications)
KJV usage: abide, apply, attain, X be, befall, + besiege, bring (forth, in, into, to pass), call, carry, X certainly, (cause, let, thing for) to come (against, in, out, upon, to pass), depart, X doubtless again, + eat, + employ, (cause to) enter (in, into, -tering, -trance, -try), be fallen, fetch, + follow, get, give, go (down, in, to war), grant, + have, X indeed, (in-)vade, lead, lift (up), mention, pull in, put, resort, run (down), send, set, X (well) stricken (in age), X surely, take (in), way.
Pronounce: bo
Origin: a primitive root
me into the inner
pniymiy (Hebrew #6442)
KJV usage: (with-)in(-ner, - ward).
Pronounce: pen-ee-mee'
Origin: from 6440
chatser (Hebrew #2691)
from 2690 in its original sense; a yard (as inclosed by a fence); also a hamlet (as similarly surrounded with walls)
KJV usage: court, tower, village.
Pronounce: khaw-tsare'
Origin: (masculine and feminine)
of the Lord’s
Yhovah (Hebrew #3068)
(the) self-Existent or Eternal; Jehovah, Jewish national name of God
KJV usage: Jehovah, the Lord. Compare 3050, 3069.
Pronounce: yeh-ho-vaw'
Origin: from 1961
bayith (Hebrew #1004)
a house (in the greatest variation of applications, especially family, etc.)
KJV usage: court, daughter, door, + dungeon, family, + forth of, X great as would contain, hangings, home(born), (winter)house(-hold), inside(-ward), palace, place, + prison, + steward, + tablet, temple, web, + within(-out).
Pronounce: bah'-yith
Origin: probably from 1129 abbreviated
, and, behold, at the door
pethach (Hebrew #6607)
an opening (literally), i.e. door (gate) or entrance way
KJV usage: door, entering (in), entrance (-ry), gate, opening, place.
Pronounce: peh'-thakh
Origin: from 6605
of the temple
heykal (Hebrew #1964)
a large public building, such as a palace or temple
KJV usage: palace, temple.
Pronounce: hay-kawl'
Origin: probably from 3201 (in the sense of capacity)
of the Lord
Yhovah (Hebrew #3068)
(the) self-Existent or Eternal; Jehovah, Jewish national name of God
KJV usage: Jehovah, the Lord. Compare 3050, 3069.
Pronounce: yeh-ho-vaw'
Origin: from 1961
, betweeni the porch
'uwlam (Hebrew #197)
from 481 (in the sense of tying); a vestibule (as bound to the building)
KJV usage: porch.
Pronounce: oo-lawm'
Origin: or (shortened) ,ulam {oo-lawm'}
and the altar
mizbeach (Hebrew #4196)
an altar
KJV usage: altar.
Pronounce: miz-bay'-akh
Origin: from 2076
, were about five
chamesh (Hebrew #2568)
a primitive numeral; five
KJV usage: fif(-teen), fifth, five (X apiece).
Pronounce: khaw-maysh'
Origin: masculine chamishshah {kham-ish-shaw}
k and twenty
`esriym (Hebrew #6242)
twenty; also (ordinal) twentieth
KJV usage: (six-)score, twenty(-ieth).
Pronounce: es-reem'
Origin: from 6235
'iysh (Hebrew #376)
a man as an individual or a male person; often used as an adjunct to a more definite term (and in such cases frequently not expressed in translation)
KJV usage: also, another, any (man), a certain, + champion, consent, each, every (one), fellow, (foot-, husband-)man, (good-, great, mighty) man, he, high (degree), him (that is), husband, man(-kind), + none, one, people, person, + steward, what (man) soever, whoso(-ever), worthy. Compare 802.
Pronounce: eesh
Origin: contracted for 582 (or perhaps rather from an unused root meaning to be extant)
, with their backs
'achowr (Hebrew #268)
from 299; the hinder part; hence (adverb) behind, backward; also (as facing north) the West
KJV usage: after(-ward), back (part, -side, -ward), hereafter, (be-)hind(-er part), time to come, without.
Pronounce: aw-khore'
Origin: or (shortened) achor {aw-khore'}
towardl the temple
heykal (Hebrew #1964)
a large public building, such as a palace or temple
KJV usage: palace, temple.
Pronounce: hay-kawl'
Origin: probably from 3201 (in the sense of capacity)
of the Lord
Yhovah (Hebrew #3068)
(the) self-Existent or Eternal; Jehovah, Jewish national name of God
KJV usage: Jehovah, the Lord. Compare 3050, 3069.
Pronounce: yeh-ho-vaw'
Origin: from 1961
, and their faces
paniym (Hebrew #6440)
the face (as the part that turns); used in a great variety of applications (literally and figuratively); also (with prepositional prefix) as a preposition (before, etc.)
KJV usage: + accept, a-(be- )fore(-time), against, anger, X as (long as), at, + battle, + because (of), + beseech, countenance, edge, + employ, endure, + enquire, face, favour, fear of, for, forefront(-part), form(-er time, -ward), from, front, heaviness, X him(-self), + honourable, + impudent, + in, it, look(-eth) (- s), X me, + meet, X more than, mouth, of, off, (of) old (time), X on, open, + out of, over against, the partial, person, + please, presence, propect, was purposed, by reason of, + regard, right forth, + serve, X shewbread, sight, state, straight, + street, X thee, X them(-selves), through (+ - out), till, time(-s) past, (un-)to(-ward), + upon, upside (+ down), with(- in, + -stand), X ye, X you.
Pronounce: paw-neem'
Origin: plural (but always as singular) of an unused noun (paneh {paw-neh'}; from 6437)
toward the east
qedem (Hebrew #6924)
from 6923; the front, of place (absolutely, the fore part, relatively the East) or time (antiquity); often used adverbially (before, anciently, eastward)
KJV usage: aforetime, ancient (time), before, east (end, part, side, -ward), eternal, X ever(-lasting), forward, old, past. Compare 6926.
Pronounce: keh'-dem
Origin: or qedmah {kayd'-maw}
; and they worshipped
shachah (Hebrew #7812)
to depress, i.e. prostrate (especially reflexive, in homage to royalty or God)
KJV usage: bow (self) down, crouch, fall down (flat), humbly beseech, do (make) obeisance, do reverence, make to stoop, worship.
Pronounce: shaw-khaw'
Origin: a primitive root
the sun
shemesh (Hebrew #8121)
the sun; by implication, the east; figuratively, a ray, i.e. (arch.) a notched battlement
KJV usage: + east side(-ward), sun ((rising)), + west(-ward), window. See also 1053.
Pronounce: sheh'-mesh
Origin: from an unused root meaning to be brilliant
m toward the east
qedem (Hebrew #6924)
from 6923; the front, of place (absolutely, the fore part, relatively the East) or time (antiquity); often used adverbially (before, anciently, eastward)
KJV usage: aforetime, ancient (time), before, east (end, part, side, -ward), eternal, X ever(-lasting), forward, old, past. Compare 6926.
Pronounce: keh'-dem
Origin: or qedmah {kayd'-maw}

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Ministry on This Verse

the inner.
at the door.
with their.
their faces.
Dt. 4:19• 19Y porque alzando tus ojos al cielo, y viendo el sol y la luna y las estrellas, y todo el ejército del cielo, no seas incitado, y te inclines á ellos, y les sirvas; que Jehová tu Dios los ha concedido á todos los pueblos debajo de todos los cielos. (Dt. 4:19)
Dt. 17:3• 3Que hubiere ido y servido á dioses ajenos, y se hubiere inclinado á ellos, ora al sol, ó á la luna, ó á todo el ejército del cielo, lo cual yo no he mandado; (Dt. 17:3)
2 R. 23:5,11• 5Y quitó á los Camoreos, que habían puesto los reyes de Judá para que quemasen perfumes en los altos en las ciudades de Judá, y en los alrededores de Jerusalem; y asimismo á los que quemaban perfumes á Baal, al sol y á la luna, y á los signos, y á todo el ejército del cielo.
11Quitó también los caballos que los reyes de Judá habían dedicado al sol á la entrada del templo de Jehová, junto á la cámara de Nathan-melech eunuco, el cual tenía cargo de los ejidos; y quemó al fuego los carros del sol.
(2 R. 23:5,11)
Job 31:26‑28• 26Si he mirado al sol cuando resplandecía, Y á la luna cuando iba hermosa,
27Y mi corazón se engañó en secreto, Y mi boca besó mi mano:
28Esto también fuera maldad juzgada; Porque habría negado al Dios soberano.
(Job 31:26‑28)
Jer. 44:17• 17Antes pondremos ciertamente por obra toda palabra que ha salido de nuestra boca, para ofrecer sahumerios á la reina del cielo, y derramándole libaciones, como hemos hecho nosotros y nuestros padres, nuestros reyes y nuestros príncipes, en las ciudades de Judá y en las plazas de Jerusalem, y fuimos hartos de pan, y estuvimos alegres, y no vimos mal alguno. (Jer. 44:17)
Hch. 7:42‑43• 42Y Dios se apartó, y los entregó que sirviesen al ejército del cielo; como está escrito en el libro de los profetas: ¿Me ofrecisteis víctimas y sacrificios En el desierto por cuarenta años, casa de Israel?
43Antes, trajisteis el tabernáculo de Moloch, Y la estrella de vuestro dios Remphan: Figuras que os hicisteis para adorarlas: Os transportaré pues, más allá de Babilonia.
(Hch. 7:42‑43)
and they.It seems that the Jews had incorporated every species of idolatry into their worship, Egyptian, Phoenician, and Persian; for this evidently was the Magian worship of the sun.
 The prophet particularly notes their number answering to the courses of priesthood and the high priest. (Notes on Ezekiel 8-9 by W. Kelly)

J. N. Darby Translation

And he brought me into the inner court of Jehovah’s house, and behold, at the entry of the temple of Jehovah, between the porch and the altar, were about five and twenty men, with their backs toward the temple of Jehovah and their faces toward the east; and they worshipped the sun toward the east.