The Good Samaritan [Tract]

The Good Samaritan
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Full Color Gospel Tract
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4 pages
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About This Product

Have you ever read the story of the Good Samaritan? You can read it in the Bible in Luke 10. It is a story that Jesus told about a man who was caught by thieves while walking from Jerusalem to Jericho. They hurt him and left him by the side of the road half dead. This reminds us of how sin hurts us and leaves us unable to help ourselves.

The Bible story says that the first person who passed by the injured man did not even stop to ask if he could help! He was a religious person, but was too busy to stop. The second person who passed the wounded man wouldn’t stop to help him, either. Finally, we read of the Samaritan who not only stopped, but picked up the man and put him on his own donkey and carried him to an inn.

Melody’s Good Samaritan

A very similar thing happened once to Melody when she was nine years old. She was at a camp up in the mountains where there was about five feet of snow on the ground. Melody was taking a shortcut between the lunchroom and the cabin when her boot got stuck in the snow … and she couldn’t get it out! However, she was very close to a narrow path that went down the long hill.

Soon a lady came down the path and stopped to ask why Melody was digging there in the snow. Melody explained that her boot was stuck and she couldn’t get it out. The lady said she was sorry, but if she helped dig for the boot, she would ruin her clothes. Then she went on, saying she would see if she could get help. The next person to pass Melody was a whistling man who never even stopped.

Then Melody saw her father standing at the top of the hill. She knew her father loved her and wouldn’t leave her stranded. She called to him, and he came right down to help her get her boot out.

When Melody saw her father coming, do you think she told him she didn’t need him? No! She knew she needed someone bigger than herself to get the boot out of the snow. Do you think that the wounded man by the side of the road told the Samaritan that he would soon recover if left alone? No! But many people seem to think they can get out of their sins by themselves! Isn’t that foolish? There is only one Person who can take away your sins.

We Need the Good Samaritan Too

He is God’s Son, the Lord Jesus Christ. He died on Calvary’s cross to take away the sins of every one who accepts Him as Saviour. “When we were yet without strength … Christ died for the ungodly [sinners]” (Romans 5:6).

After the Samaritan, who is a picture of Jesus, rescued the wounded man, he paid the innkeeper to care for the man and promised to come back later. Jesus will be coming back soon to take to heaven everyone who belongs to Him! Will you be ready for Him? You need to believe that Jesus paid the cost for your sins. “Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and thou shalt be saved” (Acts 16:31). “As many as received Him, to them gave He power to become the sons of God, even to them that believe on His name” (John 1:12).
