Articles on

Isaiah 55

Is. 55:3 KJV (With Strong’s)

natah (Hebrew #5186)
to stretch or spread out; by implication, to bend away (including moral deflection); used in a great variety of application (as follows)
KJV usage: + afternoon, apply, bow (down, - ing), carry aside, decline, deliver, extend, go down, be gone, incline, intend, lay, let down, offer, outstretched, overthrown, pervert, pitch, prolong, put away, shew, spread (out), stretch (forth, out), take (aside), turn (aside, away), wrest, cause to yield.
Pronounce: naw-taw'
Origin: a primitive root
your ear
'ozen (Hebrew #241)
broadness. i.e. (concrete) the ear (from its form in man)
KJV usage: + advertise, audience, + displease, ear, hearing, + show.
Pronounce: o'-zen
Origin: from 238
, and come
yalak (Hebrew #3212)
to walk (literally or figuratively); causatively, to carry (in various senses)
KJV usage: X again, away, bear, bring, carry (away), come (away), depart, flow, + follow(-ing), get (away, hence, him), (cause to, made) go (away, -ing, -ne, one's way, out), grow, lead (forth), let down, march, prosper, + pursue, cause to run, spread, take away ((-journey)), vanish, (cause to) walk(-ing), wax, X be weak.
Pronounce: yaw-lak'
Origin: a primitive root (compare 1980)
unto me: hear
shama` (Hebrew #8085)
to hear intelligently (often with implication of attention, obedience, etc.; causatively, to tell, etc.)
KJV usage: X attentively, call (gather) together, X carefully, X certainly, consent, consider, be content, declare, X diligently, discern, give ear, (cause to, let, make to) hear(-ken, tell), X indeed, listen, make (a) noise, (be) obedient, obey, perceive, (make a) proclaim(-ation), publish, regard, report, shew (forth), (make a) sound, X surely, tell, understand, whosoever (heareth), witness.
Pronounce: shaw-mah'
Origin: a primitive root
, and your soul
nephesh (Hebrew #5315)
properly, a breathing creature, i.e. animal of (abstractly) vitality; used very widely in a literal, accommodated or figurative sense (bodily or mental)
KJV usage: any, appetite, beast, body, breath, creature, X dead(-ly), desire, X (dis-)contented, X fish, ghost, + greedy, he, heart(-y), (hath, X jeopardy of) life (X in jeopardy), lust, man, me, mind, mortally, one, own, person, pleasure, (her-, him-, my-, thy-)self, them (your)-selves, + slay, soul, + tablet, they, thing, (X she) will, X would have it.
Pronounce: neh'-fesh
Origin: from 5314
shall live
chayah (Hebrew #2421)
to live, whether literally or figuratively; causatively, to revive
KJV usage: keep (leave, make) alive, X certainly, give (promise) life, (let, suffer to) live, nourish up, preserve (alive), quicken, recover, repair, restore (to life), revive, (X God) save (alive, life, lives), X surely, be whole.
Pronounce: khaw-yaw'
Origin: a primitive root (compare 2331, 2421)
; and I will make
karath (Hebrew #3772)
to cut (off, down or asunder); by implication, to destroy or consume; specifically, to covenant (i.e. make an alliance or bargain, originally by cutting flesh and passing between the pieces)
KJV usage: be chewed, be con-(feder-)ate, covenant, cut (down, off), destroy, fail, feller, be freed, hew (down), make a league ((covenant)), X lose, perish, X utterly, X want.
Pronounce: kaw-rath'
Origin: a primitive root
an everlasting
`owlam (Hebrew #5769)
from 5956; properly, concealed, i.e. the vanishing point; generally, time out of mind (past or future), i.e. (practically) eternity; frequentatively, adverbial (especially with prepositional prefix) always
KJV usage: alway(-s), ancient (time), any more, continuance, eternal, (for, (n-))ever(-lasting, -more, of old), lasting, long (time), (of) old (time), perpetual, at any time, (beginning of the) world (+ without end). Compare 5331, 5703.
Pronounce: o-lawm'
Origin: or lolam {o-lawm'}
briyth (Hebrew #1285)
a compact (because made by passing between pieces of flesh)
KJV usage: confederacy, (con-)feder(-ate), covenant, league.
Pronounce: ber-eeth'
Origin: from 1262 (in the sense of cutting (like 1254))
u with you, even the sure
'aman (Hebrew #539)
properly, to build up or support; to foster as a parent or nurse; figuratively to render (or be) firm or faithful, to trust or believe, to be permanent or quiet; morally to be true or certain; once (Isa. 30:21; interchangeable with 541) to go to the right hand
KJV usage: hence, assurance, believe, bring up, establish, + fail, be faithful (of long continuance, stedfast, sure, surely, trusty, verified), nurse, (-ing father), (put), trust, turn to the right.
Pronounce: aw-man'
Origin: a primitive root
v mercies
checed (Hebrew #2617)
kindness; by implication (towards God) piety: rarely (by opposition) reproof, or (subject.) beauty
KJV usage: favour, good deed(-liness, -ness), kindly, (loving-)kindness, merciful (kindness), mercy, pity, reproach, wicked thing.
Pronounce: kheh'-sed
Origin: from 2616
of David
David (Hebrew #1732)
Daviyd {daw-veed'}; from the same as 1730; loving; David, the youngest son of Jesse
KJV usage: David.
Pronounce: daw-veed'
Origin: rarely (fully)

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and I will.
the sure.
2 S. 7:8‑17• 8Ahora pues, dirás así á mi siervo David: Así ha dicho Jehová de los ejércitos: Yo te tomé de la majada, de detrás de las ovejas, para que fueses príncipe sobre mi pueblo, sobre Israel;
9Y he sido contigo en todo cuanto has andado, y delante de ti he talado todos tus enemigos, y te he hecho nombre grande, como el nombre de los grandes que son en la tierra.
10Además yo fijaré lugar á mi pueblo Israel; yo lo plantaré, para que habite en su lugar, y nunca más sea removido, ni los inicuos le aflijan más, como antes,
11Desde el día que puse jueces sobre mi pueblo Israel; y yo te daré descanso de todos tus enemigos. Asimimso Jehová te hace saber, que él te quiere hacer casa.
12Y cuando tus días fueren cumplidos, y durmieres con tus padres, yo estableceré tu simiente después de ti, la cual procederá de tus entrañas, y aseguraré su reino.
13El edificará casa á mi nombre, y yo afirmaré para siempre el trono de su reino.
14Yo le seré á él padre, y él me será á mí hijo. Y si él hiciere mal, yo le castigaré con vara de hombres, y con azotes de hijos de hombres;
15Empero mi misericordia no se apartaré de él, como la aparté de Saúl, al cual quité de delante de ti.
16Y será afirmada tu casa y tu reino para siempre delante de tu rostro; y tu trono será estable eternalmente.
17Conforme á todas estas palabras, y conforme á toda esta visión, así habló Nathán á David.
(2 S. 7:8‑17)
Sal. 89:28,35‑37• 28Para siempre le conservaré mi misericordia; Y mi alianza será firme con él.
35Una vez he jurado por mi santidad, Que no mentiré á David.
36Su simiente será para siempre, Y su trono como el sol delante de mí.
37Como la luna será firme para siempre, Y como un testigo fiel en el cielo. (Selah.)
(Sal. 89:28,35‑37)
Jer. 33:20‑21,26• 20Así ha dicho Jehová: Si pudieres invalidar mi concierto con el día y mi concierto con la noche, por manera que no haya día ni noche á su tiempo,
21Podráse también invalidar mi pacto con mi siervo David, para que deje de tener hijo que reine sobre su trono, y con los Levitas y sacerdotes, mis ministros.
26También desecharé la simiente de Jacob, y de David mi siervo, para no tomar de su simiente quien sea señor sobre la simiente de Abraham, de Isaac, y de Jacob. Porque haré volver su cautividad, y tendré de ellos misericordia.
(Jer. 33:20‑21,26)
Ez. 37:24‑25• 24Y mi siervo David será rey sobre ellos, y á todos ellos será un pastor: y andarán en mis derechos, y mis ordenanzas guardarán, y las pondrán por obra.
25Y habitarán en la tierra que dí á mi siervo Jacob, en la cual habitaron vuestros padres, en ella habitarán ellos, y sus hijos, y los hijos de sus hijos para siempre; y mi siervo David les será príncipe para siempre.
(Ez. 37:24‑25)
Hch. 13:34• 34Y que le levantó de los muertos para nunca más volver á corrupción, así lo dijo: Os daré las misericordias fieles de David. (Hch. 13:34)
 So even Gentiles are to enjoy the blessings of “the everlasting covenant”. (Isaiah 55 by F.B. Hole)
 Preaching in the synagogue at Antioch, the Apostle Paul cited the words “the sure mercies of David”, and connected them with the resurrection of the Lord Jesus. These words connect themselves also with what we find in Psalm 89, particularly verses 19-29. In that Psalm mercies are specially emphasized, and the “David” is God’s “Holy One” (verse 19), who is to be made “My Firstborn, higher than the kings of the earth” (verse 27), and “My covenant shall stand fast with Him” (verse 28). Clearly the Psalm contemplates the Son of David, of whom David was but the type. (Isaiah 55 by F.B. Hole)

J. N. Darby Translation

Incline your ear, and come unto me; hear, and your soul shall live; and I will make an everlasting covenant with you, the sure mercies of Davidb.

JND Translation Notes

See Ps. 89.49; Acts 13.34.