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About This Product
This helpful volume includes: a reply to Ultradispensationalism, a reply to the charge that dispensationalism is inherently Arminian, and a reply to the charge that the kingdom offer makes God inherently immoral.
Table of Contents
Acknowledgements ii
Preface iii
Chapter 1: God’s Glory in Christ Manifested in Two Spheres 1
Chapter 2: God’s Government in the Earth Introduced God’s Dispensational Ways and Governmental Administrations 7
Chapter 3: Abraham: Election, Calling and Promise 23
Chapter 4: Israel: Government and Calling Combined 31
Chapter 5: The Two Parentheses 43
Chapter 6: The End of the Trial of the First Man at the Cross, and the Consequence for the Christian 59
Chapter 7: The Mystery and the Rapture 67
Chapter 8: The Ruin of the Church 73
Chapter 9: The Millenium 79
Notes 88
Appendix 1: Did J. N. Darby Systematize Dispensational Truth? 95
Appendix 2: The Opening of the Heavenly Parenthesis:
An Answer to So-called Ultradispensationalism 99
Appendix 3: Is "Dispensationalism" Inherently Arminian? 137
Appendix 4: An objection to the Offer of the Kingdom by
an ‘Authentic Calvinist’ 159
Notes for the Appendices 167
Bibliography 173