Charles Henry Mackintosh & John Alexander Short
"If ever there was a moment in the history of the professing church in which it was necessary for people to have divine authority for their path and divine power to pursue it, this is the moment." The essence of spirtual warfare. …
Booklet, 42 pages
#7688-32, $1.95
John Alexander Short
Do we shine if we don't burn? On John the Baptist.
Folded Card, 4 pages
#1308-32, $0.25
Simple thoughts on the character of music and an appeal to hear what brings life …
Leaflet, 4 pages
#3852-32, $0.25
Encouragement for spiritual seed-sowers.
Booklet, 3.4" x 4.7", 20 pages
#41792-32, $0.95