Sketches of the Quiet in the Land: Lights in the Dark Ages of Germany [Paperback]

Sketches of the Quiet in the Land: Lights in the Dark Ages of Germany by Frances A. Bevan
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440 pages
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About This Product

The Thirty Years’ War in the early 1600s devastated Germany and surrounding areas. But from the burned and blackened landscape rose the tiny new growth of spiritual life watered by the Word of God. You’ll find many profound spiritual lessons drawn from the lives of such men as …

• Gisbert Voet

• John de Labadie

• Gerhardt Ter Steegan

… and others. They emerged from the darkness into the light of God’s never-changing truth. There’s a lot here to search and humble our own souls in this day of high Scriptural knowledge and low spiritual practice.

Table of Contents


2.Chapter 1: A Swamp in German History

3.Chapter 2: How It Fared With the Pastor's Wife

4.Chapter 3: Further Adventures of Pastor Botzinger

5.Chapter 4: Some Brave Women

6.Chapter 5: The Better Part of Valour

7.Chapter 6: Fallen Germany

8.Chapter 7: French Germany

9.Chapter 8: The Quiet in the Land

10.Chapter 9: The Precise Dr. Voet

11.Chapter 10: The Laborious Dr. Koch

12.Chapter 11: Reformers After the Reformation Jer. 33:18

13.Chapter 12: Father Lodensteyn

14.Chapter 13: A Child-Crusader

15.Chapter 14: The Snare Broken

16.Chapter 15: Last Hopes for Rome

17.Chapter 16: A Reformer of the Reformed

18.Chapter 17: The Princess Elizabeth and Her Friend

19.Chapter 18: Réné Descartes and His Pupil

20.Chapter 19: Dr. Koch Once More

21.Chapter 20: Labadie and Anna

22.Chapter 21: The Churches and the Church

23.Chapter 22: A Sect Everywhere Spoken Against

24.Chapter 23: The Abbey of Herford

25.Chapter 24: Elizabeth's Guests

26.Chapter 25: Last Days of Labadie

27.Chapter 26: Elizabeth and the Quakers

28.Chapter 27: Journal of William Penn

29.Chapter 28: Countess Charlotte of Falkenstein

30.Chapter 29: A Last Glimpse of Elizabeth

31.Chapter 30: The Reformation of the Reformed.

32.Chapter 31: The Boyhood of Gerhardt Tersteegen

33.Chapter 32: The Counts and Their Guests

34.Chapter 33: A Visit to the Hermits

35.Chapter 34: Ernest Von Hochmann

36.Chapter 35: Missions to the Orthodox

37.Chapter 36: The Dawn of Day for Gerhardt

38.Chapter 37: Bye-Path Meadow

39.Chapter 38: A Last Glimpse of the Valley of Peace

40.Chapter 39: What Is a Quietist?

41.Chapter 40: The Door Into Heaven

42.Chapter 41: The Mission From Heaven

43.Chapter 42: The Fear of the Lord Is to Depart From Evil

44.Chapter 43: In Labors More Frequent

45.Chapter 44: A Mulheim Sermon

46.Chapter 45: The Pilgrims' Hut

47.Chapter 46: The Saints of Old

48.Chapter 47: A Wittgenstein Hermit

49.Chapter 48: More Turns in the Zigzag

50.Chapter 49: Wayfaring Life in the Rhine Provinces

51.Chapter 50: The Inner Sanctuary

52.Chapter 51: The Mysticism of the Bible

53.Chapter 52: Tersteegen's Friends

54.Chapter 53: The Philosopher of Sans Souci

55.Chapter 54: Nearing the Haven

56.Chapter 55: The Welcome
