The Scripture of Truth [Paperback]

The Scripture of Truth by Sidney Collett
Tract back page
118 pages

About This Product

With the precision of a surgeon’s blade the author clarifies and gives fresh insight to the whole meaning of the Bible in plain language. A close look at these pages will take the reader on a journey back in time to the distant past as well as to the very brink of the future age to come. The information makes compeeling, exciting and eye-opening discoveries as it touches on all the important parts of the Christian faith. This is a book which can be read along with the Bible. It is suitable for teenagers and older.

From the Preface: The study which the preparation of this book has entailed has proved a great help and blessing to the writer, who now commends this work to Him whose glory and honor have been earnestly sought throughout, and whose blessing is now craved; in the hope that, in addition to imparting much-needed information covering a somewhat wide field, it may tend to strengthen the faith of young Christians and others in the Word of God in these days when destructive criticism and skepticism abound on every hand.

Some testimonies about the book:

After preaching in Bath, a lady told me that during the World War she and her husband were both unconverted. A copy of this book however, came into her hands. She read it, and it led her to a heart-knowledge of the Savior. When her husband returned home, she gave it to him; he also read it, and it was the means of his conversion.

On another occasion, after preaching in Bristol, I was introduced to a young man who, I was told, had been converted through the reading of it. With a bright and happy face, he assured me with his own lips that the reading of my book had definitely led him to Christ.

In the spring of 1933, a young man twenty-two years of age wrote me saying that while a cynic and a skeptic he had borrowed this book, and having read it, immediately purchased a copy for himself. Then (to use his own words), he “devoured the contents four times.” “It is a wonderful book,” he added, “one that convinces one thoroughly,” and declared he was “going to read the Bible from cover to cover.” Finally, he thanked me “for making a Christian out of a cynic!”

In August, 1933, a gentleman of position wrote me as follows: “I recently sent a copy of your book to my son, who is a young officer in the Indian Army, and by this mail he writes: ‘I am finding Mr. Collett’s book most interesting; it is clearing up a lot of things which previously were difficult to understand.’” “As the book also has been a real help to me in confirming my faith, it is with pleasure and thankfulness that I pass on to you this tribute from my son.” To God be the glory!

Table of Contents

1.       Beginnings

2.       Science of Scripture

3.       Some Difficult Passages of Scripture

4.       God’s Plan in the Bible as a Whole



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