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1 Chronicles 17

1 Chron. 17:21 KJV (With Strong’s)

Andi what one
'echad (Hebrew #259)
properly, united, i.e. one; or (as an ordinal) first
KJV usage: a, alike, alone, altogether, and, any(-thing), apiece, a certain, (dai-)ly, each (one), + eleven, every, few, first, + highway, a man, once, one, only, other, some, together,
Pronounce: ekh-awd'
Origin: a numeral from 258
gowy (Hebrew #1471)
apparently from the same root as 1465 (in the sense of massing); a foreign nation; hence, a Gentile; also (figuratively) a troop of animals, or a flight of locusts
KJV usage: Gentile, heathen, nation, people.
Pronounce: go'-ee
Origin: rarely (shortened) goy {go'-ee}
in the earth
'erets (Hebrew #776)
the earth (at large, or partitively a land)
KJV usage: X common, country, earth, field, ground, land, X natins, way, + wilderness, world.
Pronounce: eh'-rets
Origin: from an unused root probably meaning to be firm
is like thy people
`am (Hebrew #5971)
a people (as a congregated unit); specifically, a tribe (as those of Israel); hence (collectively) troops or attendants; figuratively, a flock
KJV usage: folk, men, nation, people.
Pronounce: am
Origin: from 6004
Yisra'el (Hebrew #3478)
from 8280 and 410; he will rule as God; Jisrael, a symbolical name of Jacob; also (typically) of his posterity: --Israel.
Pronounce: yis-raw-ale'
, whom God
'elohiym (Hebrew #430)
gods in the ordinary sense; but specifically used (in the plural thus, especially with the article) of the supreme God; occasionally applied by way of deference to magistrates; and sometimes as a superlative
KJV usage: angels, X exceeding, God (gods)(-dess, -ly), X (very) great, judges, X mighty.
Pronounce: el-o-heem'
Origin: plural of 433
halak (Hebrew #1980)
a primitive root; to walk (in a great variety of applications, literally and figuratively)
KJV usage: (all) along, apace, behave (self), come, (on) continually, be conversant, depart, + be eased, enter, exercise (self), + follow, forth, forward, get, go (about, abroad, along, away, forward, on, out, up and down), + greater, grow, be wont to haunt, lead, march, X more and more, move (self), needs, on, pass (away), be at the point, quite, run (along), + send, speedily, spread, still, surely, + tale-bearer, + travel(-ler), walk (abroad, on, to and fro, up and down, to places), wander, wax, (way-)faring man, X be weak, whirl.
Pronounce: haw-lak'
Origin: akin to 3212
to redeem
padah (Hebrew #6299)
to sever, i.e. ransom; gener. to release, preserve
KJV usage: X at all, deliver, X by any means, ransom, (that are to be, let be) redeem(-ed), rescue, X surely.
Pronounce: paw-daw'
Origin: a primitive root
to be his own people
`am (Hebrew #5971)
a people (as a congregated unit); specifically, a tribe (as those of Israel); hence (collectively) troops or attendants; figuratively, a flock
KJV usage: folk, men, nation, people.
Pronounce: am
Origin: from 6004
, to make
suwm (Hebrew #7760)
a primitive root; to put (used in a great variety of applications, literal, figurative, inferentially, and elliptically)
KJV usage: X any wise, appoint, bring, call (a name), care, cast in, change, charge, commit, consider, convey, determine, + disguise, dispose, do, get, give, heap up, hold, impute, lay (down, up), leave, look, make (out), mark, + name, X on, ordain, order, + paint, place, preserve, purpose, put (on), + regard, rehearse, reward, (cause to) set (on, up), shew, + stedfastly, take, X tell, + tread down, ((over-))turn, X wholly, work.
Pronounce: soom
Origin: or siym {seem}
thee a name
shem (Hebrew #8034)
an appellation, as a mark or memorial of individuality; by implication honor, authority, character
KJV usage: + base, (in-)fame(-ous), named(-d), renown, report.
Pronounce: shame
Origin: a primitive word (perhaps rather from 7760 through the idea of definite and conspicuous position; compare 8064)
of greatness
gduwlah (Hebrew #1420)
or (less accurately) gduwllah {ghed-ool-law'}; feminine of 1419; greatness; (concretely) mighty acts
KJV usage: dignity, great things(-ness), majesty.
Pronounce: ghed-oo-law'
Origin: or (shortened) gdullah {ghed-ool-law'}
and terribleness
yare' (Hebrew #3372)
to fear; morally, to revere; caus. to frighten
KJV usage: affright, be (make) afraid, dread(-ful), (put in) fear(-ful, -fully, -ing), (be had in) reverence(-end), X see, terrible (act, -ness, thing).
Pronounce: yaw-ray'
Origin: a primitive root
, by driving out
garash (Hebrew #1644)
to drive out from a possession; especially to expatriate or divorce
KJV usage: cast up (out), divorced (woman), drive away (forth, out), expel, X surely put away, trouble, thrust out.
Pronounce: gaw-rash'
Origin: a primitive root
gowy (Hebrew #1471)
apparently from the same root as 1465 (in the sense of massing); a foreign nation; hence, a Gentile; also (figuratively) a troop of animals, or a flight of locusts
KJV usage: Gentile, heathen, nation, people.
Pronounce: go'-ee
Origin: rarely (shortened) goy {go'-ee}
from before
paniym (Hebrew #6440)
the face (as the part that turns); used in a great variety of applications (literally and figuratively); also (with prepositional prefix) as a preposition (before, etc.)
KJV usage: + accept, a-(be- )fore(-time), against, anger, X as (long as), at, + battle, + because (of), + beseech, countenance, edge, + employ, endure, + enquire, face, favour, fear of, for, forefront(-part), form(-er time, -ward), from, front, heaviness, X him(-self), + honourable, + impudent, + in, it, look(-eth) (- s), X me, + meet, X more than, mouth, of, off, (of) old (time), X on, open, + out of, over against, the partial, person, + please, presence, propect, was purposed, by reason of, + regard, right forth, + serve, X shewbread, sight, state, straight, + street, X thee, X them(-selves), through (+ - out), till, time(-s) past, (un-)to(-ward), + upon, upside (+ down), with(- in, + -stand), X ye, X you.
Pronounce: paw-neem'
Origin: plural (but always as singular) of an unused noun (paneh {paw-neh'}; from 6437)
thy people
`am (Hebrew #5971)
a people (as a congregated unit); specifically, a tribe (as those of Israel); hence (collectively) troops or attendants; figuratively, a flock
KJV usage: folk, men, nation, people.
Pronounce: am
Origin: from 6004
, whom thou hast redeemed
padah (Hebrew #6299)
to sever, i.e. ransom; gener. to release, preserve
KJV usage: X at all, deliver, X by any means, ransom, (that are to be, let be) redeem(-ed), rescue, X surely.
Pronounce: paw-daw'
Origin: a primitive root
out of Egypt
Mitsrayim (Hebrew #4714)
Mitsrajim, i.e. Upper and Lower Egypt
KJV usage: Egypt, Egyptians, Mizraim.
Pronounce: mits-rah'-yim
Origin: dual of 4693

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Cross References

what one.
Deut. 4:7,32‑34• 7For what great nation is there that hath God near to them as Jehovah our God is in everything we call upon him for?
32For ask now of the days that are past, which were before thee, since the day that God created man on the earth, and from one end of the heavens to the other end of the heavens, whether there hath been anything as this great thing is, or if anything hath been heard like it?
33Did ever people hear the voice of God speaking from the midst of the fire, as thou hast heard, and live?
34Or hath God essayed to come to take him a nation from the midst of a nation, by trials, by signs, and by wonders, and by war, and by a powerful hand, and by a stretched-out arm, and by great terrors, according to all that Jehovah your God did for you in Egypt before your eyes?
(Deut. 4:7,32‑34)
Deut. 33:26‑29• 26There is none like unto the *God of Jeshurun, Who rideth upon the heavens to thy help, And in his majesty, upon the clouds.
27Thy refuge is the God of old, And underneath are the eternal arms; And he shall drive out the enemy from before thee, And shall say, Destroy them!
28And Israel shall dwell in safety alone, The fountain of Jacob, in a land of corn and new wine; Also his heavens shall drop down dew.
29Happy art thou, Israel! Who is like unto thee, a people saved by Jehovah, The shield of thy help, And the sword of thine excellency? And thine enemies shall come cringing to thee; And thou shalt tread upon their high places.
(Deut. 33:26‑29)
Psa. 147:20• 20He hath not dealt thus with any nation; and as for his judgments, they have not known them. Hallelujah! (Psa. 147:20)
Ex. 3:7‑8• 7And Jehovah said, I have seen assuredly the affliction of my people who are in Egypt, and their cry have I heard on account of their taskmasters; for I know their sorrows.
8And I am come down to deliver them out of the hand of the Egyptians, and to bring them up out of that land unto a good and spacious land, unto a land flowing with milk and honey, unto the place of the Canaanites, and the Hittites, and the Amorites, and the Perizzites, and the Hivites, and the Jebusites.
(Ex. 3:7‑8)
Ex. 19:4‑6• 4Ye have seen what I have done to the Egyptians, and how I have borne you on eagles' wings and brought you to myself.
5And now, if ye will hearken to my voice indeed and keep my covenant, then shall ye be my own possession out of all the peoples--for all the earth is mine--
6and ye shall be to me a kingdom of priests, and a holy nation. These are the words which thou shalt speak to the children of Israel.
(Ex. 19:4‑6)
Deut. 15:15• 15And thou shalt remember that thou wast a bondman in the land of Egypt, and that Jehovah thy God redeemed thee; therefore I command thee this thing to-day. (Deut. 15:15)
Psa. 77:15• 15Thou hast with thine arm redeemed thy people, the sons of Jacob and Joseph. Selah. (Psa. 77:15)
Psa. 107:2• 2Let the redeemed of Jehovah say so, whom he hath redeemed from the hand of the oppressor, (Psa. 107:2)
Psa. 111:9• 9He sent deliverance unto his people; he hath commanded his covenant for ever: holy and terrible is his name. (Psa. 111:9)
Isa. 63:9• 9In all their affliction he was afflicted, and the Angel of his presence saved them: in his love and in his pity he redeemed them; and he bore them and carried them all the days of old. (Isa. 63:9)
Titus 2:14• 14who gave himself for us, that he might redeem us from all lawlessness, and purify to himself a peculiar people, zealous for good works. (Titus 2:14)
make thee.
Deut. 4:34• 34Or hath God essayed to come to take him a nation from the midst of a nation, by trials, by signs, and by wonders, and by war, and by a powerful hand, and by a stretched-out arm, and by great terrors, according to all that Jehovah your God did for you in Egypt before your eyes? (Deut. 4:34)
Psa. 65:5• 5By terrible things in righteousness wilt thou answer us, O God of our salvation, thou confidence of all the ends of the earth, and of the distant regions of the sea. … (Psa. 65:5)
Psa. 66:3‑7• 3Say unto God, How terrible are thy works! because of the greatness of thy strength, thine enemies come cringing unto thee.
4All the earth shall worship thee, and sing psalms unto thee: they shall sing forth thy name. Selah.
5Come and see the works of God: he is terrible in his doings toward the children of men.
6He turned the sea into dry land; they went through the river on foot: there did we rejoice in him.
7He ruleth by his power for ever; his eyes observe the nations: let not the rebellious exalt themselves. Selah.
(Psa. 66:3‑7)
Psa. 114:3‑8• 3The sea saw it and fled, the Jordan turned back;
4The mountains skipped like rams, the hills like lambs.
5What ailed thee, thou sea, that thou fleddest? thou Jordan, that thou turnedst back?
6Ye mountains, that ye skipped like rams? ye hills, like lambs?
7Tremble, thou earth, at the presence of the Lord, at the presence of the +God of Jacob,
8Who turned the rock into a pool of water, the flint into a fountain of waters.
(Psa. 114:3‑8)
Isa. 64:3• 3When thou didst terrible things which we looked not for, thou camest down, and the mountains flowed down at thy presence. (Isa. 64:3)
by driving.
Deut. 7:1‑2• 1When Jehovah thy God shall bring thee into the land whither thou goest to possess it, and shall cast out many nations from before thee, the Hittites, and the Girgashites, and the Amorites, and the Canaanites, and the Perizzites, and the Hivites, and the Jebusites, seven nations greater and mightier than thou,
2and when Jehovah thy God shall give them up before thee and thou shalt smite them, then shalt thou utterly destroy them: thou shalt make no covenant with them, nor shew mercy unto them.
(Deut. 7:1‑2)
Josh. 10:42• 42and all these kings and their land did Joshua take at one time; for Jehovah the God of Israel fought for Israel. (Josh. 10:42)
Josh. 21:43‑45• 43And Jehovah gave to Israel all the land which he swore to give unto their fathers; and they took possession of it, and dwelt in it.
44And Jehovah gave them rest round about, according to all that he had sworn unto their fathers; and there stood not a man of all their enemies before them: Jehovah gave all their enemies into their hand.
45There failed nothing of all the good things that Jehovah had spoken to the house of Israel: all came to pass.
(Josh. 21:43‑45)
Josh. 24:11‑12• 11And ye went over the Jordan, and came unto Jericho, and the men of Jericho fought against you, the Amorites, and the Perizzites, and the Canaanites, and the Hittites, and the Girgashites, the Hivites, and the Jebusites; and I delivered them into your hand.
12And I sent the hornet before you, which drove them out from before you, as the two kings of the Amorites; not with thy sword, nor with thy bow.
(Josh. 24:11‑12)
Psa. 44:2‑3• 2Thou, by thy hand, didst dispossess the nations, but them thou didst plant; thou didst afflict the peoples, but them didst thou cause to spread out.
3For not by their own sword did they take possession of the land, neither did their own arm save them; but thy right hand, and thine arm, and the light of thy countenance, because thou hadst delight in them.
(Psa. 44:2‑3)

J. N. Darby Translation

And who is like thy people Israel, the one nation in the earth that God went to redeem to be a people to himself, to make thee a name of greatness and terriblenessa, by driving out nations from before thy people, which thou hast redeemed out of Egypt?

JND Translation Notes

Or "by great and terrible acts."