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About This Product
A rich and very readable commentary. Highly recommended.
Table of Contents
2.Chapter 1: Introduction
3.Chapter 2: The Theme of the Epistle
4.Chapter 3: The Signature
5.Chapter 4: To All the Saints
6.Chapter 5: Bishops and Deacons
7.Chapter 6: Grace Be Unto You and Peace
8.Chapter 7: Thanksgiving and Prayer
9.Chapter 8: Persuaded
10.Chapter 9: In Your Heart
11.Chapter 10: His Longing and His Prayer
12.Chapter 11: Bonds in Christ
13.Chapter 12: Preaching Christ: From Envy Or From Love?
14.Chapter 13: Salvation Through Supplication
15.Chapter 14: My Earnest Expectation
16.Chapter 15: Life … Death
17.Chapter 16: What I Shall Choose
18.Chapter 17: Live Worthily
19.Chapter 18: Suffering for His Sake
20.Chapter 19: Mind the One Thing
21.Chapter 20: Hinderances to Minding the One Thing
22.Chapter 21: The Mind in Christ Jesus
23.Chapter 22: Seven Steps Downward
24.Chapter 23: Supremely Exalted
25.Note To Chapter 24
26.Chapter 24: Presence and Absence
27.Chapter 25: Results of Cultivating
28.Chapter 26: I Have Not Run in Vain
29.Chapter 27: All Seek Their Own
30.Chapter 28: A Child to a Father
31.Chapter 29: Epaphroditus
32.Chapter 30: Rejoice in the Lord
33.Chapter 31: Dogs, Evil Workmen, Concision
34.Chapter 32: Loss and Profit
35.Chapter 33: All Gains But Refuse
36.Chapter 34: That I May Know Him
37.Chapter 35: The Race
38.Chapter 36: How Minded?
39.Chapter 37: Heavenly Citizens
40.Chapter 38: A Help or a Hindrance?
41.Chapter 39: Rejoice!
42.Chapter 40: Think!....Do!
43.Chapter 41: Initiated
44.Chapter 42: Full and Running Over
45.Chapter 43: The Final Greetings