Samuel: God's Emergency Man [Paperback]

Samuel: God's Emergency Man by William Woldridge Fereday
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Paperback, Large Print, 11-Point Type
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5" x 8" x .3"
124 pages
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About This Product

We live in a day of obvious failure both by ourselves and other believers. So did Samuel. The parallels between his lifetime and ours are striking. The author makes clear the proper prophetic application of Samuel’s day and then draws the lessons for our own lives. The result is a nice blend of words to the conscience and an encouraging word to our hearts that the Lord has left us a very clear path in his word.

Perhaps you have an excellent grasp on the meaning behind the story of the witch of Endor, but I found Fereday’s explanation quite helpful. It laid several confusions to rest and left a greater appreciation for the Word of God behind. There are many such helpful passages for me throughout the book and I expect there might be for you as well.

Of course, you’ll form your own judgment by looking at the sample section, but we find Mr. Fereday’s writings to be quite clear and easy to follow. That leaves you more time to meditate on the truth presented.

This edition of Samuel: God’s Emergency Man provides two important features to aid your browsing. First it gives an extensive series of short quotes from the text that we found helpful. If you’re short on time then just browse through the book and “snack” on helpful little meditations. In addition, subtitles have been added to perhaps help you find the section of the work you are particularly interested in.

Table of Contents

1. Preface

2. Man of God, The

3. Moses: the Man of God

4. Samuel: the Man of God

5. Grace Meets the Failure

6. Hannah Her Prayer and Her Song

7. Mother's Influence, A

8. Hannah's Prophetic Song

9. God's Hidden Plan

10. Child in the Ephod, The

11. Eli Removed

12. God Works Despite Failure

13. Night Revelation, The

14. Spiritual Drowsiness

15. All Must Reject Evil

16. Willing Ears

17. Capture of the Ark, The

18. Reasons for Judgment

19. Wrong Solution, A

20. Feeling the Spiritual Condition

21. Arkless Tabernacle, The

22. Ark Does Not Return, The

23. Priesthood Not Restored

24. Ministry of Intercession, A

25. Gathering at Mizpeh, The

26. Twenty Years of Divine Working

27. Whole Heartedness

28. Personal Devotedness

29. Acknowledged Weakness

30. Ebenezer Indeed!

31. Complete Dependence on God

32. Great Deliverance

33. Lord's Strength, The

34. Prophet and Judge

35. Intercession

36. Value of Piety, The

37. Demand for a King, The

38. Well Meaning but Mistaken

39. Waiting on God

40. Saul and the Asses

41. Flesh in Action, The

42. Flesh and Grace, The

43. Seers and Prophets

44. Manner of the King, The

45. Separation to God

46. Heavy Yoke

47. God's Choice

48. Coming of Saul, The

49. Pious Walk With God, A

50. No Confidence in the Flesh

51. Zelzah, Tabor and Gilgal

52. Essential Soul Lessons

53. God's Faithfulness

54. Song in Time of Danger

55. Saul's Lessons

56. Lot at Mizpeh, The

57. Man the People Desired, The

58. Unstable Flesh

59. Kingdom Begins, The

60. Deliverance of Jabesh-Gilead, The

61. Settling for Less

62. God's Deliverance

63. Meaning of Gilgal, The

64. End of Judgeship, The

65. Final Address, The

66. Final Appeal of the Godly, The

67. Downfall of the King, The

68. Watchful in Everything

69. Faith and Faithlessness

70. Mortify the Flesh

71. Fear and Patience

72. Man After God's Heart, The

73. Samuel's Last Visit to Saul

74. Why the Lord Rejected Saul

75. Meaning of Amalek, The

76. Inconsistency

77. Ideal King, The

78. To Obey Is Better Than Sacrifice

79. No Substitute for Obedience

80. No Repentance

81. Righteous Rejection

82. Man After God's Own Heart, The

83. Heart for God, A

84. God’s Glory

85. God's Choice

86. David's Character

87. Center of God's Purposes, The

88. Power of the Spirit of God, The

89. Samuel's Death

90. Honoring Dead Men

91. Peter's Example

92. Samuel at Endor

93. Inconsistent Flesh

94. Witchcraft

95. Why God Sent Samuel

96. Attention to God's Voice


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Samuel: God's Emergency Man by William Woldridge Fereday
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