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About This Product
Preface- THE following pages were written by an aged pilgrim upon a sick-bed in intervals of comparative freedom from pain. The reader who may discover blunders and deficiencies will therefore please regard them with that gracious pitifulness which is always delightful in the children of God; and like the careful fishermen of Matthew 13:48 he will put “the good into vessels and cast the bad away.”
The days of Solomon were unique in the history of Israel and of the world; and the house that he built unto the name of Jehovah was also unique. It was all a bright foreshadowing of days of glory and blessing yet to be brought in by the Lord Jesus. The nations of the world will then cease to strive, and will dwell peacefully under His righteous sway, and the Temple in Jerusalem will be sought unto from the ends of the earth because Jehovah is there.
“Amen. Come, Lord Jesus” (Rev. 22:20).
Table of Contents
1. Preface
2. (1) Kingship in Israel
3. (2) David and Solomon
4. (3) Adonijah's Usurpation
5. (4) The King's Dream
6. (5) Righteousness
7. (6) Wisdom
8. (7) Supremacy and Prosperity
9. (8) The Daughter of Pharaoh
10. (9) Provision for the House
11. (10) The Temple
12. (11) Bringing up the Ark
13. (12) Solomon's Great Public Prayer
14. (13) The Feast of Tabernacles
15. (14) Jehovah Speaks Again
16. (15) "I Made Me Great Works"
17. (16) The Queen of Sheba
18. (17) Horses: Gold: Wives
19. (18) Apes and Peacocks
20. (19) Closing Days
21. (20) "In Solomon's Porch"