Our Lord's Miracles and Parables [Paperback]

Our Lord's Miracles and Parables by William Woldridge Fereday
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193 pages
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About This Product

Foreword- WE are living in a skeptical age. Men say they no longer believe in miracles. Not in heathendom is this said, but in Christendom, where the light of the Gospel shines. There is but one more step to take, in this unbelief―the repudiation of God Himself. This step will be taken shortly. MAN will deify himself in the son of perdition―the Antichrist of Scripture (a Thess. 2:3-4). When this happens, no more place will be found for God and His Son. Remarkably, when this state of things comes about, men will believe in miracles once more. “Signs and lying wonders” will appear, and be credited. Hell produces its marvels as well as heaven. This was witnessed in Moses’ day, and it will be witnessed again in the day of Antichrist.

Infidelity, religious and otherwise, may carp at the records of our Lord’s miracles, but the miracles were wrought, nevertheless. The fact that at least three of the Gospels were published within a few years of our Lord’s ascension, when falsehoods could easily have been disproved, is sufficient to establish their credibility, even on the most human principles. But when we take into account the august fact (which every reverent soul believes) that the Spirit of God is the Author of the Gospels every query is hushed to rest.

But why were the miracles wrought? The Saviour Himself tells us― “the works that I do, bear witness of Me, that the Father hath sent Me” (John 5:36; 10:25). They were thus graciously granted as aids to faith in His person and mission. Hence the rebuke to Philip, “Believe Me for the very works’ sake.” Hence, too, the Saviour’s lament in John 15:24: “If I had not done among them the works which none other man did, they had not had sin: but now they have both seen and hated both Me and My Father.” Because the miracles were aids to faith they were all, with one exception, acts of mercy―acts which should have appealed to the sensibilities of all concerned as showing out the divine heart towards man.

It would be as foolish to over-state the value of miracles as it is to affect contempt for them. Aids to faith must not be confounded with the ground of faith. Faith founded on miracles is of so little worth that the Saviour, when surrounded by believers of this sort, refused to commit Himself unto them (John 2:23-25). True faith is founded on the Word of God (Rom. 10:17). Simon Magus was attracted by miracles, and proved a fraud; Sergius Paulus desired to hear the Word of God, and so became a true disciple (Acts 8:13; 13:7, 12).

Table of Contents

1. Foreword

2. Matthew 8:2-5: The Leper Cleansed

3. Matthew 8:5-13: The Centurion's Servant

4. Matthew 8:14-15: Peter's Wife's Mother

5. Matthew 8:23-27: The Storm on the Lake

6. Matthew 8:28-43: The Two Demoniacs

7. Matthew 9:2-7: The Palsied Man

8. Matthew 9:18-26: Jairus' Daughter

9. Matthew 9:20-22: The Issue of Blood

10. Matthew 9:27-34: The Blind and the Dumb

11. Matthew 12:10-13: The Withered Hand

12. Matthew 14:15-21: The Five Thousand

13. Matthew 14:24-33: Walking on the Sea

14. Matthew 15:22-28: The Syrophoenician

15. Matthew 15:29-39: The Four Thousand

16. Matthew 17:14-21: The Demoniac Boy

17. Matthew 17:24-27: The Tribute Money

18. Matthew 20:30-34: Blind Bartimaeus

19. Matthew 21:19: The Accursed Fig-Tree

20. Mark 1:24: The Demon in the Synagogue

21. Mark 7:31-37: Ephphatha

22. Mark 8:22-26: Men as Trees Walking

23. Luke 5:1-11: The Draft of Fishes

24. Luke 7:11-17: The Widow's Son at Nain

25. Luke 11:15: God or Beelzebub

26. Luke 13:10-17: The Bent Woman

27. Luke 14:2: The Dropsical Man

28. Luke 17:1-19: The Ten Lepers

29. Luke 22:50-51: Malchus' Ear

30. John 2:1-11: Water Made Wine

31. John 4:46-54: The Courtier's Son

32. John 5:2-15: The Pool of Bethesda

33. John 9: Blind From Birth

34. John 11:1-45: The Raising of Lazarus

35. John 21:3-8: The Post-Resurrection Haul

36. Part Two Our Lord's Parables

37. Matthew 25:31-46: Foreword

38. Matthew 13:3-8: The Sower

39. Matthew 13:24-30: The Wheat and the Tares

40. Matthew 13:31-32: The Mustard Tree

41. Matthew 13:33: The Leaven

42. Matthew 13:44: The Hidden Treasure

43. Matthew 13:45-46: The Pearl

44. Matthew 13:47-48: The Drag-Net

45. Matthew 18:23-35: The Two Servants

46. Matthew 20:1-16: The Laborers in the Vineyard

47. Matthew 21:28-32: The Two Sons

48. Matthew 21:33-40: The Wicked Husbandmen

49. Matthew 22:1-14: The Marriage of the King's Son

50. Matthew 25:1-13: The Ten Virgins

51. Matthew 25:14-30: The Talents

52. Mark 4:26-29: The Sleeping Husbandman

53. Luke 6:47-48: The Two Builders

54. Luke 7:40-42: The Two Debtors

55. Luke 10:25-37: The Good Samaritan

56. Luke 11:21-22: The Stronger Than the Strong

57. Luke 12:13-21: The Rich Fool

58. Luke 12:35-36: The Returning Lord

59. Luke 13:6-8: The Fig-Tree in the Vineyard

60. Luke 14:16-24: The Great Supper

61. Luke 15:4: The Lost Sheep

62. Luke 15:8-9: The Lost Silver

63. Luke 15:11-32: The Prodigal Son

64. Luke 16:1-12: The Unjust Steward

65. Luke 18:2-5: The Unjust Judge

66. Luke 18:9-14: The Pharisee and the Publican

67. Luke 19:11-27: The Pounds

68. Luke 21:29-31: The Fig-Tree and All the Trees

69. Matthew 25:31-46: Appendix

70. Luke 16:19-31: The Rich Man and Lazarus
