Our Lord's Miracles and Parables [Paperback]

Our Lord's Miracles and Parables by William Woldridge Fereday
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193 pages
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Table of Contents


2.Matthew 8:2-5: The Leper Cleansed

3.Matthew 8:5-13: The Centurion's Servant

4.Matthew 8:14-15: Peter's Wife's Mother

5.Matthew 8:23-27: The Storm on the Lake

6.Matthew 8:28-43: The Two Demoniacs

7.Matthew 9:2-7: The Palsied Man

8.Matthew 9:18-26: Jairus' Daughter

9.Matthew 9:20-22: The Issue of Blood

10.Matthew 9:27-34: The Blind and the Dumb

11.Matthew 12:10-13: The Withered Hand

12.Matthew 14:15-21: The Five Thousand

13.Matthew 14:24-33: Walking on the Sea

14.Matthew 15:22-28: The Syrophœnician

15.Matthew 15:29-39: The Four Thousand

16.Matthew 17:14-21: The Demoniac Boy

17.Matthew 17:24-27: The Tribute Money

18.Matthew 20:30-34: Blind Bartimæus

19.Matthew 21:19: The Accursed Fig-Tree

20.Mark 1:24: The Demon in the Synagogue

21.Mark 7:31-37: Ephphatha

22.Mark 8:22-26: Men as Trees Walking

23.Luke 5:1-11: The Draft of Fishes

24.Luke 7:11-17: The Widow's Son at Nain

25.Luke 11:15: God or Beelzebub

26.Luke 13:10-17: The Bent Woman

27.Luke 14:2: The Dropsical Man

28.Luke 17:1-19: The Ten Lepers

29.Luke 22:50-51: Malchus' Ear

30.John 2:1-11: Water Made Wine

31.John 4:46-54: The Courtier's Son

32.John 5:2-15: The Pool of Bethesda

33.John 9: Blind From Birth

34.John 11:1-45: The Raising of Lazarus

35.John 21:3-8: The Post-Resurrection Haul

36.Part Two Our Lord's Parables

37.Matthew 25:31-46: Foreword

38.Matthew 13:3-8: The Sower

39.Matthew 13:24-30: The Wheat and the Tares

40.Matthew 13:31-32: The Mustard Tree

41.Matthew 13:33: The Leaven

42.Matthew 13:44: The Hidden Treasure

43.Matthew 13:45-46: The Pearl

44.Matthew 13:47-48: The Drag-Net

45.Matthew 18:23-35: The Two Servants

46.Matthew 20:1-16: The Laborers in the Vineyard

47.Matthew 21:28-32: The Two Sons

48.Matthew 21:33-40: The Wicked Husbandmen

49.Matthew 22:1-14: The Marriage of the King's Son

50.Matthew 25:1-13: The Ten Virgins

51.Matthew 25:14-30: The Talents

52.Mark 4:26-29: The Sleeping Husbandman

53.Luke 6:47-48: The Two Builders

54.Luke 7:40-42: The Two Debtors

55.Luke 10:25-37: The Good Samaritan

56.Luke 11:21-22: The Stronger Than the Strong

57.Luke 12:13-21: The Rich Fool

58.Luke 12:35-36: The Returning Lord

59.Luke 13:6-8: The Fig-Tree in the Vineyard

60.Luke 14:16-24: The Great Supper

61.Luke 15:4: The Lost Sheep

62.Luke 15:8-9: The Lost Silver

63.Luke 15:11-32: The Prodigal Son

64.Luke 16:1-12: The Unjust Steward

65.Luke 18:2-5: The Unjust Judge

66.Luke 18:9-14: The Pharisee and the Publican

67.Luke 19:11-27: The Pounds

68.Luke 21:29-31: The Fig-Tree and All the Trees

69.Matthew 25:31-46: Appendix

70.Luke 16:19-31: The Rich Man and Lazarus
