Saved By a Sheep–Large Print Tract

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The giant print and message shown below make this an excellent tract for your next visit to a nursing home. It looks great in color or black and white.

Saved By A Sheep
The ship Boyne was anchored at sea near the city of Portsmouth. On May 1st at 11 a.m., the people on the shore watched in horror as flames shot up through the deck and the royal navy ship began to burn out of control. In a few minutes the whole ship was in flames and those on board were scrambling to escape. Many died in the fire, and others were drowned trying to swim to shore.
At the time of the fire a young marine was on board with his wife and child, a toddler of eighteen months. The lifeboats were useless, and he could see that if they remained on board the burning ship they would all die.
The marine suddenly thought of a way of escape. There were some animals in pens on board, and he rushed to them. The animals were wild with fear but, seizing a full-grown sheep, he carried it onto the deck. Tying the baby securely on the animal’s back, he dropped them both overboard. He said, “There—swim to the land, and God be with you!”
The marine’s first thought was of the danger and, knowing all other hope of escape was gone, he trusted the child he loved to the back of the sheep. This makes us think of that verse in the Scriptures, “He trusted on the Lord that He would deliver Him” (Psalm 22:8). It could also read, “He rolled Himself on the Lord.” The father simply rolled his child on the sheep. He thought, If it sinks, my boy sinks. If it survives, he survives too. What a beautiful picture of faith and trust! “Cast thy burden on the Lord, and He shall sustain thee” (Psalm 55:22).
The sheep struck out for land with its precious burden and finally reached the shallow water. There it was rescued by spectators on the shore who rushed forward to meet it and released the child, safe and sound.
In the meantime the marine and his wife had jumped into the sea, where he helped her keep afloat for some time. Finally they were both picked up by a boat that had been sent to rescue survivors. The little boy was soon restored to his rejoicing parents, apparently unharmed by his strange experience and narrow escape.
One can’t read this story without seeing a picture of a more wonderful deliverance—the deliverance by the Lord Jesus of all those who trust Him for their souls’ salvation.
In the hour of peril, the harmless sheep was entrusted with the salvation of that little child; the little boy was “rolled” on his deliverer and brought safely to shore. God entrusted to Jesus, His own beloved Son, the eternal safety of all those whose sins He bore upon the cross. Alone, for them, He gave up His life; alone, for them, He bore on the cross the storm of God’s wrath against their sins.
The sheep reached shore alive, but Jesus had to die. He gave up His life, that we might live. He shed His precious blood to wash away our sins, for without shedding of blood is no remission. By His death and resurrection, He opened the way to heaven, and now as the risen and glorified Saviour at God’s right hand, He proclaims to all: “Come unto Me.”
“I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by Me” (John 14:6).
Had the waves been too high, the sheep and its precious burden might both have drowned. But all those who have put their trust in Jesus are safe forever. “I give unto them eternal life; and they shall never perish, neither shall any man pluck them out of My hand,” we hear Him say in John 10:28. Again in John 3:16: “For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life.”

Secure Now and Forever–Large Print Tract

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The giant print and message shown below make this an excellent tract for your next visit to a nursing home. It looks great in color or black and white.

Secure Now and Forever
What would it be like to come into the instant possession of forty million dollars? Mike Wittowski knows. In September of 1984 the numbers on his Illinois lottery ticket matched up with those of the Grand Prize drawing. The result: two million a year for the next twenty years. A stupendous sum of money.
Four years after he won, Mike had married and started a family. He was asked, “Mike, what was the most important thing about winning all that money?”
“Security,” Mike replied. “It’s given me plenty of security, and you can’t beat that. Security is the most important thing, and I have it for my whole family. My family is what means the most to me.”
Security is a most important thing. It’s wonderful to have it for ourselves and also our loved ones. But money, even millions, can’t really make us secure.
One reason is that, “Our times are in Thy hands”-that is, God chose the time we were brought into this world, and He will choose the time we leave it. “This night thy soul shall be required of thee,” are the words God spoke to a certain rich man in Luke 12, and all the wealth that man possessed was powerless to extend his life one day longer.
Another reason is that, even if you could take a fortune with you when you died (which is impossible) it wouldn’t be enough to buy an exit from a lost eternity. Die without Christ, and money-even millions- will not buy your way out of hell.
Soul security, eternal security, is the possession only of those who believe in Jesus Christ as their Lord and Saviour. Of such believers the Lord Jesus said, “I give unto them eternal life; and they shall never perish, neither shall any man pluck them out of My hand.”
Forty million dollars is a tremendous amount of money, but it can’t buy eternal security. That costs far more: it cost the life of the Son of God! At the cross of Jesus Christ, God in His infinite love made a way for souls to be saved from their sins-and from hell.
How did He do this? “While we were yet sinners, Christ died for us.” Romans 10:9 tells us the way to be saved: “If thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised Him from the dead, thou shalt be saved.”
Are you seeking security in money and possessions, while ignoring God, the only true source of security? Don’t do it! Only through the Saviour, the Lord Jesus Christ, can you be secure-secure now and forever.

It Won’t Sink–Color Tract

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I was captain of a smuggling boat. At dawn, we discovered a coast guard boat in the distance. The coast guard was still a long way off, and we soon saw her turning toward us. We couldn’t possibly get away.
We all knew what would happen if we were caught. Not only would the boat and cargo be confiscated, but we would all be sent to prison. There was dead silence while we stared at each other in dismay. The coast guard was coming up fast behind us. Suddenly I thought of a way out. Hastily we rigged a screen at the stern to hide our deck. Then I set the men in a line to hand up the cargo and pitch it overboard.

We worked fast; nothing was heard but the splash of the cargo dropping into the sea. The hold was emptying fast. We’d soon be finished. I saw the ship’s boy was exhausted, so I sent him to see if the coast guard was very far off. In a minute he came rushing back gasping, “It won’t sink!”
I ran to the stern of the ship. The sun was just rising behind us, and there, in that long line of light, were the packages of cargo bobbing up and down in our wake. The first package in the line had just reached the oncoming coast guard boat. Helplessly, we stood and stared. The proof of our guilt was spread out for all to see. In our ears rang “It won’t sink.”
In prison, from time to time, I would resolve to correct my ways. But resolving is one thing; doing is another. As soon as we were free, I went back to smuggling.

More Cargo Overboard
A few years later, I went out in a boat at night. It was New Year’s Eve, and in spite of myself, I began to review my life. I saw myself, as a child, saying my prayers. I heard my mother tell me of One who came down from heaven to bring life to the world. The more I thought, the more horrified I was. God had created me, and I had lived and was still living as though there was neither God nor eternity.
I got on my knees and prayed that God would help me. I would be another man. I wouldn’t touch a drop of liquor. I made many more resolutions about what I would do and what I wouldn’t, and I began to feel very good about myself. On further reflection I saw that there were a lot more things I ought to clean up. I must throw overboard everything that didn’t belong. My life was to be completely changed. My resolutions were getting more serious, my heart grew lighter, and I was happy in the thought that I had become a new man.
Having made this decision, it seemed as if everything was in perfect order. I was ready to go back to land, when suddenly the moon broke through the clouds and shone across the water to my boat. The memory of that morning when, chased by the coast guard, I had cast the cargo into the sea, came over me with overwhelming power. I heard the cry, “It won’t sink!”
How blind I was! I had tried to lighten the ship by casting the cargo overboard, and there it was all floating behind me like an accusing line stretching up to the throne of God. All that I had done, said or thought was there before God, and “it wouldn’t sink!” Fool that I was, I thought I could drown all my wickedness, without a thought of the holiness of God. If I had been able from that moment on to do only what was good, it would not have changed the evil done in the past. What good was it to be forming good resolutions for the future, when the past couldn’t be hidden? Tears filled my eyes. I was hopelessly lost.

Then I remembered something. Hadn’t I been told about Jesus, the Saviour of sinners? Hadn’t He died on the cross for me? And if I turned to Him now, wouldn’t His precious blood wash away my many sins? Wasn’t there grace and mercy even for me?
All at once everything was clear. Yes, the Lord Jesus had died for me. He had borne the punishment of all my sins. If I accepted that, they would all be cast into the depths of the sea (Micah 7:19). “Their sins and iniquities will I remember no more” (Hebrews 10:17) came to my mind. I was filled with joy! Entirely relieved of my burden, I turned my boat toward shore — a new man. I had gone out a lost sinner, but I was coming back redeemed by the Lord.
Be assured of this: “God requireth that which is past” (Ecclesiastes 3:15). “He that covereth his sins shall not prosper: but whoso confesseth and forsak­eth them shall have mercy” (Proverbs 28:13). “The blood of Jesus Christ His Son cleanseth us from all sin” (1 John 1:7).



The Debt Is Paid–Large Print Tract

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The giant print and message shown below make this an excellent tract for your next visit to a nursing home. It looks great in color or black and white.

The Debt Is Paid
Many really desire to know Jesus as their Saviour, but find it hard to realize that the work is finished without any help from themselves. This true story illustrates how a poor woman learned this important lesson.
Betty was poor, very poor. She was sick, and confined to her bed as well. But Betty carried an even heavier burden. She was filled with doubts and fears about her soul’s salvation. She had heard over and over again that Christ had died on the cross, and that He had borne the punishment for her.
She believed, but still, her mind was dark and sad when she thought of the future. She felt a distance between her and a holy God. Mrs. Pax, a kind friend, often visited her. Again and again, she tried to explain the simple plan of salvation, showing that when Christ died on the cross, He finished the work, paid the debt in full, and, “being justified by faith, we have peace with God.” But no matter how simply the truth was presented to her, she found no relief.
One day as Mrs. Pax entered, she found Betty in great distress. She had pulled the sheet over her head, and was sobbing violently, as if her heart would break; the bed shook under her.
“Dear Betty,” said Mrs. Pax, “what’s happened to make you so unhappy?”
“Oh, Mrs. Pax, I can’t pay my rent, and the landlord is going to take my bed from under me. I will die! I will die!”
Her distress was so great and all that her friend could say seemed useless. She didn’t have a cent, and the debt had to be paid, or her bed taken.
Just at this moment they heard a violent knock on the door. This brought on a fresh outbreak of grief.
“There they are! There they are!” she cried.
Deeply touched at her sorrow, Mrs. Pax descended the stairs softly, and found the two men at the door, expecting to take the furniture.
“Well,” she said, after they had explained their errand, “you know this woman can’t pay her rent.”
“Of course, ma’am, but we can’t help that. If she doesn’t have the money we must take the furniture.”
“But it’s terribly cruel; she’s dying!”
“Ma’am, that’s not our business; we must have the money or the furniture.”
“Well, tell me, how much it is.”
The men told her, and taking the money from her purse, she said: “Give me the change and a receipt.”
They did, and Mrs. Pax put the receipt between the pages of her Bible, and went upstairs to reassure Betty that the debt was settled, not realizing that God was going to use this act of kindness for a far greater blessing to the troubled soul of this poor woman.
She found her in despair, expecting at any moment to be pulled out of bed, and laid on the floor. Her friend sat down by her, saying quickly, “Betty, don’t worry!”
“But, I must worry. I will die!”
“But the debt is paid, Betty.” The poor woman threw the sheet off her face, and looked round in wonder. What had she heard? She could not believe her ears.
Mrs. Pax repeated again those comforting words, “I assure you, Betty, you don’t need to worry any more. The debt is paid,” and opening her Bible, she showed her the receipt, saying, “Here, Betty, this is the receipt. Read it for yourself and be convinced!”
The poor old woman slowly read it. Suddenly, a very happy expression came into her face, and the sadness was gone. Her expression was bright, as if the cloud was lifted. She raised her hands and cried, “I understand! I understand! Jesus has paid my debt of sin.”
And, now, do you understand? Do you know Him of whom the Bible says, “Thou shalt call His name Jesus: for He shall save His people from their sins”? Do you think He needs any of your help? Didn’t He say, “Come unto Me”?
“We have redemption through His blood, the forgiveness of sins” (Ephesians 1:7). Do not think your works can help you. The words of Jesus on the cross were, “It is finished” (John 19:30).

How Can I Be Saved?–Color Tract

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The Bible will tell you. Take the illustration Jesus Christ used with Nicodemus; you couldn’t have a better one. Jesus took him to the answer:

“As Moses lifted up the serpent in the wilderness, even so must the Son of Man be lifted up: that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish, but have eternal life” (John 3:14-15).

Now, there’s the answer. How can I be saved? By looking to Christ; just by looking. You might say the whole plan of salvation is in two words—giving and receiving. God gives; I receive.

A Dying Soldier

I remember, after a terrible battle, I was in the army helping the soldiers. I had just laid down, past midnight, to get a little rest, when a man came and told me that a wounded soldier wanted to see me. I went to the dying man.

“I need you to help me to die,” he said.

“I would help you to die if I could,” I said. “I would take you on my shoulders and carry you into the kingdom of God if I could, but I can’t. I can tell you about One that can.”

So I told him about Christ who was willing to save him and how Christ left heaven and came into the world to seek and to save that which was lost. I just quoted promise after promise, but all was dark, and it almost seemed as if the shades of eternal death surrounded him. I could not leave him, and at last I thought of the third chapter of John,
and I said to him:

“Look here, I’m going to read to you a conversation that Christ had with a man that went to Him when he was in your state of mind.” I just read that conversation to the dying man, and he lay there with his eyes riveted on me, and every word seemed to be entering his heart, which was open to receive the truth. When I came to the verse where it says, “As Moses lifted up the serpent in the wilderness, even so must the Son of Man be lifted up: that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish, but have eternal life,” the dying man cried, “Stop, sir. Is that there?”

“Yes, it’s all here.”

Complete Peace

Then he said, “Won’t you please read it to me again?” I read it the second time. The dying man brought his hands together, and he said, “Bless God for that. Won’t you please read it to me again?”

I read through the whole chapter, but long before the end of it he had closed his eyes. He seemed to lose all interest in the rest of the chapter, and when I got through it his arms were folded on his chest; he had a sweet smile on his face, and remorse and despair had vanished. His lips were quivering, and I leaned over him and heard him faintly whisper, “As Moses lifted up the serpent in the wilderness, even so must the Son of Man be lifted up: that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish but have eternal life.” He opened his eyes and fixed his calm look on me, and he said, “Oh, that’s enough; that’s all I want!” He rested his dying head on the truth of these two verses, and in a few hours, he was in the presence of his Saviour.

May God help every lost one to “behold the Lamb of God, which taketh away the sin of the world” (John 1:29).

If I Die Tonight, Where Will I Spend Eternity?–Color Tract

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If … I … die … tonight! Can it be possible that at some moment I must die? That this living, breathing, throbbing body of mine must at some hour cease to be alive? That time will still roll on, others be born to work and play, the sun and stars still shine, but I shall not be here? And if I die tonight, where will I spend eternity?

A divine, unchanging voice replies: “These shall go away into everlasting punishment: but the righteous into life eternal” (Matthew 25:46).

Everlasting punishment for me? Can it be possible that I’ve been intensely busy with the cares, debts, money-making and fun surrounding me and have left God out? Oh, how blind I’ve been! I’ve given my youth, my talents, my thoughts and my ambitions for things that are only passing, and I’ve neglected the most important thing of all — my soul’s salvation!

But if I’d taken the time to find God, to love and serve Him — what then? “Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that heareth My word, and believeth on Him that sent Me, hath everlasting life, and shall not come into condemnation; but is passed from death unto life” (John 5:24).

And I’ve neither heard nor believed! Oh, wretched being that I am! If I were to die tonight, I would spend my eternity in hell. God’s voice confirms my fears. “Be not afraid of them that kill the body. … Fear Him, which after He hath killed hath power to cast into hell; yea … fear Him” (Luke 12:4‑5). It makes me think of two different deaths.

Two Contrasting Deaths

After a life spent pleasing himself, Sir Francis Newport, the noted English atheist, lay dying. He exclaimed, “That there is a God, I know, because I continually feel the effect of His wrath. That there is a hell, I am equally certain. Oh that I were to lie a thousand years upon the fire that never is quenched to purchase the favor of God and be reunited to Him! But it is a fruitless wish — millions of years will bring me no nearer to the end of my torments than one poor hour! Oh, eternity, eternity! WHO CAN DISCOVER THE ABYSS OF ETERNITY? OH, THE INSUFFERABLE PANGS OF HELL!” and he died.

By contrast, after a life of service to God, Dwight L. Moody, the evangelist, lay dying. Slowly he said, “Earth recedes; heaven opens before me. It is beautiful. It is like a trance. If this is death, it is sweet. There is no valley here. God is calling me, and I must go.” And he died.

I wish that I had lived for God! Wasted years — I wish I could relive them now. Is there no escape for me? Must I be lost forever? Am I too late to find my God? God’s Son answers, “Behold, I stand at the door, and knock: If any man hear My voice, and open the door, I will come in to him, and will sup with him, and he with Me” (Revelation 3:20).

Come to Jesus

Come to Jesus. He is waiting, His loving arms outstretched, His heart overflowing in love and pity — waiting, knocking, patiently standing at the door of your heart. Open to Him before He leaves forever. Will you do so, right where you are? Will you pause in your hurry, for just one brief moment, and quietly surrender right where you are standing? God grant you will — for you may pass into eternity tonight!

“Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners” (1 Timothy 1:15).

“The blood of Jesus Christ His Son cleanseth us from all sin” (1 John 1:7).

“God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life” (John 3:16).

The Inventor–Large Print Tract

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The giant print and message shown below make this an excellent tract for your next visit to a nursing home. It looks great in color or black and white.

The Inventor
When the Duke of Wellington won the battle of Waterloo he was a great hero to his countrymen. He was awarded every honor England could give, and had tremendous influence in the nation. Of course he became the target of all kinds of people seeking favors-people seeking office, or money, or just recognition. One such man came with what he claimed to be a bullet-proof breastplate. The inventor wanted to persuade the Duke to introduce it to the British authorities for adoption by the army.
Having letters of introduction from some of the Duke’s personal friends, this man called and was shown into the presence of the great Commander. Though the Duke was very busy, he listened patiently as the inventor described his wonderful invention and spoke of its protective value.
Finally, the Duke broke in abruptly with a question: “Have you got the thing with you?”
Quickly the man brought out the breastplate. The Duke asked sharply, “Are you sure it is bullet proof?” “Oh, quite sure, your grace.”
“Put it on then, and go stand in that corner.” Wondering what the Duke meant by this, the inventor at once obeyed.
“Mr. Temple,” shouted the Duke to his secretary, “tell the sentry outside to load with ball cartridge and come in here to test this breastplate.”
Before the sentry could load the inventor flew through the door and disappeared. He hadn’t enough faith in his own invention to risk his life.
Many, many people have their own religious inventions which they think will protect them from the wrath of a holy God. But, will they stand the test? Morality, reformation, good works or prayers, none can protect them from coming judgment.
We read in Hebrews 11:6, “Without faith it is impossible to please Him.” And in Acts 4:12: “Neither is there salvation in any other: for there is none other name under heaven given among men, whereby we must be saved.”
Think of it! No tears that you may shed, no works you may perform, no resolution you may make, will serve to shield you in that coming day when “every man’s works shall be tried.”
The only refuge from the coming storm of God’s righteous judgment on a wicked world is the Lord Jesus Christ. Everything else is useless. Won’t you turn to Him now, trusting Him alone for your salvation?
He has said, “Him that cometh to Me I will in no wise cast out” (John 6:37).

I Can’t Get Away From God–Color Tract

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Tom was a young man who had a job as a chauffeur. He earned a good salary, and his boss was kind to him. But there was one thing in his life that troubled and annoyed him. He had a caring, praying mother who lived in a nearby town, and she visited him frequently. But when she came, she would speak to him about Christ and his need of salvation.
“Mother,” he finally said, “I can’t stand this any longer. If you don’t drop that subject for good, I’ll give up my job and move far away where you can’t easily visit me.”
“Tom,” said his concerned mother, “as long as I can talk, I will not stop telling you about your need of the Saviour, and I’ll always be praying for you.”
Tom carried through on his threat to move away. He wrote to a friend who lived in a northern town many miles away and asked him to find him a job in that part of the country. He knew his mother could not follow him there, and though he was sorry to give up such a good job, he told himself, “It’s worth it to have some peace and quiet.”
His friend did find him another job as a chauffeur, and Tom told his mother that it was going to be a relief to get away from her constant preaching at him. But even though Tom was moving far enough away that his mother could not visit him, he would never get beyond the reach of her prayers.
The first day Tom started his new job, he was to drive Mr. Wells, his new employer, out of town. But instead of getting into the back seat as was customary, Mr. Wells sat in the front seat alongside his new chauffeur.
He wants to see how I drive, thought Tom. They had just started the trip when Mr. Wells turned and began to talk to him. “Tell me, are you saved?” Mr. Wells asked. If a voice had come directly from heaven, it could scarcely have surprised Tom more. He was deeply shaken!
God has followed me all the way up north here! he cried to himself. I got away from my preaching mother, but I can’t get away from God! Tom wanted to hide somewhere … far away. He couldn’t answer Mr. Wells, and he could hardly drive for his trembling.
His Christian employer went on to tell him of Christ, and again Tom heard the same gospel message that his dear mother had told him many times. But this time it seemed to have new meaning — God had indeed followed him and was speaking to him, and the message began to sink in. But it did not seem to be a message of good news to Tom; it was a message of terror and condemnation. He knew it was Christ, the Son of God, whom he had despised and rejected. He understood for the first time that he was a guilty sinner. Before they reached the end of the trip, the terrible guilt and fear that gripped him made Tom physically sick — too sick to carry on his chauffeuring job, and so sick he had to go to bed.
For some days he could not even get out of bed. But Mr. Wells came to see him, to read the Word of God and to pray. Soon the love and grace of the Saviour he had rejected began to penetrate his heart, replacing the terror and condemnation that had overwhelmed him.
Tom saw there was mercy for a person who had ridiculed and despised God’s very own Son and His loving offer of forgiveness. He saw that the blood of Christ is the answer before God even for a rebellious sinner like him, and he now believed in his heart the truth of those wonderful words, “We love Him, because He first loved us” (1 John 4:19). He saw that the Lord Jesus had borne the punishment for his sins at Calvary and that, even though he had hardened his heart against God and against his own mother, he was now forgiven — without sin or stain in the sight of a loving God who gave up His only Son so that sinners could be saved.
The first letter Tom wrote to his mother was to tell her the wonderful news: “God has followed me all the way up north here and has saved my soul! Your prayers have
been answered.”
“By grace are ye saved through faith: and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God” (Ephesians 2:8).
“Come unto Me, all ye that labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest” (Matthew 11:28).

Was It Justice?–Large Print Tract

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The giant print and message shown below make this an excellent tract for your next visit to a nursing home. It looks great in color or black and white.

Was It Justice?
Robert Lucas was less than thirty years old when he murdered a man and was sentenced to life in prison. After serving seven months of his sentence he escaped and went into hiding.
In a different state he adopted a new name and began a new life. Using his new name, he got a driver’s license, held jobs and even got married.
The years went by, and Robert Lucas lived the life of a model citizen. Ten years-twenty years-and still he lived quietly with his wife and “maintained a low profile.”
Twenty-three years after his escape, plainclothesmen came to his door and asked if he were Robert Lucas. One agent later reported, “He didn’t say much. He just stuttered and stammered for a while, then he said he had a heart condition.”
The heart condition was real: two months later he died of a heart attack while still fighting extradition to the state from which he had escaped.
Friends from his new life bitterly blamed the authorities who ordered his re-arrest. “Going to jail and worrying about it-that’s what killed him,” they said.
But a State Bureau of Investigation official said agents had no choice but to arrest the man. “You’ve got to understand he killed a man,” said the head of the fugitive squad. “It’s our job to find him whether he’s been gone one, two, ten or thirty years. You can’t just forget a man who killed another man. It’s our job. The law says we’ve got to do it.”
Was it justice? Was it justice to take a man who lived an apparently blameless life for 23 years and to put him in prison for a long-ago murder? Was it justice to take him from his wife of 20 years? Was it justice to discount all the good things he may have done in that time?
Yes, it was justice. It was THE LAW. The law can’t forgive. Like the mirror, it can show you how dirty your face is, but can do nothing to clean you up. Whether man’s law or God’s law, it can only judge and condemn; it can’t forgive. It has nothing to do with mercy!
God’s law says that “the soul that sinneth, it shall die” (Ezekiel 18:20). And, “the wages of sin is death” (Romans 6:23).
There is no escaping that law. The sentence has been pronounced on every soul that has ever sinned and, postpone it though we may, in time we must face the fact that “it is appointed unto men once to die, but after this the judgment” (Hebrews 9:27).
The law can do no more, but God can! No, He can’t change His law, which is “holy, and just, and good,” but He can cleanse that sinful heart because “the blood of Jesus Christ His Son cleanseth us from all sin.”
“For what the law could not do…God sending His own Son in the likeness of sinful flesh, and for sin, condemned sin in the flesh: that the righteousness of the law might be fulfilled in us” (Romans 8:3-4).
“For Christ is the end of the law for righteousness to every one that believeth….For with the heart man believeth unto righteousness; and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation” (Romans 10:4,10).