The giant print and message shown below make this an excellent tract for your next visit to a nursing home. It looks great in color or black and white.
Lovely and accomplished, she only lived for this life. Idolized by her parents, loved by her fiance, she had it all.
But she contracted a fatal disease. The skilled physician pronounced the heartrending verdict that her days were numbered.
“Dad,” she said, “I’m about to die. Where am I going?” Her father couldn’t answer.
“Mom, can you tell me what I need to do to get to heaven?” Her only reply was tears.
Her fiance couldn’t answer either.
“I’m lost!” she exclaimed. “Aren’t I? Is there anyone who can tell me what I must do to be saved?”
Finally her dad said, “You’ve always been a respectful daughter, and have never caused your parents trouble. You’ve regularly attended church, and helped in the services. The minister has performed the rites of the church, and said he was satisfied with your preparation.”
“But I feel that’s not enough. It’s no rest to my soul. It’s hollow it’s not real. O! I’m about to die, and I don’t know where I am going. Can’t anyone teach me what I can do to be saved?”
Death was around the corner. Eternity was looming. They didn’t how to answer the agonizing appeal of the young lady, awakened to a sense of sin — to a dread appearing before God — to the terrors of hell.
But she had a young servant who longed to tell her mistress but felt too shy. At last she got up her courage, and told her mistress, “There’s a preacher in who tells everyone they can have salvation through faith in the Lord Jesus Christ, and he urges us to accept forgiveness freely offered in the gospel.”
“O if I could only see him,” she exclaimed. She asked her father to invite the strange preacher to the house, and her wish was granted. Again the family were assembled, as the strange preacher entered the room. The dying girl, raising herself, appealed to him: “Can you tell me what I must do to obtain rest for my soul, and die at peace with God?”
“I’m afraid I can’t.”
“Is there no hope for me?”
“Wait,” he said, “though I can’t tell you what you can do to be saved, I can tell you what has been done for you!
“Jesus Christ, the Saviour-God, has completely finished a work by which lost and helpless sinners may be righteously saved. God, who is love, saw us in our lost state. He pitied us, and in love and compassion sent Jesus to die for us.
“ ‘God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life.’
“He shed His precious blood on the cross in the place of sinners, so that they might be pardoned and saved. ‘Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and thou shalt be saved.’ ”
“And I have nothing to do?”
“Nothing, but to believe. No doing, working, praying, giving, or abstaining, can give relief to the conscience burdened with a sense of guilt, or rest to the troubled heart. It is not a work done in you by yourself, but a work done for you by another, long ago. Jesus has completed the work of our redemption. He has said. “It is finished.” Through faith in Him you have pardon. It is impossible to add anything to the perfect work of Christ. Doing is not God’s way of salvation, but giving up on doing, and believing what God has already done for you. God has given to us eternal life, and this life is in His Son:”
“I do believe that Jesus died on the cross for sinners; but how am I to know that God has accepted me?” she asked.
“Jesus the God-man has gone up into heaven. He has been accepted for us; and when you believe, you are accepted in Him.”
Listening eagerly, she received the Word of God, which revealed Christ to her. Looking upwards she exclaimed, “O, what love! what grace!”
Soon after she went home to be with Jesus, triumphant and rejoicing in her salvation.