The Cure for Fear–Large Print Tract

How Do I Imprint My Tract?

The giant print and message shown below make this an excellent tract for your next visit to a nursing home. It looks great in color or black and white.

The Cure for Fear
The patient was known to be dying. All that doctors, medicine, and hospital care could do had been done, and nothing remained but to make his last days as comfortable as possible. The doctor, a caring, compassionate person, stopped often by the hospital room for a “cheering-up” visit.
One day at the end of a “real up-beat visit” the doctor casually asked, “Is there anything I can get for you?”
Wearily the patient answered, “How about something to take away the fear?”
There was no answer.
Medical science has no answer.
There is a whole arsenal of drugs and treatments to cure disease or to alleviate physical symptoms, but nowhere is there a specific drug to cure fear.
There is only One who can truly cure fear: the Lord Jesus Christ.
“Jesus, who was made a little lower than the angels for the suffering of death… that He by the grace of God should taste death for every man…. and deliver them, who through fear of death were all their lifetime subject to bondage” (Hebrews 2:9,15).
He can not only take away the fear, but He removes the cause of it. Death is no longer a terror if we can receive a life that is beyond death and the grave.
The Lord Jesus promises absolutely that, “I am the resurrection, and the life: he that believeth in Me, though he were dead, yet shall he live: and whosoever liveth and believeth in Me shall never die. Believest thou this?” (John 11:25-26).
Do you believe this? Do you believe John 3:16: “For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life”? Do you accept “the gift of God… eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord”?
If you can honestly say, “Yes — yes — yes” to these questions, if you can truly call the Lord Jesus Christ your Lord, and say, “He tasted death for me,” why should you fear?
“There is no fear in love; but perfect love casteth out fear” (1 John 4:18).

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A Footstool in Heaven?

A Footstool in Heaven?

My mother was born in a small town in Germany. As a child she was brought up in the popular religion of the country, which impressed upon her the fact that she was a sinner.

Often as a child, Mother would pray, “Lord, make me Your footstool in heaven but don’t cast me down to hell.”

She always longed for a real sense of peace, but the years went by and she did not find it. In her twenties, she was invited by a school friend to move to America. She got a job as a stewardess on an ocean liner, and soon found herself in Boston.

Still the search in her heart went on. Crossing the ocean had not changed her, nor did her marriage, nor yet another move to California to live. She continued to pray, “Lord, make me Your footstool in heaven!” Still she was conscious of a dreadful fear that He might reject her at the last.

One day Mother was hanging out clothes and singing in German. Her surprised neighbor called to Mother in German, and a warm friendship was begun. As they talked, the neighbor said, “We’re Christians, and if you would like to come over and read the Bible with us we’d sure like that.”

Soon the Bible study with her neighbors grew to be a vital part of Mother’s life. But one day as they were sitting around the table with the Bible open, Mother shut the Book hard and said, “It’s no use to go on. I’m such a sinner.”

The neighbor replied, “How wonderful!”

Mother exclaimed, “How can you say that? If you only knew how I suffer!”

Then how happy her Christian neighbor was to tell her again of the One who has finished the work of salvation for sinners and now says, “Come.”

This was what Mother was looking for; this was the answer to her halfway-around-the-world search. She was ready to go on her knees that afternoon and accept the Lord Jesus as her Saviour. But―a friend came by and said, “Come with us for a little drive.”

Taken by surprise, Mother went. As she sat in the car she just groaned in her heart and prayed, “Lord, please bring me home in safety so that I can have the opportunity once again to come to You and be saved.”

The Lord did bring her home again, and she wasted no time before she came to the Lord Jesus and knew that He had received her. The search was ended; there was peace in her heart―and she prayed no more to be a footstool in heaven. She had learned that “as many as received Him, to them gave He power to become the sons of God, even to them that believe on His name” (John 1:12). Not a footstool, but a child of God at home in the Father’s house was to be her portion forever.

A Jew’s Faith

A Jew’s Faith

I was brought up a Jew and taught to observe the ceremonies and rites of Judaism. When I grew up, I became friendly with some atheists and began to believe that they were right in claiming that there is no God.

While I was still outwardly conforming to the ritual of the synagogue worship, skepticism was undermining my belief, and I was beginning to lose faith in God’s revelation.

At this time God began to work with me in a special way. Even then His unseen hand was guiding, and He brought me into contact with a godly Christian man.

I soon knew that this man had something about which I knew nothing. It was not so much what he said as his reality and his godly walk that impressed me. What surprised me most of all was to see a man delighting in the One whose name I despised and blasphemed.

Seeking to follow in this Christian’s footsteps, I began to pray and read my Bible. I became a teacher in a Sabbath school, and very devoutly followed the Jew’s religion.

I vainly imagined that what faith in the despised Nazarene could procure for a Gentile, Judaism could surely give to a member of Jehovah’s chosen race. I did not know the scripture which thunders out in unmistakable language: “ALL OUR RIGHTEOUSNESSES ARE AS FILTHY RAGS” (Isaiah 64:6).

One Sunday afternoon I took a walk into the city. There I saw and joined a crowd surrounding three men who were singing on the street corner. They were just singing the words, “Whosoever will may come.” That word “whosoever” stuck to me.

When the singing was over, the three friends asked the bystanders to follow them to a meeting room. Among others, I was invited by one of the preachers, but declined. Thereupon he looked me in the face and asked me, “Are you saved?”

I replied, “Yes, but not in your way.”

He replied: “Neither is there salvation in any other: for there is none other Name under heaven given among men, whereby we must be saved” (Acts 4:12).

I began to argue with him, but he quietly answered, “Friend, in a little while I will be praying for you.”

Not long afterward, his prayer was answered. God showed me my real condition before Him. I learned that I was a sinner against God who is “of purer eyes than to behold iniquity.”

I was stripped of my self-righteousness, leaving behind a dismal void and an accusing conscience. Sin, my sin, was making life a burden and existence a misery.

“The pains of hell got hold upon me; I found trouble and sorrow.”

The thought came to me with awful intensity, “Where shall I flee for refuge?” Everything in which I had trusted proved insufficient to bear the weight of my guilty soul. My friend, whose life had so impressed me, began to tell me at this time of the Lord Jesus, though he was utterly unaware that I was anxious about my soul. I did not argue this time, and soon learned that “salvation is of the Lord.” I learned that, if I were ever to be saved, it must be by faith in the Lord Jesus, and by Him alone.

At last, one afternoon I came to Jesus as I was. I rested my weary soul on Him who died for me on Calvary’s cross. From that moment I knew that I was one of the WHOSOEVERS. I believed in Him and my sins were forgiven for His name’s sake.

Now my heart rejoices in His Word, knowing, as I could not before, that my “transgression is forgiven” and my “sin is covered” in His precious blood (Psalm 32:1).

A Letter

A Letter

Dear Sister:

In one of your letters you write, “Father was asking about your conversion.” Abounding grace is connected with that conversion. As early as twelve or thirteen years of age, God exercised my conscience about my sins, but I loved the world and would not give it up, so in spirit I said, “Go Thy way for this time.” Many other times in His grace He came to me, but always got the same answer.

Coming west from Massachusetts I listened to atheist sentiments and quite accepted them. In August I went back to visit Mother, and she spoke to me about eternal things. I combated her with my atheist reasonings, and fairly closed her mouth. After this she said, “William, do you read your Bible and pray every day?”

“No!” I replied.

She said, “If you do this, my boy, you will get light,” and she left the room with tears rolling down her cheeks.

Left alone in the room, the Lord made me feel how I had grieved my mother, whom I loved, and He led me to realize there was one thing I had not done, that was to read my Bible and pray every day. I made up my mind to try it, partly because I knew it would please Mother and partly to test my atheist position.

I left the room and got a Testament that I had owned when a boy, and put it into my pocket. Going to bed that night, I read the first chapter of Matthew and knelt down beside the bed to pray. I had no interest in what I read, only I remember my thought on my knees: “I would hate to have anyone catch me in this position!” However, I had taken up the matter as a test and would not be diverted from it.

This went on until about the end of the year. Then the Lord began working in my soul, making me realize I was not as good as I thought I was. I sought to make myself better, but the more I tried to make myself better, the worse I became, until I saw myself only fit for hell. Then the Lord came and showed me that trying to make myself better was the wrong principle—that faith is the principle on which peace with God is secured. Giving up doing, and resting now on God’s Word, I was brought into peace that first Lord’s Day in the new year. To Him be glory!

Your brother,


A Message of Mercy

A Message of Mercy

A man stood looking into the water as a scrap of paper came floating down the stream, tossed from ripple to ripple. “I am just as helpless,” said he to himself, “borne downwards by a tide which I cannot stem, and from which I cannot escape. There is no one to lift me clear of the tide of destruction as I can lift you, poor miserable scrap.”

As he spoke, he caught the paper with a stick and lifted it from the water. He noticed that it was a fragment of a torn-up letter, and one word upon it attracted his attention as being in thorough keeping with his own feelings. The word was “miserable,” and thus the writing read as a whole: “I assure you…I used to be very miserable…and trust Christ Jesus only…Salvation and now…Christ Jesus only Salvation and now joy and peace.”

He read the words over and over. It had been written by someone who had been, like himself, very miserable, but who had been led to trust Jesus Christ as his Saviour, and so had attained to joy and peace.

“Oh that I could find the same,” said this poor young man. “And yet, why should I not? Christ Jesus came to save sinners. I believe if He chose He could lift me out of the stream of evil and ruin, as I have lifted this scrap of paper. I wonder if He would be willing to save me?” And then a verse of a hymn that he had sung in better days came into his mind:

“If I trust Him to receive me,

Will He say me nay?

Not till earth and not till heaven

Pass away.”

“Oh, is it true?” he cried in an agony of earnestness. “Is it true? I believe it is. When He was on earth He received sinners, and invited the heavy-laden to come unto Him, and He is the same yesterday, today, and forever! I do not deserve it, but He will receive me!

God has many ways of reaching the human heart, and can employ the humblest and meanest of instruments. Let none doubt His willingness to save, for the Lord is “not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance” (2 Peter 3:9).

A Peculiar Poster

A Peculiar Poster

The walls of the community hall were nearly covered with posters of all sizes. But, strange to say, one poster alone drew the attention and anger of the custodian. It was a large piece of cardboard on whose white surface the simple, black printed message “stood out like a sore thumb,” as he described it. And what were the words which made him so angry?

“He that believeth on the Son

hath everlasting life:

and he that believeth not the Son

shall not see life; but the wrath of god

abideth on him.” John 3:16.

Glancing around, he saw among a group of young people a pleasant-faced young man who, he decided, was the culprit who had placed it there. “Hey, Sam,” he called out, “you are one of the religious type that would do this. Why do your kind of people put up these posters on the walls? Why don’t they keep these things to themselves?”

“Why? They have as much right, if it comes to a question of that sort, to do so as others have to put up their notices or advertise their wares.”

“Yes, yes, of course; but what does this thing mean?”

“Just what it says, sir. Read it the same as you would read anything else. Use the same thought in reading it as you would in reading another poster and it will be clear enough.”

“But will you just explain it a bit to me?”

“It needs very little explanation,” said Sam. “It is from the Bible, and thank God, the Bible is plain enough to those who want to understand. It is difficult only to those who won’t.

“These words tell us that everlasting life belongs to those who believe in the Son of God―that is, to those who take Him to be their Saviour, their Redeemer, their Lord―to those who accept Him as the divine Substitute for them, bearing their sins and taking their punishment on Calvary’s cross.”

“But what if a man does not believe that?”

“Then there is the other thing: he shall not see life. If you will have Christ as your Saviour from sin, you will have everlasting life. That is God’s way. It is ‘Yes’ or ‘No.’

“It does not matter what you are; unless you are `born again,’ become a new creature in Christ, you cannot see the kingdom of God. Scripture says: `Ye must be born again’ (John 3:7).

“Now be clear on this point―no new birth now means no entry into heaven later. Take Jesus Christ into your heart now, and be ready for a blessed eternity with Him in glory.”

It was a very subdued and thoughtful custodian that walked away thinking about those solemn words.