Articles on

Numbers 6

Nm. 6:3 KJV (With Strong’s)

He shall separate
nazar (Hebrew #5144)
to hold aloof, i.e. (intransitivey) abstain (from food and drink, from impurity, and even from divine worship (i.e. apostatize)); specifically, to set apart (to sacred purposes), i.e. devote
KJV usage: consecrate, separate(-ing, self).
Pronounce: naw-zar'
Origin: a primitive root
himself fromt wine
yayin (Hebrew #3196)
wine (as fermented); by implication, intoxication
KJV usage: banqueting, wine, wine(-bibber).
Pronounce: yah'-yin
Origin: from an unused root meaning to effervesce
and strong drink
shekar (Hebrew #7941)
an intoxicant, i.e. intensely alcoholic liquor
KJV usage: strong drink, + drunkard, strong wine.
Pronounce: shay-kawr'
Origin: from 7937
, and shall drink
shathah (Hebrew #8354)
to imbibe (literally or figuratively)
KJV usage: X assuredly, banquet, X certainly, drink(-er, -ing), drunk (X -ard), surely. (Prop. intensive of 8248.)
Pronounce: shaw-thaw'
Origin: a primitive root
no vinegar
chomets (Hebrew #2558)
KJV usage: vinegar.
Pronounce: kho'-mets
Origin: from 2556
of wine
yayin (Hebrew #3196)
wine (as fermented); by implication, intoxication
KJV usage: banqueting, wine, wine(-bibber).
Pronounce: yah'-yin
Origin: from an unused root meaning to effervesce
, or vinegar
chomets (Hebrew #2558)
KJV usage: vinegar.
Pronounce: kho'-mets
Origin: from 2556
of strong drink
shekar (Hebrew #7941)
an intoxicant, i.e. intensely alcoholic liquor
KJV usage: strong drink, + drunkard, strong wine.
Pronounce: shay-kawr'
Origin: from 7937
, neither shall he drink
shathah (Hebrew #8354)
to imbibe (literally or figuratively)
KJV usage: X assuredly, banquet, X certainly, drink(-er, -ing), drunk (X -ard), surely. (Prop. intensive of 8248.)
Pronounce: shaw-thaw'
Origin: a primitive root
any liquor
mishrah (Hebrew #4952)
maceration, i.e. steeped juice
KJV usage: liquor.
Pronounce: mish-raw'
Origin: from 8281 in the sense of loosening
of grapes
`enab (Hebrew #6025)
a grape
KJV usage: (ripe) grape, wine.
Pronounce: ay-nawb'
Origin: from an unused root probably meaning to bear fruit
, nor eat
'akal (Hebrew #398)
to eat (literally or figuratively)
KJV usage: X at all, burn up, consume, devour(-er, up), dine, eat(-er, up), feed (with), food, X freely, X in...wise(-deed, plenty), (lay) meat, X quite.
Pronounce: aw-kal'
Origin: a primitive root
lach (Hebrew #3892)
fresh, i.e. unused or undried
KJV usage: green, moist.
Pronounce: lakh
Origin: from an unused root meaning to be new
`enab (Hebrew #6025)
a grape
KJV usage: (ripe) grape, wine.
Pronounce: ay-nawb'
Origin: from an unused root probably meaning to bear fruit
, or dried
yabesh (Hebrew #3002)
KJV usage: dried (away), dry.
Pronounce: yaw-bashe'
Origin: from 3001

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Ministry on This Verse

Besides the religious nature of this institution, it seems to have been partly of a civil and prudential use.
The sobriety and temperance which the Nazarites were obliged to observe were very conducive to health.
Accordingly, they were celebrated for their fair and ruddy complexion; being said to be both whiter than milk and more ruddy than rubies (La 4:7); the sure signs of a sound and healthy constitution.
It may here be observed, that when God intended to raise up Samson, by his strength of body, to scourge the enemies of Israel, he ordered, that from his infancy he should drink no wine, but live by the rule of the Nazarites, because that would greatly contribute to make him strong and healthy; intending, after nature had done her utmost to form this extraordinary instrument of his providence, to supply her defect by his own supernatural power.
See Jenning's Jewish Antiquities, B. I. c. 8.
Lv. 10:9• 9Tú, y tus hijos contigo, no beberéis vino ni sidra, cuando hubiereis de entrar en el tabernáculo del testimonio, porque no muráis: estatuto perpetuo por vuestras generaciones; (Lv. 10:9)
Jue. 13:14• 14Ella no comerá cosa que proceda de vid que da vino; no beberá vino ni sidra, y no comerá cosa inmunda: ha de guardar todo lo que le mandé. (Jue. 13:14)
Pr. 31:4‑5• 4No es de los reyes, oh Lemuel, no es de los reyes beber vino, Ni de los príncipes la cerveza.
5No sea que bebiendo olviden la ley, Y perviertan el derecho de todos los hijos afligidos.
(Pr. 31:4‑5)
Jer. 35:6‑8• 6Mas ellos dijeron: No beberemos vino; porque Jonadab hijo de Rechâb nuestro padre nos mandó, diciendo: No beberéis jamás vino vosotros ni vuestros hijos:
7Ni edificaréis casa, ni sembraréis sementera, ni plantaréis viña, ni la tendréis: mas moraréis en tiendas todos vuestros días, para que viváis muchos días sobre la haz de la tierra donde vosotros peregrináis.
8Y nosotros hemos obedecido á la voz de Jonadab nuestro padre, hijo de Rechâb, en todas las cosas que nos mandó, de no beber vino en todos nuestros días, nosotros, ni nuestras mujeres, ni nuestros hijos, ni nuestras hijas;
(Jer. 35:6‑8)
Am. 2:12• 12Mas vosotros disteis de beber vino á los Nazareos; y á los profetas mandasteis, diciendo: No profeticéis. (Am. 2:12)
Lc. 1:15• 15Porque será grande delante de Dios, y no beberá vino ni sidra; y será lleno del Espíritu Santo, aun desde el seno de su madre. (Lc. 1:15)
Lc. 7:33‑34• 33Porque vino Juan el Bautista, que ni comía pan, ni bebía vino, y decís: Demonio tiene.
34Vino el Hijo del hombre, que come y bebe, y decís: He aquí un hombre comilón, y bebedor de vino, amigo de publicanos y de pecadores.
(Lc. 7:33‑34)
Lc. 21:34• 34Y mirad por vosotros, que vuestros corazones no sean cargados de glotonería y embriaguez, y de los cuidados de esta vida, y venga de repente sobre vosotros aquel día. (Lc. 21:34)
Ef. 5:18• 18Y no os embriaguéis de vino, en lo cual hay disolución; mas sed llenos de Espíritu; (Ef. 5:18)
1 Ts. 5:22• 22Apartaos de toda especie de mal. (1 Ts. 5:22)
1 Ti. 5:23• 23No bebas de aquí adelante agua, sino usa de un poco de vino por causa del estómago, y de tus continuas enfermedades. (1 Ti. 5:23)
 There were three things connected with this separation. --{v.3} The Nazarite was to drink no wine; --{v.5} he was to let his hair grow; --{v.6} and he was not to make himself unclean for the dead. (Numbers 6 by J.N. Darby)
 Wine designated the joy derived from the pleasures of society….From the moment Christ began His public service, He was separated from all that nature had its just part in. Invited with His disciples to a marriage, He says to His mother, “Woman, what have I to do with thee?” (Numbers 6 by J.N. Darby)

J. N. Darby Translation

he shall separate himself from wine and strong drink: he shall drink no vinegar of wine, nor vinegar of strong drink, neither shall he drink any liquor of grapes, nor eat grapes, fresh or dried.