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About This Product
Do you want to find that certain someone who would make the perfect match for you, who out of all the persons in the wide universe can satisfy the longings and yearnings of your heart like no one else? If finding the Ultimate Match to you sounds too good to be true, please read on to find out how this match can be made for you.
There are a number of services on the Internet making claims that they can bring the right persons together in order to bring lasting happiness in their lives. However, these systems have serious limitations. The best of them boasts of breaking the human personality into thirty-nine component parts when searching for compatibility. However, the human personality is so complex and multifaceted that this is simply not enough. The One who is the Ultimate Match for you has the ability to understand the intricacies and mazes of your personality completely. This Person knows you better than you ever thought possible, knows what you truly need, and has your welfare at heart.
Another limitation of these other systems is that their data banks are riddled with deceit and misrepresentations. Sadly, applicants in these systems have lied about their height, weight, looks, careers, marital status, age and everything else. You will be happy to know that deceit is 100% eliminated when it comes to making the Ultimate Match. Your sense of security will be unbounded because the relationship is based on rock-solid truth. Typically people have experienced a deep, abiding sense of relief when they start dealing with the truth.
If you are worried about cost, worry no longer. The One who sent the Ultimate Match into this world is so rich that He refuses to accept all payment. Many have spent a fortune elsewhere and have nothing to show for it but bitter disappointment. You simply cannot afford to pass this tremendous offer by.
The One who fully understands the needs and complexity of the human heart, the One who can see into the recesses and depths of the soul, the One who can without fail detect what is true and false, the One who can fully satisfy our inward yearnings, and the One who does all this with no cost is the Lord Jesus Christ, God’s Son. Somebody who finds a wife or a husband who treats them with kindness and respect finds a good thing, but someone who finds the Saviour finds the best, most necessary of all personal relationships in this life. It is the only relationship that will bring lasting happiness and contentment for time and eternity.
Jesus Christ is the Ultimate Match for each human soul because He alone has the power to forgive sins. The unvarnished truth is that we are all sinners in the sight of God. “All have sinned and come short of the glory of God” (Romans 3:23). As sinners, our most urgent need is for pardon and the forgiveness of sins. In grace, Jesus Christ, the Creator of the Universe, became a Man and then gave His life on the cross that He might make a way to offer the gift of forgiveness to guilty sinners. When a sinner believes on Him, they receive the forgiveness of sins. “In whom we have redemption through His blood, the forgiveness of sins, according to the riches of His grace” (Ephesians 1:7).
God loves sinners, and He is reaching out to them through the preaching of the gospel. They don’t have to adopt some pretence of being better than what they really are to earn His love. He knows everything about us. The marvelous thing about it is that, despite His perfect knowledge of us, He still loves us anyway. This doesn’t mean He wants us to be lax or complacent about sin. It destroyed the unity that existed between God and our first parents, has brought grief, hardship and death to every member of the human race, and will bring impenitent sinners to utter ruin in hell. It is never something to be trifled with. Won’t you turn away from your sins and turn instead to the Saviour who said, “They that are whole have no need of the physician, but they that are sick: I came not to call the righteous, but sinners to repentance” (Mark 2:17)?
God’s salvation is free, and He offers it at no cost to the sinner. In the fullness of His grace, He sent His Son into this world to make known His love. “This is a faithful saying, and worthy of all acceptation, that Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners” (1 Timothy 1:15). Because of God’s great love in sending His Son, the Lord Jesus Christ is the Ultimate Match for sinners. God is too rich to sell salvation, and man is too poor to buy it. “By grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God” (Ephesians 2:8). Won’t you come by faith to the Saviour and make the Ultimate Match for your soul? No one ever loved you as much as He does.