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About This Product
Excerpt: Now, from the beginning, the coming of Christ was intimated in the judgment pronounced on Satan; and then, when God began to deal with man in the new world when it had wholly departed from Him into idolatry, in the promise of the Seed in whom the nations should be blessed, to Abraham called out from it. But the promise was never fulfilled till Christ came; and He being rejected, though the promised Seed had come, the result of purpose was not fulfilled; but the ground of it was laid according to grace abounding over sin, and in righteousness, Christ having perfectly glorified God as made sin, and gone as Man into glory according to divine righteousness, so that man's being there was the demonstration of righteousness. Thus propitiation for sins was made, which met the responsibility, and the ground laid for the accomplishment of purpose, and then the Holy Ghost comes down on earth, the witness of these things, and the present power of that Christianity in which through grace we enjoy them.
Table of Contents
1. Divine Inspiration of the Holy Scripture, Letter on the
2. Work of Christ, On the
3. "Christianity and Modern Progress", Remarks on
4. Dr. Colenso and the Pentateuch
5. Scripture: the Place It Has in This Day
6. What Do I Learn from Scripture?
7. Either in Adam or in Christ?
8. Evangelical Protestantism and the Biblical Studies of M. Godet
9. Putting Away of Sin, On the
10. Review of "Holiness Through Faith"
11. Effect Spiritually of "Holiness Through Faith", The
12. Brief Remarks on "An Address for the Promotion of Scriptural Holiness"
13. Christ's Work*, Dr. Bonar on
14. Review of "The Rent Veil"
15. Cleansing and Deliverance
16. Cleansing by Water, and What It Is to Walk in the Light
17. "Higher Holiness": A Review
18. Scriptural Unity and Union
19. Romans, Short Introduction to
20. Romans, Summary of the Epistle to the
21. Romans, Colossians, Ephesians, Thoughts on
22. Judgment Seat of God and of Christ*
23. Original Sin, Letter on
24. Death for a Christian