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Excerpt from “Speech Delivered at a Meeting Held for the Purpose of Promoting Scriptural Education*:”
The question now is-will the children of God be faithful or not? Will they secure to themselves the whole of God's word; or will they, for the sake of a temporary advantage and at the command of man, give it up? I hope not. I believe this Board to be simply the work and instrument of Satan, though God shall overrule it to His own purpose. For to Him all power belongs; and though Satan may be permitted for wise ends to manifest himself for a time, yet the Lion of the tribe of Judah will ultimately overcome him, for He is King of kings and Lord of lords.
Excerpt from “The Believer's Place in Christ:”
Guilt is brought out by the cross of the blessed Lord: " He hath made him sin for us who knew no sin." But besides that, there is a new place and condition brought in for the believer; a new creation, in the midst of weakness and infirmity, yet in which we walk with God fully reconciled. God is fully revealed; nothing so revealed Him in His righteousness and in His love as the cross. There it is that all that I need He has met. But He has done more, though I have the treasure in this poor earthen vessel. It is an entirely new thing that He has brought me into. I am redeemed out of the condition of the fallen first Adam into the condition of the glorified second Adam; I am brought into the condition in which Christ stands before God as man; I am "made the righteousness of God in Him." All that He is, is mine. And this is how Christ says He gives-not as the world gives. When the world gives, it gives away-it has no more the thing that it has given; but when Christ gives, He gives nothing away, He brings us into everything that He has Himself. The peace that He gives us is "My peace "; the words that He has given us are "the words which thou gavest Me"; the joy is "My joy"; the glory is "the glory which thou gavest Me"; and the love is "the love wherewith thou hast loved Me." He brings us into the enjoyment of all that He enjoys Himself. It is a wonderful thing this: it is set before us as the object of hope.
There are two ways in which happy thoughts and feelings are wrought out. One is by living in the midst of happy relationships, as in a family. The other thing that gives us energy and joy is having an object before us that we are pursuing in hope. Now God would use both of these means to produce the happiness of the Christian state in us. As to the place of relationship He has brought us into, we have in it " fellowship with the Father and with his Son Jesus Christ." God has given us the same place with His Son-as to the actual glory, of course we have not got it yet; but we have got the place and relationship now, and the joy also, and the object, and the hope of knowing that we shall be with Him and like Him in the glory.
Table of Contents
1. God in His Essence and Attributes
2. Most High, The
3. Trinity, A Few Words on the
4. Absolute, The
5. Relative and the Absolute, The
6. Self-Consciousness and the Infinite
7. Examination of Mill's Logic*
8. Miracles and Infidelity
9. Mysticism, On
10. Government of God and His Counsels in Grace, On the
11. Coming of the Lord That Which Characterizes the Christian Life, The
12. Olive, the Vine, and the Fig-Tree, The
13. Scripture Knowledge, The Value of
14. Scripture Lessons of the Board of Education*, Some Observations on the
15. Irish Education Measures of 1832, A Letter on a Serious Question Connected With the
16. Promoting Scriptural Education*, Speech Delivered at a Meeting Held for the Purpose of
17. Deliverance from the Law of Sin*
18. Progress of Democratic Power, and Its Effect on the Moral State of England
19. Four Things We Have in Christ
20. This One Thing
21. Believer's Place in Christ, The
22. Narrative of Passion-Week and of the Resurrection, The
23. Facts of the Lord's Resurrection, in Their Relative Order, The
24. Closing Commissions in the Gospels, The
25. Faith Once Delivered to the Saints, The
26. Public Ruin of the Church, The
27. Apostasy, Letter on
28. Person of the Lord, The
29. Humiliation of Christ, The