About This Product
Excerpts: Oh, friend, wake up now! While the Father's arms are still open to welcome, while the Spirit is still here to strive while the Saviour still waits to bless, do come! May the deep sense of your need and danger bring you to His feet today.
Afterward, in terms purposely mysterious, John's ministry and work are stated. The lambs and sheep of Jesus were the Jewish believers confided thus to Peter. The testimony was to be rejected by the nation, and terminated by Peter's death. But it should be otherwise with that of John. Peter, who sees him also following Jesus, asks the Lord what would happen to him. "If I will," says the Savior, "that he remain till I come, what is that to thee? Follow thou Me! "He did not say, as was supposed, that He would not die; but in fact, His ministry makes known the ways of God to the end. All is left in suspense after Him, until Jesus come, whilst the sphere of Peter's ministry has disappeared from off the earth.
Remark, too, that it is no question here of Paul's ministry. Peter had the ministry of the circumcision; the earth was the scene of it, and the promises its object, leading at the same time individually to heaven. John, whilst revealing the Person of the Son and eternal life come down from heaven, occupies himself also with that which is upon earth, then with the government and the judgment of God at the Savior's manifestation down here. Paul treats of God's counsels in Christ, and of His work, to introduce us into the same heavenly glory, like Him before the Father, His brethren already down here. This is not the subject of our Gospel.
Table of Contents
1. Review of "Lectures on the Second Advent" and "The Apocalypse Unfulfilled"
2. "Darbyism"*, Reply to an Article in the Zionsboe Upon
3. Letter on "The Body of Christ and a Misunderstanding on the Subject", A
4. Is the "One Body" the Ground of Gathering?
5. New Lump
6. Christ and Sanctification*
7. Everlasting Punishment, On: The Eternity of Evil
8. Immortality and Everlasting Punishment, Letter on
9. Deity of Christ and What Constitutes Christianity, The
10. Development
11. Revised New Testament, Letters on the
12. Parables of Matthew 13*, Letter on the
13. Parables of the Treasure and the Net, A Note on the
14. John, On the Gospel of: Introduction
15. John 1, On the Gospel of
16. John 2, On the Gospel of
17. John 3, On the Gospel of
18. John 4, On the Gospel of
19. John 5, On the Gospel of
20. John 6, On the Gospel of
21. John 7, On the Gospel of
22. John 8, On the Gospel of
23. John 9, On the Gospel of
24. John 10, On the Gospel of
25. John 11, On the Gospel of
26. John 12, On the Gospel of
27. John 13, On the Gospel of
28. John 14, On the Gospel of
29. John 15, On the Gospel of
30. John 16, On the Gospel of
31. John 17, On the Gospel of
32. John 18, On the Gospel of
33. John 19, On the Gospel of
34. John 20, On the Gospel of
35. John 21, On the Gospel of
36. Romans, On the Epistle to the: Introduction
37. Romans 1 and 2, On the Epistle to the
38. Romans 3, On the Epistle to the
39. Romans 4, On the Epistle to the
40. Romans 5, On the Epistle to the
41. Romans 6, On the Epistle to the
42. Romans 7, On the Epistle to the
43. Romans 8, On the Epistle to the
44. Romans 9, On the Epistle to the
45. Romans 10, On the Epistle to the
46. Romans 11, On the Epistle to the
47. Romans 7 and 8
48. Romans 9*
49. Application of the Types of the Red Sea and Jordan, Note on the