The Golden Heart by S.P. Hurst

Golden Heart, The [Epub Ebook]

A charming old tale set in North Africa which well portrays the character of the long-standing and still current conflict between Islam and Christianity and trials faced by those who turn from Islam to our Lord Jesus Christ. If you enjoy Patricia St. John's books, you will enjoy this one as well. The Epub and Mobi editions must be ordered on the BTP website. …

Epub Ebook, Available Online Only, 112 pages


The Golden Heart by S.P. Hurst

Golden Heart, The [Paperback]

A charming old tale set in North Africa which well portrays the character of the long-standing and still current conflict between Islam and Christianity and the trials faced by those who turn from Islam to our Lord Jesus Christ. …

Paperback, 112 pages

#7071, $5.95

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