Verse resources for:  
Articles on a 1 Peter 3 verse range:
[1 Peter 3:1]  Order in Home and Assembly — Charles E. Little (Toledo Conference: 1987)
[1 Peter 3:1-6]  1 Peter 3:1-6 — William Kelly (1 Peter) [6 min. read]
[1 Peter 3:1-7]  Natural Relationships — Stanley Bruce Anstey (The First Epistle of Peter) [14 min. read]
[1 Peter 3:1-13]  1 Peter 3:1-13 (Sunday Afternoon Reading: 2021)
[1 Peter 3:1-17]  1 Pedro — Hamilton Smith (Las epístolas de Pedro)
[1 Peter 3:1-17]  1 Peter 2:18-3:17: Conduct Suited to the Individual Relationships of the Christian — Hamilton Smith (The Epistles of Peter) [6 min. read]
[1 Peter 3:1-22]  1 Peter 2:1-3:22 (Knoxville Special Meetings)
[1 Peter 3:1-22]  1 Peter 3 — Frank Binford Hole (1 Peter: Briefly Expounded) [10 min. read]
[1 Peter 3:2-4]  Seeking a Spouse — Nicolas Simon (That It May Be Well With Thee: Dating And Marriage) [39 min. read]
[1 Peter 3:3-4]  92. On Dress — Charles Henry Mackintosh (Answers to Correspondents: From Things New and Old 1858-1863) [2 min. read]
[1 Peter 3:3-4]  Value — Paul J. Pascoe (CareLines: Volume 2)
[1 Peter 3:5-6]  1 Peter 3:5-6 — William Kelly (1 Peter) [3 min. read]
[1 Peter 3:7]  1 Peter 3:7 — William Kelly (1 Peter) [4 min. read]
[1 Peter 3:8]  Courtesy — Paul J. Pascoe (CareLines: Volume 3) [1 min. read]
[1 Peter 3:8-9]  1 Peter 3:8-9: The Christian Circle — Hamilton Smith (The Epistles of Peter) [2 min. read]
[1 Peter 3:8-9]  2 Pedro: Introducción — Hamilton Smith (Las epístolas de Pedro)
[1 Peter 3:8-12]  1 Peter 3:8-12 — William Kelly (1 Peter) [7 min. read]
[1 Peter 3:8-22]  Various Aspects of Suffering in the Path of Faith — Stanley Bruce Anstey (The First Epistle of Peter) [1.1 hr. read]
[1 Peter 3:10]  Suffering for Christ — Clarence E. Lunden (Montreal Conference: 1982)
[1 Peter 3:10-13]  1 Peter 3:10-13: The Moral Government of God — Hamilton Smith (The Epistles of Peter) [3 min. read]
[1 Peter 3:10-13]  Falsos maestros y herejías destructivas — Hamilton Smith (Las epístolas de Pedro)
[1 Peter 3:10-18]  1 Peter 3:10-18 Are You Brought to God? — John Nelson Darby (Collected Writings of J.N. Darby: Expository 7) [12 min. read]
[1 Peter 3:13-16]  1 Peter 3:13-16 — William Kelly (1 Peter) [5 min. read]
[1 Peter 3:14-16]  October 28 — Henry Allan Ironside (Daily Sacrifice)
[1 Peter 3:14-17]  Be Ready to Give an Answer — Dean Edward Rule (Europe Conference: 2021)
[1 Peter 3:14-22]  1 Peter 3:14-4:7: Suffering for Righteousness' Sake — Hamilton Smith (The Epistles of Peter) [12 min. read]
[1 Peter 3:14-22]  Sufriendo la oposición del diablo — Hamilton Smith (Las epístolas de Pedro)
[1 Peter 3:15]  Hope — Paul J. Pascoe (CareLines: Volume 7)
[1 Peter 3:15]  Our Part - Trust and Receive God's Gift — Mark Sell (Pella Conference: 2016)
[1 Peter 3:15]  Personal, Private and Public - Speak Up for Your Savior — D. Bruce Imbeau (Scranton Conference: 2008)
[1 Peter 3:15]  The Key - Sancitify the Lord God in Your Heart — Philip (Phil) Jennings (Pella Conference: 2006)
[1 Peter 3:17-18]  1 Peter 3:17-18 — William Kelly (1 Peter) [5 min. read]
[1 Peter 3:17-18]  2 Peter 3:17-18 (Things New and Old: Volume 20)
[1 Peter 3:17-18]  December 13 — Henry Allan Ironside (Continual Burnt Offering: Daily Meditations)
[1 Peter 3:17-22]  1 Peter 3:17-22 (Hemet Conference: 2010)
[1 Peter 3:18]  All-Sufficiency of Christ: Part 1 — Charles Henry Mackintosh (The Mackintosh Treasury: Vol. 1) [14 min. read]
[1 Peter 3:18]  Brought to God for His Glory — Paul L Johnson (Walla Walla Conference: 1969)
[1 Peter 3:18]  Christ's Martyrdom Sufferings — T. Roach (Richmond BC Conference: 1997)
[1 Peter 3:18-20]  1 Peter 3:18-20 (Questions and Answers on Scripture: From the Bible Treasury) [3 min. read]
[1 Peter 3:18-20]  Abraham and Christians One? (Questions and Answers on Scripture: From the Bible Treasury) [4 min. read]
[1 Peter 3:18-20]  Christ's Preaching to the Spirits in Prison: Part 1 — William Kelly (The Preaching to the Spirits in Prison) [16 min. read]
[1 Peter 3:18-20]  Christ's Preaching to the Spirits in Prison: Part 8 — William Kelly (The Preaching to the Spirits in Prison) [12 min. read]
[1 Peter 3:18-20]  Correspondence. — William John Hocking, Editor (The Believer's Monthly Magazine: Volume 3)
[1 Peter 3:18-20]  Did Christ Preach to Old Testament Saints After Death? (Questions and Answers on Scripture: From the Bible Treasury) [1 min. read]
[1 Peter 3:18-20]  Noah's Preaching — Frances George Burkitt (Christian Truth: Volume 33) [2 min. read]
[1 Peter 3:18-21]  Christ's Preaching to the Spirits in Prison: Part 10 — William Kelly (The Preaching to the Spirits in Prison) [13 min. read]
[1 Peter 3:18-21]  Christ's Preaching to the Spirits in Prison: Part 2 — William Kelly (The Preaching to the Spirits in Prison) [15 min. read]
[1 Peter 3:18-22]  1 Peter 3:18-22, Comments on — John Nelson Darby (Christian Truth: Volume 24) [3 min. read]
[1 Peter 3:18-22]  Christ's Preaching to the Spirits in Prison: Part 3 — William Kelly (The Preaching to the Spirits in Prison) [17 min. read]
[1 Peter 3:18-22]  Saved by Water: Preaching to the Spirits in Prison — Alfred Henry Burton (Christian Truth: Volume 2) [8 min. read]
[1 Peter 3:19]  Correspondence: 1 Peter 3:19; Jesus Always Son of God (Correspondence) [4 min. read]
[1 Peter 3:19-20]  1 Peter 3:19-20 — William Kelly (1 Peter) [7 min. read]
[1 Peter 3:20-21]  Baptism, Few Thoughts on: No. 3 (A Few Thoughts on Baptism) [6 min. read]
[1 Peter 3:21]  1 Peter 3:21 (Questions and Answers on Scripture: From the Bible Treasury) [1 min. read]
[1 Peter 3:21]  Question and Answers: Baptism Saving Us (Questions and Answers in Christian Treasury) [1 min. read]
[1 Peter 3:21-22]  1 Peter 3:21-22 — William Kelly (1 Peter) [10 min. read]
[1 Peter 3:22]  A Risen Saviour's Love — Albert Cecil Hayhoe (Conference)