On May 2, 2011, Osama bin Laden's body was washed, wrapped in cotton and lowered from the deck of the U.S.S. Carl Vinson by an elevator to sea level. Has this brought peace, rest and certainty to any human heart? …
Full Color Gospel Tract, 3.5" x 5.5", 4 pages
#6806, $7.00
Franklin Clifford Blount
Blessed are the peacemakers. Sequel to God's Unchanging Love.
Booklet, 12 pages
#5785, $0.50
W.M. Reid
Former title: "Peace with God Through the Blood of Jesus." A classic commentary on Scriptures pertaining to the blood of Christ. Well written and very readable. Contains rather sweeping statements on page 45 and weak definitions on page 46, but this book has a long history of blessing and has been highly recommended. …
Pamphlet, 52 pages
#8621-50, $2.95
9" x 12" 28# White Paper, Gummed Flap, 9" x 12"
#3217-50, $0.20
John Nelson Darby
A comforting perspective for perilous times. From the Synopsis, Revelation 1.
20-Pack of Bookmark Leaflets, Large Print, 12-Point Type, 2.2" x 8", 2 pages
#3503, $0.95
Inglis Fleming
A comforting perspective for perilous times.
20-Pack of Leaflets, 10.5-Point Type, 3.5" x 5.5", 4 pages
#44028, $1.95
Brochure, Large Print, 14-Point Type, 3.7" x 8.5", 6 pages
#44027, $0.25
Five articles from The Collected Writings, Volume 16: "God's Rest — the Saint's Rest"; "The Altar of Abraham"; "The Sufferings and Praises of Christ"; "The Call of the Bride"; "The Failure of the Sons of Aaron." Selectively abridged. …
Audio CD
#8007-65, $4.95
Edward B. Dennett
God's way is through Christ. Have you discovered it?
Paperback, 96 pages
#1001, $4.95
A special order item which must be ordered on the website and the Custom ID (as assigned by the design program) supplied by the customer when placing the order. …
Per Specified Custom Design ID Code, 28 pages
#8101, $2.95
Charles Henry Mackintosh
Very helpful extracts from five letters which appeared in Things New and Old and in various other Christian publications since. …
Brochure, Large Print, 12-Point Type, 3.7" x 8.5", 6 pages
#43922, $0.25
J. Maxted
Full Color Print on Quality Art Paper, Large 25" x 19"
#4519, $4.95
Russell Elliott
Peace, not perplexity.
Pamphlet, Large-Print, 22 pages
#9859, $0.95
An article which appeared recently in The Christian and twice in Christian Truth. Author unknown. …
#42951, $0.25
Satan's peace contrasted with God's peace.
Gospel Brochure, Large Print, 16-Point Type, 3.7" x 8.5", 6 pages
#41630, $0.20
Peace now and forever — because He is now and forever.
Red, Gold Embossing, 2.5" x 8"
#6690-50, $1.25
George Cutting
When "peace with God" is spoken of, sin is the disturbing thing, and conscience the thing disturbed; but when the "peace of God" is spoken of, earthly care is the disturbing thing, and heart and mind the things disturbed. …
Gospel Booklet, 48 pages
#1946-13, $0.95
Five articles from The Collected Writings, Volume 16: Peace - My Peace, John 14:27 - Dead and Risen With Christ - The Christian's Nature and Relation - God for Us, Romans 8:31-39 - Reflections on Mixed Marriages. Selectively abridged. …
#5126-65, $4.95
C.H. T.
"O! for the peace of perfect trust, . . ." A classic devotional poem. Author unknown …
20-Pack of Large Print Poetry Leaflets, 11.5-Point Type, 3.5" x 5.5", 2 pages
#8634, $0.95
Two articles from The Collected Writings, Volumes 7 and 10.
#5100-65, $4.95
A popular "little Bible"; selected gospel verses. If we have peace with God, we do not need to fear anybody or anything else. …
Full Color Gospel Mini-Booklet, Large Print, 11-Point Type, 2" x 2.5" x .1", 32 pages
#42285, $0.25
The world is filled with constant conflict. The need is first of all to find peace with a holy God. There is no peace for those not reconciled to Him. See also: #42285 …
Full Color Gospel Tract, 4 pages
#5614, $7.00
Peace with God is real peace. All men need it, and it is the lack of it which produces so much personal and social unrest today. …
Pamphlet, Large Print, 14-Point Type, 5.5" x 8.5" x .1", 28 pages
#1775, $2.95
Harold Primrose Barker
It is the happy privilege of every true believer in Christ to enjoy peace with God …
Pamphlet, Large-Print, 18 pages
#9813, $1.50
Sin destroys all lasting peace. The sacrifice of the Saviour makes peace that lasts forever. …
Laminated Gospel Tract Card, 2 pages
#40762, $7.00
Plastic, 5-1/2" x 7-1/2"
#4838-50, $2.25
Plastic, 8" x 5"
#6757-50, $2.95
Jan Rouw
A message of peace presented by the postage stamps of Israel. Profusely illustrated with full color photos of Israel's stamps. …
Paperback, 48 pages
#5655-15, $4.95
D. Hague
The stirring story of how God used Dr. Valpy's short poem. "In peace let me resign my breath, And Thy Salvation see. My sins deserved eternal death; But Jesus died for me." …
Gospel Booklet, 3" x 4.7", 8 pages
#1798-21, $0.25
Stanley Bruce Anstey
How can we promote unity in the Assembly?
Pamphlet, 10.5-Point Type, 5.1" x 7.75" x .1", 32 pages
#3577, $4.50
Despite its claims, Islam is not a religion of peace. So, what characterizes and constitutes a relition of peace? …
20-Pack of Gospel Tracts, 3.75" x 6", 6 pages
#8841-56, $1.95