William Kelly
Though the presence and work of the Holy Spirit is generally ignored, Christians tend to take more notice of it in the individual than in the assembly — to their great loss collectively. …
Paperback, 10.5-Point Type, 5" x 8" x .25", 68 pages
#1478, $5.95
Hamilton Smith
Learning, mourning, worshipping.
Pamphlet, Large Print, 16 pages
#7638, $1.95
A classic meditation. Author unknown.
20-Pack of 2-Page Poetry Leaflets, 9.5-Point Type, 3.5" x 5.5", 2 pages
#1911, $0.95
John Gifford Bellett
Alternate title: "Peace Offerings - Burnt Offerings"
Booklet, 5.5" x 3.75", 18 pages
#9221, $0.50
Epub Ebook, Available Online Only, 18 pages
Stanley Bruce Anstey
Includes excellent chart comparing the priesthood and advocacy we all need.
Pamphlet, 10.5-Point Type, 5" x 7.5" x .1", 48 pages
#9656, $4.95
G. C.
Be much in prayer, in this dark hour, For great are Satan's wiles; Far worse than persecuting power Are his seductive smiles. …
20-Pack of Poetry Leaflets, 2 pages
#4625, $1.95
Paul Wilson
Teaching on head covering from 1 Corinthians 11:3-16.
Booklet, 4" x 6.5", 16 pages
#1927, $0.95
John A. Kaiser
The portent of our presence in His presence.
Brochure, Large Print, 12.5-Point Type, 3.7" x 8.5", 6 pages
#40119, $0.25
Charles Henry Mackintosh
An exposition of 1 Peter 2:1-10.
Booklet, 8.5-Point Type, 3" x 4.7", 24 pages
#44958-32, $0.50
Our position according to the will of God, work of Christ, and witness of the Holy Spirit with the author's desire "for reality in this world of sham — for deep thinkers and earnest workers in this day of shallow talkers!" …
Booklet, 32 pages
#1539, $0.95
Richard Holden
1. Clergy and creeds. 2. The State (Ruin) of the Church. 3. God's Remedy. 4. God's Plan. 5. Godly Order. 6. God's Provision. …
Pamphlet, 62 pages
#5029-56, $3.00
Lois Beckwith
The Father seeketh worshippers, His praises to impart. And to and fro thoughout the earth, He searches every heart. …
#3322, $0.95
Edwin Brunswick Hartt
When we are assembled to remember the Lord in His death.
20-Pack of Bookmark Leaflets, Large Print, 11.5-Point Type, 2.7" x 8", 2 pages
#3530, $0.95
E.P. Corrin
Meditations from John 9.
Booklet, 20 pages
#1650, $0.50
Epub Ebook, Available Online Only, 20 pages
John Nelson Darby
There is real power in the life of faith — walking in secret with God. Lessons from Philippians 4. …
Booklet, 16 pages
#2000-13, $0.50
As we abide in Christ, daily reading His precious Word, and seeking to live in conformance to His will only, we will learn better how to ask for the things that are in tune with His will. (see John 15:7) …
20-Pack of 4-Page Leaflets, 4 pages
#4159, $1.95
James Lampden Harris
Expositions of the contrasts between the positions and blessings of the Jewish worshipper and the Christian worshipper. Also previously titled On Worship. A landmark classic. …
Kivar Paperback, 144 pages
#3490, $5.95
William Woldridge Fereday
What revival really is, and what initiates and characterizes it. A classic.
Paperback, 162 pages
#7455, $6.95
Abridged from "The Lord's Supper: A Memorial of Christ" (#4674).
Brochure, 6 pages
#3561-68, $0.25
Kelly sets the truth, the priesthood of every believer, in contrast with error, a ritualistic system of worship administered by a few. …
Pamphlet, 40 pages
#1648-68, $4.95
Henry Allan Ironside
A classic, dealing with doctrines related to the Mass, to transubstantiation, to mediatorship advocacy, to works, and to tradition. and to tradition. …
Pamphlet, 10-Point Type, 5.5" x 8.5" x .1", 38 pages
#5411, $2.95
John Henry Jacobsen
It pays to go through this little hymnbook and gather fresh courage from the Word of God, because all the precious truths contained in it are found in His Word. …
Leaflet, 6 pages
#6873, $0.25
Former title: Thoughts on the Lord's Supper.
Booklet, 4" x 6.5" x .1", 46 pages
#1563, $2.95
Very insightful. Includes the poem "At His Table" (presumably also by JGB).
Booklet, 3" x 4.6", 16 pages
#40674-50, $0.50
Gordon Henry Hayhoe
God has one person, the Lord Jesus Christ, His own beloved Son, whom He delights to honor, and who is the only gathering center for the members of His body---the church for whom He gave Himself. …
Pamphlet, 8 pages
#3583, $0.95
The secret of deliverance from self. Attributed to J. N. Darby, found in one of his Bibles. It is not certain that Darby was the author. …
20-Pack of Poetry Leaflets, 3-Stanza Classic Version, 2 pages
#1784, $1.95
The secret of deliverance from self. Attributed to J. N. Darby; found in one of his Bibles. …
Laminated Poetry Card, 6 Stanzas, 2 pages
#1859-32, $0.25
Clifford Henry Brown
A Biblical and historical analysis.
Booklet, 46 pages
#1983, $2.95
What the Lord values is the melody in the heart, but to introduce musical instruments because we cannot sing well, is really only to make things more pleasant for ourselves, and not for the Lord who knows our hearts. …
Brochure, 9-Point Type, 3.7" x 8.5", 6 pages
#3779, $0.25
How popular "pastoral" practice hinders the work of the Holy Spirit today.
Pamphlet, 3.9" x 6", 24 pages
#1966-13, $0.50
Norman W. Berry
A very simple survey of the offering up to God of the sacrifices, Leviticus chapters 1-7. …
Brochure, Large Print, 11.5-Point Type, 3.7" x 8.5", 6 pages
#5331, $0.25
Algernon James Pollock
A very helpful and concise consideration of Scriptural terms such as: bishop, elder, overseer, deacon, gift, apostle, prophet, evangelist, pastor, teacher, priest and ordination. See also: Leviticus. …
Pamphlet, 52 pages
#5528-15, $4.95
Frederick George Patterson
Christ.....can use for His own glory and the blessing of others, the weakest vessel, if in the current of His Spirit, in the truth. …
Booklet, 48 pages
#3433-56, $1.95
Every poem in this classic collection pours out spiritual meditations on a set of theme verses. "Poems of Comfort and Worship" would make an excellent companion to your morning meditation or add a moment of reflection on the Word in your favorite quiet place. You'll find many sweet thoughts on God's sovereignty, purposes of love and God's working for the good of each of His own. …
Paperback, 9-Point Type, 5" x 8" x .3", 138 pages
#43025, $8.95
Praises to the Saviour give, He who died that we might live, For His love, so great, so free, Praise His Name eternally. …
#3324, $0.95
H. Suso
A beautiful 12-stanza meditation by Henry Suso, translated by Frances Bevan, extracted from Hymns of Ter Steegen and Others, Volume 1. Here are all six stanzas. Former title: "Beyond the Brightness of the Sun" …
Poetry Brochure, Large Print, 14-Point Type, 3.7" x 8.5", 6 pages
#44706, $0.25
George Hogarth Carnaby MacGregor
A small sweet classic article on prayer.
Booklet, 24 pages
#1547, $0.95
May the Holy Spirit stir us all up, and press upon our souls the value,importance and urgent necessity of unanimity, confidence, definiteness, importunity, and perseverance in all our prayers and prayer meetings. …
Pamphlet, 24 pages
#2605, $1.95
Mark Best
As the Lord in the midst leads the praise of His own to the Father, God is worshipped according to the way He has made Himself known in the Person of His Son. …
#8166-68, $0.25
Rationalism and ritualism.
#1689, $0.50
Booklet, 11-Point Type, 5.4" x 3.8", 12 pages
#1104, $0.50
Epub Ebook, Available Online Only, 11-Point Type, 5.4" x 3.8", 12 pages
Leviticus Set, Volume 2.
Kivar Paperback, 10-Point Type, 4.8" x 7.3" x .5"^, 184 pages
#4415, $6.95
Nicolas Simon
Pamphlet, Entrusted Deposit Series, 10.5-Point Type, 5.3" x 8.5" x .1", 36 pages
#44126, $3.95
O help us Lord, Thy love to keep before us, Keep our hearts occupied with Thee alone; With warm desire to Thy great love responding, Ever rememb'ring Thee till Thou shalt come. …
20-Pack of 2-Page Poetry Leaflets, 2 pages
#1553, $0.95
William Shaw
Let secret prayer be urged on God's people as one of the great essentials of spiritual life, without which our grandest services will be barren and fruitless in the eyes of Him who looks on the heart. …
20-Pack of 8-Page Leaflets, 8 pages
#3332, $1.95
Every step (of my life) is a manifestation of my Father's love, who has led me along the way. In glory I shall see all my foolishness, but it will be in the body risen or changed. I shall learn the love of Christ in every detail of my life from beginning to end. …
#5646, $0.50
Henry William Soltau
A classic exposition. See also: Leviticus.
Paperback, 488 pages
#1103-33, $21.99