Noah Webster
The classic work by the father of American lexicography. This edition draws heavily on the Authorized (King James) Version of the Bible and is therefore very helpful toward the understanding of KJV vocabulary and usage. Noah Webster was a devout Christian scholar. He also produced an excellent revision of the Authorized Version, but it did not prove popular. His spiritual scholarship shines here. …
Hardback, Green, 8½" x 11" x 2½", 848 pages
#4960-47, $69.95
20-Pack of 2-Page Poetry Leaflets, 2 pages
#6408-50, $1.95
Paul Wilson
Teaching on head covering from 1 Corinthians 11:3-16.
Booklet, 4" x 6.5", 16 pages
#1927, $0.95
Charles Henry Mackintosh
If there is one point above another in which Christians have failed, it is in this very point of commanding their children and household. A man who knows how to command his house is worthy of God's confidence. …
Brochure, Large Print, 12-Point Type, 3.7" x 8.5", 6 pages
#7345, $0.25
John A. Kaiser
Bitterness is bondage and is also like a contagious cancer. When the will is broken, the bondage is broken. …
Brochure, Large Print, 13.5-Point Type, 3.7" x 8.5", 6 pages
#5322, $0.25
A daily calendar for boys and girls. Full of gospel stories, activities, and spiritual lessons for children. …
With Back, 736 pages
#2595, $10.00
King James Version
Commonly called a "Bride's Bible."
Leathergrain Hardback, White, Silver Edges, Two White Marker Ribbons, 6.5-Point Type, 3.7" x 5.4" x .8", 1,184 pages
#4303-61, $16.00
Wonderful truth well expressed. Author unknown.
12-Pack of Poetry Leaflets, 9.5-Point Type, 3.3" x 4.7", 6 pages
#1739-50, $1.95
A simple gospel tract for use at a baptism or with a baptismal announcement or invitation …
25-Pack of Large Print Gospel Tracts, 11.5-Point Type, 3.5" x 5.5", 4 pages
#44595, $1.95
John Bunyan & John Foxe
Years ago, after the Bible, The Pilgrim's Progress and Foxe's Book of Martyrs were the two books most commonly found in Christian homes. We believe and recommend that these two volumes should still be prominent and read in every home. Matched volumes — a nice wedding gift. Of course, every home should have a good Bible dictionary and a good concordance as well. …
2-Volume Set, Hardback, Hendrickson Edition
#40516-82, $29.95
John Brereton
Family fundamentals.
Booklet, 16 pages
#8029, $0.95
Raymond K. Campbell
Paperback, 9.5-Point Type, 5" x 8" x .2", 80 pages
#1207-15, $8.95
Edward B. Dennett
The privileges and responsibilities of husbands, wives and children.
Kivar Paperback, 9.5-Point Type, 4.1" x 6.5" x .3", 136 pages
#3231, $5.95
William Kelly
Clear practical teaching of basic, commonly ignored truth.
Pamphlet, 4.5" x 6.25", 24 pages
#4394, $0.95
William John Hocking
Marriage, as a divine institution, and Christian marriage, as a sanctified institution, are doubly under attack today. But God has amply provided for what He has instituted and sanctified. …
Booklet, 22 pages
#3911, $0.50
Epub Ebook, Available Online Only, 22 pages
Algernon James Pollock
According to John 8:32, knowledge of the truth is linked with freedom. If a woman would be truly "liberated," she should know and conform to the role which God created for her and for which she was created. Adapted from Woman: Her Place in Scripture by A. J. Pollock. …
Brochure, Abridged Edition, 9.5-Point Type, 3.7" x 8.5", 6 pages
#3227, $0.25
Former title: "Woman: Her Place in Scripture."
Pamphlet, 16 pages
#2078-68, $2.95
Stanley Bruce Anstey
Your friends are like the buttons on an elevator---they can take you up, or they can take you down! …
Pamphlet, 10.5-Point Type, 5" x 7.6" x .1", 36 pages
#8894, $4.95
He knows, He sees, He hears, Nothing this truth can dim, He gives the very best, To those who leave the choice with Him. …
Pamphlet, 10.5-Point Type, 5" x 7.6" x .1", 32 pages
#9621, $4.95
George A. Morrish
A valuable help that gives in concise form: 1. A short survey of each of the Books of the Bible. 2. The Doctrines of Christianity as set forth in Scripture. 3. The Dispensational Dealings of God as revealed in His Word. 4. An outline of Prophecy. 5. The Old Testament Feasts and Offerings with their New Testament anti-types. 6. Identification of Persons and Places. Every home should have this book. …
Hardback, 6" x 9.5" x 1.75", 888 pages
#1304, $24.95
A classic and timeless yet urgent message for parents.
20-Pack of Gospel Tracts, 3.5" x 5.1", 8 pages
#1851, $1.95
Gordon Henry Hayhoe
Lessons from Genesis 24.
Pamphlet, 24 pages
#2086, $0.95
Alexander Cruden
Over 225,000 references including Biblical proper names and their meanings.
Hardback, Hendrickson Edition, 5.74" x 8.25" x 1.5", 796 pages
#1016-82, $19.95
John Nelson Darby
As created by God, the relationships of nature were established before the fall and still subsist. The Christian is reckoned to be dead to sin, not to nature. …
Pamphlet, 4" x 6.5", 16 pages
#8444, $0.95
Robert S. Lundin
The tender consciences of sisters in Christ may perhaps be exercised before the Lord that their apparel should on some occasions have a more modest character in order that they might please the Lord more fully. …
#4001-13, $0.25
James Lampden Harris
Booklet, 10-Point Type, 5.4" x 3.8" x .1", 40 pages
#40662, $0.50
Epub Ebook, Available Online Only, 10-Point Type, 5.4" x 3.8" x .1", 40 pages
A sad and instructive story, concluding with Ellen's own comment on her unscriptural marriage. Author unknown. An abridgement of #7583 "Unscriptural Marriage: The History of Ellen". …
#43601, $0.25
John Gifford Bellett
Family character and religion as learned through the history of Abraham and Lot …
Booklet, 24 pages
#5911, $0.60
I believe we could say that the way in which God our Father has dealt with us as His children is the perfect pattern for us as fathers with our children. (See Hebrews 12:5-10.) …
Pamphlet, 32 pages
#1982, $1.95
A few simple thoughts on a profound subject.
Brochure, Large Print, 14-Point Type, 3.7" x 8.5", 6 pages
#40797, $0.25
James Dods
The man's place and the woman's place in the Christian home.
Booklet, 32 pages
#5805, $1.95
Biblical characteristics of a good father, itemized with supporting Scriptures.
20-Pack of Full Color Leaflets, 3.5" x 5.5", 4 pages
#43400-59, $1.95
Mary Currier
Booklet, 36 pages
#42911-50, $2.95
A businessman is dying and calls his family around him. He s ays good night to all but one. To the unbelieving son he say s a forever good-bye. But the story doesn't end there. …
Full Color Gospel Tract, 4 pages
#41578, $7.00
Benjamin McCall Barbour
Hannah's faith revealed and rewarded.
20-Pack of Leaflets, 8 pages
#7966, $1.95
Robert Boulard
The wonder of God's Word it that it is an eternal Book which is not bound by custom, culture or time. Its truths are as relevant today as they were yesterday and will be tomorrow. What a comfort this should be to us! …
Pamphlet, 10.5-Point Type, 4.6" x 6.5", 12 pages
#5114, $3.50
V. Hallowell & Others
A collection of helpful articles by Christian women for Christian women.
Epub Ebook, Available Online Only, 12-Point Type, 5" x 8", 210 pages
Paperback, Large Print, 12-Point Type, 5" x 8", 210 pages
#41865, $9.95
Marilyn Friesen
Paperback, 160 pages
#6289-53, $8.95
Substance of a letter referencing 35 Scripture passages, with brief comments on some of them. …
#43590, $0.25
Richard "Dick" Gorgas
As long as we are in the body, wicked tendencies of all sorts may be present, but we are to judge such tendencies and, says Paul, "walk in Spirit and ye will not fulfil flesh's lust". Galations 5:16 …
20-Pack of 2-Page Leaflets, 2 pages
#5185, $0.95
J.C. Ryle
Straightforward and timely instruction for both prospective and veteran parents. Stresses the eternal welfare of the child, as well as those habits which mold a child's character. Abridged by H. E. Hayhoe. …
Pamphlet, Large Print, 13-Point Type, 5.5" x 8.5" x .1", 28 pages
#1729, $2.95
Lois Faith Kendall Blanchard Eades
Conscience-searching classic Christian poetry.
20-Pack of Poetry Leaflets, 10.5-Point Type, 3.5" x 5.5", 4 pages
#3749, $1.95
Audio Album, 3 CDs
#6319, $7.95
A book for young people contemplating marriage, for parents and grandparents. The twenty-five chapters take up the subject from the first choice of a companion to the setting up of the home and the training of children. …
Hardback, 128 pages
#1372, $9.95
Paperback, 128 pages
#1371, $6.95
L. Douglas Nicolet
Practical precepts for Christians as seen in Paul's voyage.
Pamphlet, 48 pages
#4434, $2.95
A classic and clear gospel message based on Isaiah 45:21 and John 8:1-11.
Gospel Booklet, Large Print, 12-Point Type, 3.5" x 4.7", 16 pages
#1786, $0.50