Charles Henry Mackintosh
Over one hundred inquiries concerning spiritual matters considered.
Paperback, 10-Point Type, 5" x 8" x .2", 98 pages
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Kivar Paperback, 10-Point Type, 4.1" x 6.5' x .45", 192 pages
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Richard Holden
1. Clergy and creeds. 2. The State (Ruin) of the Church. 3. God's Remedy. 4. God's Plan. 5. Godly Order. 6. God's Provision. …
Pamphlet, 62 pages
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John Nelson Darby
"Continue thou in the things which thou hast learned and hast been assured of, knowing of whom thou hast learned them" (2 Timothy 3:14). …
Booklet, 8 pages
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Robert S. Lundin
The tender consciences of sisters in Christ may perhaps be exercised before the Lord that their apparel should on some occasions have a more modest character in order that they might please the Lord more fully. …
Pamphlet, 16 pages
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James Hudson Taylor
This message has been a blessing to many for over a century.
Brochure, 10.5-Point Type, 3.7" x 8.5", 6 pages
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Samuel J. Rutherford
Short pithy meditations selected by Hamilton Smith. See also: Loveliness of Christ …
Paperback, 96 pages
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Exclusive principles as viewed by C. H. Mackintosh. Reprinted from "Things New and Old," Vol. 18. …
Booklet, 4.1" x 6.6", 16 pages
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We hear of "free Will" as if it were a Scriptural term or a Biblical doctrine. It is neither — for reasons given. …
Brochure, Large Print, 14-Point Type, 3.7" x 8.5", 6 pages
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H. Jisaburo
Touching last words.
Brochure, 6 pages
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Michael Browne
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Gospel Booklet, 16 pages
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J.N.D.'s testimony as to his personal exercises and how they developed. See also: "A Letter to the Editor of the Francais". …
Booklet, 12 pages
#1671-50, $0.50
"I will communicate … what has led me, and others with me, to take up the position in which we find ourselves...." Written 1878. The Francais was a French Catholic newspaper. See also, "Letter to Professor Tholuck, A". …
Booklet, 16 pages
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Theodosia A. Wingfield Powerscourt
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Hardback, 217 pages
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Generally considered the most readable and interesting of Darby's prose writings — full of practical spiritual wisdom. …
3-Volume Set, Hardback, 1,568 pages
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3-Volume Set, Kivar Paperback, Compact Edition, 4" x 6", 1,568 pages
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Henry Allan Ironside
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The most eminent Christian is one of those of whom no one has ever heard anyone speak, some laborer, or servant, whose all is Christ, and who does all for His eye, and His alone. …
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Charles Henry Mackintosh, Hugh Henry Snell, John Nelson Darby & Roy A. Huebner
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Paperback, 200 pages
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Frederick George Patterson
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Paperback, 148 pages
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John Gifford Bellett
Out of print for many years, this collection of short insightful articles will refresh the reader. …
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Walter Potter
Their separate significance.
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Edward B. Dennett
Are you newly saved? Here are twelve simple letters to help you get started in your new life, covering peace with God, prayer, worship and many other helpful subjects. …
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Are you newly saved? Here are twelve truths presented in a conversational tone and supported by the Word of God. …
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Booklet, 40 pages
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