James Ussher
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T.H. Ratcliffe
A new work which incorporates Scripture, current scientific information, spiritual meditations and plentiful full-color illustrations. …
Large Hardback, Large Print, 11-Point Type, 7.5" x 9.4" x .5", 268 pages
#6372-42, $29.99
Morris Yoder
Hardback, Large Format, 9.5" x 9.5" x .5", 180 pages
#40810-63, $29.99
John Bunyan
The classic story of Christian's wife's journey. This edition features 75 beautiful full-color illustrations by Albert Wessels. …
Large Format Hardback, Classic Art Edition, 7.7" x 11.5" x .3", 152 pages
#43348-50, $31.95
Barry J. Beitzel
118 coordinated maps and many additional graphics, physical and historical geography, and Scripture index. Very well done. …
Large Hardback, 8½" x 11" x 1", 352 pages
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Pablo Yoder
A beautiful book for young people on God's handiwork as displayed in South American wildlife. Twenty-five chapters with full-color photography throughout. An excellent gift book. See also: The Work of Thy Fingers. …
Hardback, 152 pages
#2164-63, $15.99
J. Strong
Termed a "Large-Print Edition" by the publisher, this concordance has been fairly popular despite its size because of its clean layout and more readable type. Strong's work is more useful than Cruden's Concordance and many popular reference works are keyed to it. Includes Hebrew, Chaldee and Greek Dictionaries. This valuable feature allows effective use of all of these valuable aids together without any prior knowledge of the original languages. …
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#8262-39, $29.95
This volume contains extra-clear typesetting and page design, plus updated Greek and Hebrew dictionaries which tie each word to its Greek or Hebrew root. Includes maps and additional Bible study aids. …
Hardback, Hendrickson Standard Edition, 8.3" x 10.8" x 2.9", 1,548 pages
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King James Version
A very welcome "giant print" edition with a sturdy binding.
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R. Young
Contains about 311,000 references, subdivided under the Hebrew and Greek originals, index-lexicons to the Old and New Testaments, and a complete list of Scripture proper names. …
Hardback, Hendrickson Edition, 8¾" x 11" x 1¾", 1,216 pages
#1106-82, $29.95