His Business Wall Witness
Approx. 9" x 5" (Horizontal) Dark Wood, White Lettering, Clear Finish
#3421-50, $14.95
Noah Webster
The classic work by the father of American lexicography. This edition draws heavily on the Authorized (King James) Version of the Bible and is therefore very helpful toward the understanding of KJV vocabulary and usage. Noah Webster was a devout Christian scholar. He also produced an excellent revision of the Authorized Version, but it did not prove popular. His spiritual scholarship shines here. …
Hardback, Green, 8½" x 11" x 2½", 848 pages
#4960-47, $69.95
George H. Seville
A classic commentary on common comments. Former title: "Minced Oaths."
Brochure, Large Print, 14-Point Type, 3.7" x 8.5", 6 pages
#43437, $0.25
Alexander Hume Rule
Wonderful wise counsel.
20-Pack of Leaflets, 4 pages
#7515, $1.95
John Nelson Darby
Former title: "A Timely Word on Grace".
20-Pack of 4-Page Leaflets, 4 pages
#1558, $0.95
It is a fatal mistake to suppose that unity can be kept in a legal way. It must be grace. …
20-Pack of Bookmark Leaflets, 9.5-Point Type, 2.2" x 7.9", 2 pages
#5225, $0.95
There is real power in the life of faith — walking in secret with God. Lessons from Philippians 4. …
Booklet, 16 pages
#2000-13, $0.50
George Cutting
On energetic evangelism imperatives, by an evangelist.
Pamphlet, 9.5-Point Type, 5.5" x 8.5", 20 pages
#8117, $1.95
Common corrupt communication and the Christian.
20-Pack of Leaflets, 3.4" x 5.8", 4 pages
#5591-50, $1.95
The most eminent Christian is one of those of whom no one has ever heard anyone speak, some laborer, or servant, whose all is Christ, and who does all for His eye, and His alone. …
20-Pack of Leaflets, 3" x 4.5", 8 pages
#1548, $1.95
C.G. M.
Psalm 106:32-33. Tempering the temper.
Booklet, 10-Point Type, 3.4" x 4.7, 12 pages
#42098-32, $0.25
Dealing with defilement.
Booklet, 12 pages
#1472, $0.25
George Douglas Watson
Gleaned from his book Soul Food and originally titled "Loquacity," this classic and often-quoted article deals directly with a common plague — a lightly regarded common sinful vice. …
20-Pack of Large Print Leaflets, 11.5-Point Type, 3.5" x 5.5", 4 pages
#2321, $1.95
Paul Wilson
Old truth (though truth never ages) with modern (internet) application.
Booklet, 9.5-Point Type, 5.4" x 3.8", 20 pages
#1494, $0.60
The secret of unseen service and undervalued virtue.
20-Pack of Bookmark Leaflets, Large Pring, 12-Point Type, 2.2" x 8", 2 pages
#2058, $0.95
ShareWord Wall Witness
Packaged and ready to hang as a poster, this text may be trimmed to fit an 8" x 10" frame or matted to fit a 9" x 12" or 11" x 14" frame. A good companion for a mirror. …
Black Monotype on White Parchment, 12-Point Type, 8.5" x 11"
#45005, $1.95
Edwin N. Cross & John Gifford Bellett
The one man who never uttered a foolish or vain word.
Brochure, 6 pages
#8133-68, $0.25