King James Version
Commonly called a "Bride's Bible."
Leathergrain Hardback, White, Silver Edges, Two White Marker Ribbons, 6.5-Point Type, 3.7" x 5.4" x .8", 1,184 pages
#4303-61, $16.00
George A. Morrish
A valuable help that gives in concise form: 1. A short survey of each of the Books of the Bible. 2. The Doctrines of Christianity as set forth in Scripture. 3. The Dispensational Dealings of God as revealed in His Word. 4. An outline of Prophecy. 5. The Old Testament Feasts and Offerings with their New Testament anti-types. 6. Identification of Persons and Places. Every home should have this book. …
Hardback, 6" x 9.5" x 1.75", 888 pages
#1304, $24.95
Alexander Cruden
Over 225,000 references including Biblical proper names and their meanings. Every home should have a Cruden's or a Strong's Concordance. …
Hardback, Hendrickson Edition, 5.74" x 8.25" x 1.5", 796 pages
#1016-82, $19.95
John Foxe
Except for Bunyan's Pilgrim's Progress, perhaps no book in the English language has been so widely read and appreciated as the work by John Foxe (sometimes "Fox"). Originally titled Christian Martyrs of the World, it has appeared in many more readable editions simply as Foxe's Book of Martyrs. The edition edited by William Forbush presents Foxe's history superbly, with very little loss of content. The Abridged Edition contains carefully selected stories and illustrations. One esteemed brother regularly used to give Forbush's edition to newlyweds — presumably because of its sobering view of Christian life. …
Hardback, Hendrickson Forbush Edition, 376 pages
#2552-82, $19.95
Charles Henry Mackintosh
USED COPIES ARE SOMETIMES AVAILABLE. ENQUIRE. Best known and loved of all his works, this work was first released in six volumes. Andrew Miller in his preface states: "I would earnestly recommend the following Notes. They are characterized by a deep-toned evangelical spirit. Man's complete ruin in sin and God's perfect remedy in Christ are fully, clearly, and often strikingly presented." …
USED Hardback, 1-Volume Edition, 928 pages
#1204-15, $45.00
V. Hallowell & Others
A collection of helpful articles by Christian women for Christian women.
Epub Ebook, Available Online Only, 12-Point Type, 5" x 8", 210 pages
Paperback, Large Print, 12-Point Type, 5" x 8", 210 pages
#41865, $9.95
Paul Wilson
A book for young people contemplating marriage, for parents and grandparents. The twenty-five chapters take up the subject from the first choice of a companion to the setting up of the home and the training of children. …
Hardback, 128 pages
#1372, $9.95
Julius Anton Wilhelm Eugen von Poseck
Amid the moral darkness prevalent in the world today, a well-ordered Christian household can provide a beacon of light. …
Hardback, 380 pages
#1364, $11.95
King James Version/J.N. Darby
Two translations have been combined into one conveniently sized Bible. The King James Version, with center column references, appears on the left pages and the J. N. Darby New Translation with full translator notes on the right. This edition is prefaced by Darby's Introduction to the Bible. Other Features Room for private notes Table of kings and prophets 1600 pages …
Genuine Leather, Black, Full-Notes, 6-Point Type, 6.3" x 9.3" x 1.3", 1,600 pages
#2401, $135.00
J. Strong
This concordance is popular despite its size, more useful than Cruden's Concordance, and many popular reference works are keyed to it. Includes Hebrew, Chaldee and Greek Dictionaries. Many of the reference works listed in BTP's catalog incorporate Strong's numbers. This valuable feature allows effective use of all of these valuable aids together without any prior knowledge of the original languages. Every home should have a Cruden's or a Strong's Concordance. …
Hardback, Hendrickson Standard Edition, 8.3" x 10.8" x 2.9", 1,548 pages
#1406-82, $19.95
John Nelson Darby
With paragraph headings. Burgundy and cream bindings. Almost as nice as #9520.
5-Volume Set, Hardback, Burgundy & Cream, 9.5-Point Type, 4.4" x 6.5", 3,028 pages
#6648-15, $74.95
A superb survey of Scripture.
5-Volume Set, Hardback, Black & Ivory, 4.25" x 6.7", 2,828 pages
#1760, $35.00
This edition features a modern and more readable format incorporating the best features of the previous editions, with the addition of Scripture and Subject Indices, and with larger type — about 50% larger than the Loizeaux or Morrish editions. Bindings are black and ivory with gold stamping. …
5-Volume Set, Deluxe Hardback, 10.5-Point Type, 5.4" x 8.4", 2,487 pages
#9520, $79.95
R. Young
Contains about 311,000 references, subdivided under the Hebrew and Greek originals, index-lexicons to the Old and New Testaments, and a complete list of Scripture proper names. …
Hardback, Hendrickson Edition, 8¾" x 11" x 1¾", 1,216 pages
#1106-82, $29.95