John Nelson Darby
The benefit and blessing of divine approval.
20-Pack of 2-Page Leaflets, 2 pages
#1465, $0.95
B.E. Newcombe
A classic parable about suffering and service.
Booklet, 12 pages
#1781, $0.25
Paul Wilson
Teaching on head covering from 1 Corinthians 11:3-16.
Booklet, 4" x 6.5", 16 pages
#1927, $0.95
Armistead Mason Barry
Lessons from Gideon and the Apostle Paul.
Booklet, 24 pages
#3866, $0.60
Henry Allan Ironside
Pamphlet, 5.5" x 8.5", 12 pages
#43002-50, $1.95
1832. From Spiritual Songs.
20-Pack of 4-Page Poetry Leaflets, 4 pages
#1935, $1.95
Charles Henry Mackintosh
An exposition of 1 Peter 2:1-10.
Booklet, 8.5-Point Type, 3" x 4.7", 24 pages
#44958-32, $0.50
William (Bill) Prost
On the right motive, God-given tools, His leading, and an understanding of the times …
Pamphlet, 48 pages
#8580, $3.95
Our position according to the will of God, work of Christ, and witness of the Holy Spirit with the author's desire "for reality in this world of sham — for deep thinkers and earnest workers in this day of shallow talkers!" …
Booklet, 32 pages
#1539, $0.95
Arthur B. Pollock
Philippians 1:9-11. An important exhortation for gifted servants among the saints and we who may follow them. …
#1849, $2.95
J.B. Nicholson Jr. & S. Tucker
A table of the types and purposes of spiritual gifts.
Medium Size Full Color Poster, 17" x 11"
#7875-42, $2.99
L. Taylor
Winsome witness. See also: Bells and Pomegranates.
Booklet, 16 pages
#1470-32, $0.60
From Footprints for Pilgrims. See also: #42630
20-Pack of 4-Page Leaflets, 4 pages
#6646, $1.95
Encouragement for helpers.
#2410-59, $1.95
A young girl's testimony, using a hymn, and its effect.
25-Pack of Gospel Tracts, 10-Point Type, 3.5" x 5.5", 4 pages
#8638, $1.95
Clifford Henry Brown
We have so much to learn from the life of John Mark. You and I have made mistakes, perhaps painful mistakes. Let us not be discouraged; let us not give up; let us not think that God is through with us. What is the way of recovery? Just get low in His presence and humble ourselves, and tell Him all about our blunder or our sin. Let us not excuse ourselves, or attempt to let ourselves off easily. Simply admit the truth, "I was wrong!" We have a wonderful illustration of this truth in the training of God’s profitable servant - John Mark. …
Pamphlet, Large Print, 11-Point Type, 12 pages
#1773, $0.95
E.S. Lyman
Grace and legality — their sources and practical effects.
#7313-59, $1.95
The value of the right motive. Author unknown.
20-Pack of Full-Color Leaflets, 6 pages
#8105-59, $1.95
William Kelly
Kelly sets the truth, the priesthood of every believer, in contrast with error, a ritualistic system of worship administered by a few. …
Pamphlet, 40 pages
#1648-68, $4.95
A presentation of Moses serving God's people after God's own heart — a good example for us. This little booklet deserves a much wider distribution than it gets. …
#1912, $0.95
ShareWord Wall Witness
Packaged ready to hang as a poster, this text may be trimmed to fit an 8" x 10" frame or matted to fit a 9" x 12" or 11" x 14" frame. …
Black Monotype Script on Antique White Parchment, 8.5" x 11"
#41598, $1.95
Step aside from thoughts about your service for the Lord, and let your heart enjoy thoughts of His service for you. …
#3813, $0.95
T. Wilson
Prophetic testimony today.
20-Pack of Full-color Leaflets, 4 pages
#5843-59, $1.95
Just because religion as such is now news which the secular world prints does not mean that the world is any closer to God. …
#1948, $0.50
This article is made memorable by several expressions in it: "the spirit of the age". "our faces in the dust", " … the floor of the meeting room was wet with their tears." The substance of the first article from Miscellaneous Writings, Volume 4 . …
Booklet, 9-Point Type, 4" x 5.5", 8 pages
#1537, $0.25
This article is made memorable by several expressions in it: "the spirit of the age"; "our faces in the dust"; "the floor of the meeting room was wet with their tears." The substance of the first article from Miscellaneous Writings, Volume 4 . Alternate title: "Hold Fast Till I Come" …
Brochure, Large Print, 11.5-Point Type, 3.7" x 8.5", 6 pages
#43283, $0.25
How popular "pastoral" practice hinders the work of the Holy Spirit today.
Pamphlet, 3.9" x 6", 24 pages
#1966-13, $0.50
Algernon James Pollock
A very helpful and concise consideration of Scriptural terms such as: bishop, elder, overseer, deacon, gift, apostle, prophet, evangelist, pastor, teacher, priest and ordination. See also: Leviticus. …
Pamphlet, 52 pages
#5528-15, $4.95
Hamilton Smith
The camp and compromise.
Brochure, 6 pages
#1999-68, $0.25
Notes of a lecture on Matthew 11.
Brochure, 3.5" x 8.5", 8 pages
#3574-56, $0.40
The most eminent Christian is one of those of whom no one has ever heard anyone speak, some laborer, or servant, whose all is Christ, and who does all for His eye, and His alone. …
20-Pack of Leaflets, 3" x 4.5", 8 pages
#1548, $1.95
Nicolas Simon
Pamphlet, Entrusted Deposit Series, 10.5-Point Type, 5.3" x 8.5" x .1", 36 pages
#44126, $3.95
Roy A. Huebner
A very insightful compendium of thought, as far as it goes.
Paperback, 9.5-Point Type, 5.4" x 8.5" x .4", 152 pages
#3991-59, $9.95
Many Christians, if not most, believe that Christians should keep the Ten Commandments. Such Christians need to read this pamphlet — a classic statement on some important and practical distinctions between Judaism and Christianity. This is a new edition. …
Epub Ebook, Available Online Only, 5½" x 8½", 34 pages
Pamphlet, Large-Print, 5.5" x 8.5", 34 pages
#3168, $2.95
Luke 12:35-41.
Pamphlet, 20 pages
#6259-68, $1.95
Authority and power in service.
20-Pack of Leaflets, 3.5" x 5.5", 2 pages
#1479, $0.95
John Jewell Penstone
A classic poem of nine substantial stanzas which has been an encouragement to the Lord's servants for a century or more. Former title: "The Servant's Path in a Day of Rejection." …
Booklet, Poetry, 3.8" x 6", 8 pages
#1474-32, $0.25
William Barker
The necessity of communication and communion for intelligence and power in service …
#4186-59, $1.95
An open letter from a sister to her sisters. Author unknown.
Booklet, 10-Point Type, 5.5" x 3.75", 16 pages
#7101, $0.50
Lessons from the life of Samson.
Pamphlet, 6 pages
#4296, $0.40
Thomas (Tom) Clement
The Missing Ministry — praise and worship. The Mercy Ministry — proclaiming the gospel. The Mystery Ministry — serving the saints. …
Pamphlet, 5.3" x 7.8" x .1", 32 pages
#4486-50, $3.95
This article shows how Christ's coming is connected with everything in the Christian life, including holiness, service, conversion and ministry. …
Pamphlet, 24 pages
#3192-68, $2.95
Rev. 2:17. Encouragement for faithful service. Author unknown.
#8785-56, $0.40
Edward B. Dennett
From Footprints for Pilgrims. The introductory Scripture verse contains a typographical error which needs to be corrected in the next printing. But the message is clear and convicting. …
#5668, $1.95
Helpful remarks on saintly service by an esteemed servant of Christ.
Leaflet, 3.3" x 6.25", 8 pages
#2066-56, $0.20
The words of the Apostle Paul may be applied but too truly to us, "All seek their own." May God grant that the consideration of Work in its Right Place may be used to awaken within us a fervent desire to emulate Hezekiah in his honorable course of devotedness to the service of God. The same way in which Hezekiah acted lies open to the very humblest amongst us; all we need is an affectionate and holy determination to give ourselves unreservedly to the service of Him who has plucked us as brands from everlasting burnings, and given us a place amongst the happy number of the redeemed. We have little idea of what each of us would achieve were we only to act with a little of Hezekiah's spirit. True, we should beware of merely doing for doing's sake, but we should also beware of lukewarmness. Wherever grace is really known, Christian action will not be lacking. …
Pamphlet, 10.5-Point Type, 5.5" x 8.5" x .1", 40 pages
#2014, $3.95
From Footprints for Pilgrims.
#1266, $1.95
William T. Trotter
1. God Present in the Assembly; 2. The Church Edified by Gifts; 3. Distinguishing the Spirit's Guidance — Negative Marks; 4. Distinguishing the Spirit's Guidance — Positive Marks; 5. Mutual Dependence and Other Observations. …
Booklet, 40 pages
#1636, $1.95
Historically, worship has been largely liturgical. However, worship is meant to be spiritual, and therefore directed by the Spirit of God. What characterizes spiritual worship? …
Pamphlet, Entrusted Deposit Series, 10.5-Point Type, 5.3" x 8.5" x .1", 42 pages
#44620, $3.95