King James Version
One of the the smallest KJV Text Bibles currently in print.
Kivar, Navy Blue, 6.5-Point Type, 3.75" x 5.4" x .9", 1,184 pages
#8696-61, $10.00
Paperback, Dark Blue, 6-Point Type, 5.4" x 8.2" x 1.25", 608 pages
#4952-82, $5.95
Features: Epistle Dedicatory - A Harmony of the Gospels - Key Bible Promises - How to Become a Christian …
Paperback, Variegated Blue Swirl, 6-Point Type, 5.4" x 8.2" x 1", 608 pages
#43279-50, $3.95
Paperback, Blue Water, 7.75-Point Type, 5.25" x 8.25" x .9", 704 pages
#42551-50, $2.95
Paperback, 9-Point Type, 5.5" x 8.5" x .4", 272 pages
#42676-50, $1.95
Includes a basic gospel outline in the back of the Bible.
Paperback, Gold & White, 7-Point Type, 5.5" x 8.5" x .9", 616 pages
#6649-50, $2.95
Very readable print.
Paperback, Aqua Sea Rocks Scenic Cover, 10.5-Point Type, 6" x 9" x 1.5", 1,184 pages
#42675-50, $6.95
Because of this item's significant weight and low cost, quantity shipments outside the continental US may involve significantly more shipping costs than BTP's website shipping calculator may indicate. …
Paperback, Blue Mountains Shadowprint, 8-Point Type, 5.4" x 8.4" x 1.1", 820 pages
#42549-50, $3.95
Vest Pocket New Testament and Psalms. Very popular. Good value.
Kivar, Navy Blue, 7-Point Type, 2.8" x 4.1" x .5"
#40568-61, $2.00
Kivar, Burgundy, 7-Point Type, 2.8" x 4.1" x .5"
#40570-61, $2.00