John Telford Armet
A beloved classic — a simple, well-illustrated study. Now back in print, having been out of print for 25 years. Includes a supplementary survey of the feasts of the Lord (Leviticus 23). …
Epub Ebook, Available Online Only, 108 pages
Paperback, 10.5-Point Type, 5" x 8" x .3", 108 pages
#1123, $6.95
Four full-color prints originally published in J. T. Armet's Notes on the Tabernacle: "The Tabernacle in the Wilderness," "The Veils and Hangings," "The Furnishings," and "The High Priest." …
Set of 4 Small Full Color Prints, 5.2" x 7.5", 4 pages
#2642, $1.95