Algernon James Pollock
Brochure, Large Print, 13.5-Point Type, 3.7" x 8.5", 6 pages
#40507, $0.25
On the error of baptism for salvation.
Brochure, 9-Point Type, 3.7" x 8.5", 6 pages
#1917, $0.25
"I kept for nearly a year the flask-shaped cocoon of an Emperor Moth." Excerpted from Comforted of God. …
20-Pack of 4-Page Leaflets, 4 pages
#5366-56, $1.95
Pamphlet, 6 pages
#42014-15, $1.95
Pamphlet, 36 pages
#1484-68, $1.95
Christadelphianism makes a great show of appealing to Scripture. Every lover of truth will be well content to judge this system by such an unerring standard. …
Booklet, 24 pages
#3595-68, $1.95
According to John 8:32, knowledge of the truth is linked with freedom. If a woman would be truly "liberated," she should know and conform to the role which God created for her and for which she was created. Adapted from Woman: Her Place in Scripture by A. J. Pollock. …
Brochure, Abridged Edition, 9.5-Point Type, 3.7" x 8.5", 6 pages
#3227, $0.25
Former title: "Woman: Her Place in Scripture."
Pamphlet, 16 pages
#2078-68, $2.95
A classic collection of short articles and poems that have encouraged many for many years. …
Paperback, 110 pages
#1093-22, $9.95
A survey of the titles (or names) given to God in the Bible.
Paperback, 58 pages
#9443-15, $6.95
Scripture very plainly teaches that the Holy Spirit is free to lead in praise, worship, or prayer any brother who is present. No brother has a RIGHT to take part, but it is his privelege to do so as led of the Spirit of God. …
20-Pack of 4-Page Leaflets, 1 pages
#7053-59, $1.95
Today, the reality of eternal retribution is increasingly rejected, even by many who profess to believe the Bible. This booklet clearly and thoroughly addresses the issues. See also: Eternal Punishment. …
Paperback, 10-Point Type, 5" x 8" x .2", 60 pages
#6502-15, $5.95
Gospel Brochure, Large Print, 14-Point Type, 3.7" x 8.5", 6 pages
#41719, $0.20
Paperback, 10-Point Type, 5.5" x 8.5" x 3", 118 pages
#42713-50, $9.95
May God keep and preserve His beloved people from this awful delusion, and give them grace and power to stand for the truth and defend it at all costs. …
Pamphlet, 64 pages
#2579-22, $0.95
A very helpful and concise consideration of Scriptural terms such as: bishop, elder, overseer, deacon, gift, apostle, prophet, evangelist, pastor, teacher, priest and ordination. See also: Leviticus. …
Pamphlet, 52 pages
#5528-15, $4.95
A chapter from Things Which Must Shortly Come to Pass which should stimulate interest in prophecy as well as in this excellent book. This article also clearly points out why the rapture must be pre-tribulational. …
Brochure, 8.5-Point Type, 3.7" x 8.5", 6 pages
#42123, $0.25
A classic on the resurrection resurrected.
Paperback, 88 pages
#2928-61, $9.95
He could not sin. How then was He tempted? What does that mean for us?
Large Brochure, Abridged Edition, 6 pages
#4365-15, $0.95
Written many years ago, this article ably addresses the fundamental errors of SDA doctrine. …
Epub Ebook, Available Online Only, 26 pages
Pamphlet, 26 pages
#2021, $1.95
A classic.
Paperback, 236 pages
#3197-50, $14.95
A popular prophetic primer, including helpful outlines of Daniel, Zechariah and the Revelation. …
Hardback, 288 pages
#1290, $12.95
Paperback, 288 pages
#1289, $8.95
Some thoughts which helped a young man to a clear and absolute belief in the Scriptures as the Word of the living God. A classic. …
Paperback, Large Print, 12-Point Type, 5" x 8" x .3", 134 pages
#1213-15, $9.95