Roy A. Huebner
This helpful volume includes: a reply to Ultradispensationalism, a reply to the charge that dispensationalism is inherently Arminian, and a reply to the charge that the kingdom offer makes God inherently immoral. …
Paperback, 238 pages
#6857-50, $10.00
Booklet, 4" x 6.5", 24 pages
#3465-56, $0.50
Jacob's Trouble - The Hour of Trial - The Great Tribulation - The Day of the Lord - The War of That Great Day of the Almighty. An exposition and re-examination of these events in view of recent objections to truth regarding these events which was revived in the early 1800s. …
Paperback, 104 pages
#6861-50, $7.95
Scripture tells us that as a man thinketh in his heart, so is he. The soul is the dwelling place of truth, but the conscience is the door by which it enters, otherwise it is intellectually held. …
Pamphlet, 5.5" x 8.5" x .1", 48 pages
#6329-56, $2.95
A warning concerning psychic phenomena.
Pamphlet, 78 pages
#2425-56, $3.95
Bethesdaism — roots, principles, and fruit. A surprising exposé of the origin of Open Brethrenism. …
Paperback, 332 pages
#7383-56, $14.95
Also includes an excellent review of Darby's translations of the Bible, and of his writings in general. …
Paperback, 124 pages
#7385-56, $10.00
A very insightful compendium of thought, as far as it goes.
Paperback, 9.5-Point Type, 5.4" x 8.5" x .4", 152 pages
#3991-59, $9.95
An helpful chart giving the full text of the Canticles with speakers identified and with parallel notes on the text indicating the prophetic implications of the text. A ShareWord service product downloaded from the PTP website. Generally supplied folded for convenience of mailing and/or storage in a Bible or book. …
POD PDF, Folded in Half, 8.5" x 11", 6 pages
#43188, $0.95
The Spirit and the bride say "Come". They do not set a future date for our Lord's coming to receive us unto Himself, that where He is, there we may be also. "Even so, Come, Lord Jesus". …
Booklet, 16 pages
#6328-56, $0.50
Huebner's purpose in writing this book is to outline Scripture broadly enough to meet virtually all the claims of the Pentecostal/Charismatic system, not merely to refute them, but to ground our souls in scriptural teaching on the matters in question. …
Paperback, 228 pages
#2864-56, $8.95