James (Jim) Hyland
Ministry on what properly characterizes meetings of the assembly.
Audio Ministry CD
#40110, $1.95
He was willing to murder for ten cents, and he paid with his life. What is your price, and what is your life worth? …
Gospel Brochure, Large Print, 14-Point Type, 3.7" x 8.5", 6 pages
#44712, $0.20
Paperback, 10-Point Type, 5.5" x 4" x .3", 136 pages
#42858, $5.95
Short meditations on affliction. Written while stricken with cancer and completed just before the author's Homecoming. …
Paperback, 10-Point Type, 5.5" x 4" x .3", 122 pages
#43260, $5.95
The heat and stress of the wilderness journey didn't discourage God's faithful follower Caleb. He didn't complain or grumble; he keep his eyes on the goal, overcoming obstacles in the strength of the Lord. …
Epub Ebook, Available Online Only, 164 pages
The heat and stress of the wilderness journey didn't discourage God's faithful follower Caleb. He didn't complain or grumble; he kept his eyes on the goal, overcoming obstacles in the strength of the Lord. …
Paperback, 10-Point Type, 5" x 8" x .4", 164 pages
#3571, $6.95
"And they continued stedfastly in the apostle's doctrine and fellowship, and in the breaking of bread and in prayers". Acts 2:42. …
Booklet, Poetry, 8 pages
#9878, $0.50
The four anchors of Acts 27 related to the Lord's coming.
Large Leaflet, 4 pages
#9942, $0.25
A helpful address given at the St. Louis General Meetings, November 2006.
Audio Cassette
#4855, $3.95
What is God's will for my life, and how do I know it? A helpful address given at the St. Louis General Meetings, November 2006. …
#3693, $1.95
As a bright A gleaming light, Burning through this world's dark night. Shine for Him! …
Set of 16 Leaflets, 64 pages
#3348, $1.50
Young People's Address, Montrose Bible Conference, 2009.
#8507, $1.95
"Have we taken a stillness break today?"
#5502, $0.25
Full-color gift edition.
Paperback, 10-Point Type, 5.5" x 4" x .3", 112 pages
#40553, $5.95
Practical Bible lessons drawn from daily life.
Booklet, 12 pages
#9877, $0.50