Rampaging soldiers splash blood on doors of houses where they have killed the occupants. A goat's blood on one door shelters the occupants of one house. So Christ's blood shelters those who trust Him. …
Full Color Gospel Tract, 4 pages
#41096, $7.00
Sudden disaster fell on San Francisco in 1906. Judgment is coming on this world. Former title: "San Francisco's Sorrow!" …
#1856, $7.00
Matt loses his dog Laddie and has to buy him back from the neighborhood bully. Christ paid to buy us back from sin and Satan. Former title: "Getting Laddie Back" …
#41570, $7.00
The Guinness Book lists the world's most expensive tree as a n $11 million dollar Christmas Tree in Abu Dhabi. That's pit ifully cheap compared to the cost of the cross. …
#42210, $7.00