Seven men drown at the harbor entrance. Almost believing in Christ is not enough …
Full Color Gospel Tract, 3.5" x 5.5", 4 pages
#41197, $7.00
Christ's finished work and not our good works will save us from hell and send us to heaven. …
Full Color Gospel Tract, 4 pages
#41430, $7.00
Assorted designs. New designs are introduced annually but are often available for several years following their introduction. Generally, the designs available correspond to the Thank You Card designs currently available. …
Laminated Gospel Tract Card, Assorted Designs, 3.5" x 2.38", 2 pages
#6682, $7.00
Scripture verses under four headings. You need to be saved! You cannot save yourself! Jesus can save you! Trust Jesus now! …
#5047, $7.00
A simple presentation, using six Scripture passages, showing why God's time is now …
#41198, $7.00
Carefully arranged verses present God's love, the sinner's need, the way of salvation, and the urgency of the message. …
#6192, $7.00
A businessman is dying and calls his family around him. He s ays good night to all but one. To the unbelieving son he say s a forever good-bye. But the story doesn't end there. …
#41578, $7.00
A young boy suddenly realizes that his hunter friend is his king. How should you respond to recognizing Jesus Christ for who He is? …
#1108, $7.00
A man misses a train and learns we must decide for Christ now and not assume we have plenty of time. …
25-Pack of Full Color Gospel Tracts, 3.5" x 5.5", 4 pages
#44970, $1.95
An injured miner sees, just before dying, that Christ receives those who come to Him. "Just in time!" …
#2277, $7.00
This tract is all Scripture, except for the questions: Why? Who? How? From What? For What? When? …
#2141, $7.00
Back fires set on the prairie provide a place of safety during a wildfire. The sinner's refuge is in a Savior who has already suffered. …
#41572, $7.00
We brought nothing into the world and we will take no wealth out of it. We would only have our sins to take were it not for our Substitute, Christ. …
#41196, $7.00
Your thoughtful service brings to mind God's knowledge of our thoughts and his love for us despite them. Now is the time to respond to his love. …
Laminated, Yellow Border, 3.5" x 2.38", 2 pages
#8408, $7.00