Kelly was certain the police officer would testify against him. He even tried to warn the judge that the policeman was about to lie. Was he? …
Full Color Gospel Tract, 4 pages
#40474, $7.00
A dramatic and memorable illustration of salvation. Good for young people, and people of all ages. …
Full Color Gospel Tract, 3.5" x 5.5", 4 pages
#6928, $7.00
MINIMUM ORDER: 100. Anthony disobeys his parents and gets in big trouble. Kids find out about an even bigger trouble — sin. …
Full Color Digi-Print Gospel Tract, 4 pages
#3788, $10.00
William Dixon burned his hand while rescuing a boy. Now his claim to a right to adopt the boy is his suffering. So Christ has suffered for us and so claims us. …
Full Color Gospel Tract, 8 pages
#5608, $7.00
How a bird defeated a snake — and who taught the bird to do it.
#9532, $7.00
The Guinness Book lists the world's most expensive tree as a n $11 million dollar Christmas Tree in Abu Dhabi. That's pit ifully cheap compared to the cost of the cross. …
#42210, $7.00