Bubbles, like sin, are pretty for a while but leave a big mess. Only Jesus can cleanse from sin. …
Full-Color Tract, 4 pages
#9890, $7.00
A gift is a gift — it cannot be purchased by the receiver. Former Title: Colonel Roosevelt's Mistake …
Full Color Gospel Tract, 4 pages
#41576, $7.00
Lightning strikes the soccer field and sends a message. One player responds, "If God is trying to tell me something, a letter would be nice." You have one waiting. …
#6878, $7.00
A simple, phrase-by-phrase, explanation of this wonderful verse.
Full Color Gospel Tract, 3.5" x 5.5", 4 pages
#44790, $7.00
Many have sacrificed much for freedom — and still have not been free of the greatest bondage — the bondage of sin. Romans 6:23 - Ephesians 5:2 - Revelation 1:18 - John 1:7 - John 8:36. Particularly recommended for Independence Day, Memorial Day, and Veterans' Day distribution. …
Laminated Gosepl Tract Card, 2.5" x 3.5", 2 pages
#4710, $7.00
Don't try to bargain with God. What He offers is wonderful, but He offers it on His own terms. …
#3910, $7.00
Carefully arranged verses present God's love, the sinner's need, the way of salvation, and the urgency of the message. …
#6192, $7.00
God loves every Muslim just as He loves you. Here is His plan and provision for your salvation. …
#41038, $7.00
Big news about "little" sins and how God sees them and deals with them.
#42332, $7.00
Do you have to hide part of who you are to be acceptable? It doesn't have to be that way. …
#9903, $7.00
Carefully ordered scriptures presenting creation, sin, guilt, God's gift, love and repentance. …
#1300, $7.00
A dramatic and memorable illustration of salvation. Good for young people, and people of all ages. …
#6928, $7.00
Yes, God is merciful — so merciful that He sent His Son to die! And God is holy — so holy that Jesus had to die to make you fit for God's presence! …
25-Pack of Full Color Gospel Tracts, 3.5" x 5.1", 4 pages
#1645, $1.95
A co-pilot is suddenly replaced by a friend who dies on takeoff.
25-Pack of Gospel Tracts, 10-Point Type, 3.5" x 5.5", 4 pages
#3290, $1.95
An Indian pearl diver tells the sorrowful story of the loss of his own son — which then prepares his own soul to receive the gospel. One of the great story tracts of all time. The unforgettable story of an old pearl diver illustrates God's matchless love. A good Father's Day tract. …
Full Color Gospel Tract, 8 pages
#4269, $7.00
A true story which memorably illustrates the consequences of neglecting God's offer of salvation. Alternate title: "The Monkey's Mistake" …
Full Color Gospel Tract, 10-Point Type, 3.5" x 5.5", 4 pages
#43342, $7.00
No designer? A child would laugh at the thought. We are made by God — and we are responsible to Him. …
Laminated Gospel Tract Card, 2.5" x 3.5", 2 pages
#9952, $7.00
No expiration date for God's love or justice.
#5575, $7.00
Many modern preachers have given up preaching about sin, but Death pitilessly presents the truth that all have sinned. Former title: "A Preacher of the Old School." …
#1133, $7.00
Particularly popular for Halloween. A true story of how a hunter caught geese by fooling them with innocent-looking pumpkins. …
#5797, $7.00
Life-saving serum was needed for Nome, Alaska, and despite great hardship, Balto and the dog team arrived in time. A picture of God's urgent and timely salvation. The greatest pandemic is sin. …
#41195, $7.00
Quotes from Warren Buffet on wealth, Michael Jordan on fame and more show the emptiness of pursuing these things. But tr ue happiness is found in Christ. …
#41431, $7.00
Awesome and overwhelming debt. What can you do about it?
#4096, $7.00
What's the biggest status change of this life? Leaving it and entering eternity.
Lamianted Gospel Tract Card, 2.5" x 3.5", 2 pages
#9879, $7.00
Lewis surprised the man. Then God surprised him, with the offer of eternal life as a gift. A classic gospel message. An incident from the life of L. S. Chafer. …
#44520, $7.00
Answers questions such as, Why talk about Jesus? Isn't belie f in Jesus superstitious and ignorant? and Of all the philos ophies and religions of the world — why Jesus? …
#42231, $7.00