Christ will return and He will judge.
Full Color Gospel Tract, 4 pages
#2304, $7.00
An atheist claimed that Christianity had done the world little good. A Christian responded by pointing to a dirty man and claiming that soap had done him little good — because it had not been personally applied. Former title: "The Remedy" …
#41571, $7.00
A remarkable story of how an unbelieving preacher was saved when called to help a dying woman. Religious knowledge doesn't save, but faith in Christ does. A good Mother's Day tract. …
Full Color Gospel Tract, 6 pages
#5609, $7.00
A classic and thorough presentation of the way to true righteousness which is found in God not religion. …
Full Color Gospel Tract, 3.5" x 5.5", 4 pages
#43056, $7.00
Carefully arranged verses present God's love, the sinner's need, the way of salvation, and the urgency of the message. …
#6192, $7.00
An injured miner sees, just before dying, that Christ receives those who come to Him. "Just in time!" …
#2277, $7.00
There are no true Christians in hell.
25-Pack of Large Print Gospel Tracts, 12-Point Type, 3.5" x 5.5", 4 pages
#2080, $1.95
Catholicism and Protestantism don't save. Salvation is not in a church or "religion" but in a person, Christ Jesus. A classic message. …
#5612, $7.00