An eagle's eyesight of nearly 1 mile is impressive but nothing like the all-seeing eye of God. How will he not see sin? …
Laminated Gospel Tract Card, 2.5" x 3.5", 2 pages
#4505, $7.00
Yes, God is merciful — so merciful that He sent His Son to die! And God is holy — so holy that Jesus had to die to make you fit for God's presence! …
25-Pack of Full Color Gospel Tracts, 3.5" x 5.1", 4 pages
#1645, $1.95
The historical Jesus is the eternal Son of God, and His historical death and resurrection are presently meaningful and effective. …
Full Color Gospel Tract, 4 pages
#42329, $7.00
We live in a visual age and are prone to trust our perception, but here are proofs that our eyes deceive us and that faith is more (and better) than sight. …
#42280, $7.00
Seven simple statements, each backed up by two Scripture verses, present a clear and concise gospel message. …
#6268, $7.00