Full Color Gospel Tract, 3.5" x 5.5", 4 pages
#43095, $7.00
How God answers a dying soldier's question with John 3:16. This is one of the most popular gospel stories of all time. World War 1. …
Full Color Gospel Tract, 4 pages
#40508, $7.00
Putting "doing" ahead of Christ is a dangerous business. Former title: The ABC of the Gospel. …
#5606, $7.00
Carefully arranged verses present God's love, the sinner's need, the way of salvation, and the urgency of the message. …
#6192, $7.00
God loves every Muslim just as He loves you. Here is His plan and provision for your salvation. …
#41038, $7.00
The worth of a soul.
#2327, $7.00
Carefully ordered scriptures presenting creation, sin, guilt, God's gift, love and repentance. …
#1300, $7.00
A famous physician recalls witnessing a whipping and an execution and relates them to having a substitute for his own sin in Christ. …
#9579, $7.00
Laminated Tract Card, 2.5" X 3.5", 2 pages
#7722, $7.00
Nothing more needs to be done to be lost or condemned. Believe on the finished work and shed blood of Christ to be saved. …
#41436, $7.00
Catholicism and Protestantism don't save. Salvation is not in a church or "religion" but in a person, Christ Jesus. A classic message. …
#5612, $7.00